Thursday 15 June 2017

Austria bans Burqa, Niqab in fight against Islamism

Austria's fight against Islamism continues with the passage of new laws that make it illegal to wear a Burqa or Niqab in public from 1st October. These garments are not part of core Muslim faith but rather a hostile declaration of Islamism and non-integration - both unacceptable here. The same law makes mandatory attendance for both migrant men and women at Austrian culture and language courses. 

The Libertarian part of me abhors any control over what people can wear - I'll defend to the death a young punk's right to express through bin liners, safety pins and a pink mohican his contempt for a corrupt world. And any man's right to wear ladies' vestments in public. That sort of thing. But these bloody black ghost garments are something different; anarchy in dress actually expresses uniformity of values, those values being freedom, liberty, liberalism, but the uniformity of Islamist costume expresses the opposite, expresses a destructive apartheid that we simply cannot tolerate. 

Christian nuns have long known that covering the hair and neck is a gesture of modesty; indeed, in my childhood all Catholic women were obliged to cover their hair in church with a headscarf. However, nuns have also long known that leaving the face and the eyes free was essential in order to communicate honesty and sincerity. 

As for my personal crusade with silly men who try to talk to me whilst they're wearing mirror sunglasses I simply keep repeating "Ich kann dich nicht hören" until either they give up or take them off, at which point my hearing is miraculously restored.


  1. There's another reason why being encased isn't so good, aside from soldiers who were killed by suicide bombers, they're a right nuisance when the gear is used by men for begging.


  2. This ban is a pathetic sop by Austrian cucks.

    It increases the arrogance of state while giving the impression they are getting tough with the RoP but actually doing nothing whatsoever to stop creeping islamisation.

    Try stopping all migrants --that would be some use. Take the vote off them. Even better.

    The ban is more useless security theatre and tough-talking but empty bullshit designed to fool the mugs.

  3. Its a start. No more mosques; no more funding of mosques. No more madrassas and no more funding of madrassas. Deport those that refuse to conform. Intern those born there that refuse to conform.

    Just a few useful suggestions.

  4. I expect that anyone who emigrates to another country should make an effort to fit in. At a minimum they must not attempt to subvert or overthrow the host nation and its culture.

    Part of the problem in the UK is that some native people here hate their own nation and culture, and seek to subvert it. These people wield a power out of all proportion to their numbers, using techniques of social control, and very often dominate the media such as the BBC.

    Whether the issue is marriage, the EU, "multi-culturalism", or Islam the accusation rings out that you are guilty of "hate" or a "phobia", unless you agree with them. They don't argue openly honestly and rationally, they just seek to shut you down.

    Of course Islam takes advantage of such cultural timidity (even self-hatred), because Islam is a conquering ideology, as well as a religion.

    Most ordinary Muslims will go about their daily lives unaware of such issues, simply providing a background of auto-bigotry. The in-your-face attitude of Islam naturally follows and is taken advantage of by those within the Muslim world who are actively fighting for the one world caliphate.

    So Islam, not just Islamism, is the problem. Not solely due to its own characteristics but because of our native fifth columnists.

  5. "I expect that anyone who emigrates to another country should make an effort to fit in. At a minimum they must not attempt to subvert or overthrow the host nation and its culture.
    No doubt you are right. How did the British behave in India (including Pakistan)? Just the same. But that doesn't make it right.

    However, I think the "black ghost" costumes are largely a fad or rebellious fashion statement, like piercings etc. There were a number of women wearing those things here (Middlesbrough) three or four years ago, but nobody took any notice of them, and I haven't seen any for a while now.

    Don Cox

  6. It's a MOHAWK not a Mohican. Mohicans had long hair.

  7. The covering kept desert sand out of long hair before it was used as a political statement in European climates.

  8. Don Cox said: "How did the British behave in India (including Pakistan)? Just the same."

    If the British did behave the same in India, it rather confirms my point about conquest by Islam.

    However the British actually didn't. Even at the height of empire there was no general attempt to convert the natives of India by usurping their culture or their religion. In marked contrast to the caliphate which uses slavery, torture and death on a widespread scale to do just that.

  9. Budgie said @ 09:15

    'Part of the problem in the UK is that some native people here hate their own nation and culture, and seek to subvert it. These people wield a power out of all proportion to their numbers, using techniques of social control, and very often dominate the media such as the BBC.'

    One paragraph from Budgie pretty much covers it. That tiny a group of self-haters with enormous power, who are trying to dispossess and replace us as fast as possible, is the political class - and I'm glad some anthropologists have taken notice, calling mass immigration 'genocide by instalment'.

    The Labour view of England is a giant social experiment and the Tory view is a giant business park. The English don't stand a chance between the two, nor for that matter do the Welsh or the Scots. I fucking hate politicians.


  10. This will do nothing to remove the threat of Islamic demographic conquest of Europe.

    The only solution is Separation.

    As the late Laurence Auster wrote:

    Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.

    But we cannot destroy Islam.· ·

    Nor can we democratize Islam.· ·

    Nor can we assimilate Islam.· ·

    Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
