Tuesday 27 February 2018

Whitewater ride for Brexit

There can be no-one left in Britain today, bar the poor 'Grayling' sods who have lost all reason, who imagines that the EU is a benign organisation. After fomenting conflict and death in the Balkans and Ukraine, they're now using the tensions in Northern Ireland to threaten the UK with a border war. Sadly the current Irish PM, Varadker, is a preening queen more at home in the darkness of Dublin's sleazy gay nightlife than in the halls of statesmen. He is a creature of Brussels and will do exactly as he is told, whatever the cost to peace and to the people of Ireland.

If anyone doubted that a fight against the EU is a fight against evil, this surely should convince the doubters.  

Brussels is said to be preparing tomorrow to destroy the progress we all imagined had been secured over Christmas. They will insist we impose a hard border in Northern Ireland, and we will refuse. Their driving the UK towards either a hard exit or a Labour government, a new referendum and a reversal of Brexit is deliberate and inescapable. This is not a negotiating process designed to ensure an amicable future, but unsheathed hostility and territorial aggrandisement, meddling by power-struck fools and amateurs in Brussels with an undistinguished record of failure, conflict, death and disaster in everything they've ventured. They're gambling, and playing with peace in Northern Ireland.

Corbyn is as big a fool as Varadker. His Customs Union stance neither endeared him to Labour remainers not cemented the Labour allegiance of Labour Brexiteers. It has, perhaps, turned the first cog of the ratchet that will lay a trail of 'reason' as to why the UK should not leave the EU, and a reversal of Labour's manifesto position. 

This is a whitewater ride for Britain. Either we find the courage in our hearts to come together to stand against the might of Brussels, or we surrender our wealth and our democracy, abase ourselves on our bellies and beg the unelected officials of Brussels for mercy. And yes, they seriously do believe the latter option is now possible.


  1. Cheer up. Have a read of this.
    "Always look on the bright side of life."

  2. is said to be preparing tomorrow to destroy the progress we all imagined had been secured over Christmas.

    Had we all imagined that?! I seem to recall that no one, whether BrexSShiteur, Brexiter, or Remainer thought it was anything other than an underwire(d?) fudge designed solely not to kill negotiations there and then? Merely a present from the EU to May to keep her power.

  3. And behind it is the Blair creature, working against the interests of his own countrymen/women, as usual....... along with the EU's paid servants in the House of Frauds.

    Oh for a Churchill, or Thatcher.

  4. Very well put Raedwald, can't argue with any of that, and would add only that we are reaching the Churchill moment, but unfortunately he is not in place yet.

    ...preening queen :)

  5. We are In this mess because May is a self serving and useless technocrat.
    She issued article 50 without any plan on how we were going to achieve her "brexit means Brexit" shite. She is as much to blame for our current situation as anybody. She and the useless tories have not said one thing yet that they mean and then stuck to it.
    They have made statements and then rolled over and swallowed it again and again.

    The EU are bastards. That is why we voted to leave. They were always going to act in this way. The stupid cow May should have done her homework!


  6. Best takedown of the Incompetent, Vicars daughter and the rest of the so called government yet.


  7. The biggest problem is the Fish Faced Cow.

    Corbin-who is trying to destroy the Bliar faction of his own gang--has made a very big mistake to think he can line up the white working class Leaver with well-off middle class Remainiac dross. He is a middle class Trot himself and has contempt for the very people who founded Labour.

    The FFC and her gang need to threaten every rebel very clearly. Use emergency/terror powers if needed. Make sure they are de-selected and leave politics sans compo and pension as a minimum.

    Were I PM treason and sedition charges would await any who voted against the whip. Probably would not get a conviction but enough abusive law exists to ensure they spent 3 to 5 years on remand apiece.

  8. Raedwald, I wish you'd exclude the poisonous "Jack Ketch" creature, who flings his crass schoolboyish insults merely to irritate and waste the time of grown-ups.

  9. Raedwald, surely you give the puppets in Brussels too much credit; are they not simply carrying out instructions? It must be clear by now, this is Germany playing the Great Game of Europe. The rest of Europe has already capitulated, it is only the damned British who have rumbled the plan and they must be destroyed!

  10. Further confusion is being sown in Ireland - both bits of it - due to the passing of the old generation of Republicans and their replacement with soft-mouthed children. The old gang may have been murderous bastards but they at least knew what they wanted. The new lot could easily tumble the North back into violence through inattention.

    May should just say that she will not have a hard border in the North but that if the South or the EU wants to build a Donald Wall then they should pony up and get building. It would never and will never happen. Ignore it all.

    The Boy Varadker is nearer to the abyss than he probably realises.


  11. What can 'we' do about it all anyway? We've had our say (ignored) and our Brexit position and all arguments for it are roundly ignored by the media and politicians alike.

    I place the majority of blame roundly in the laps of the media and BBC. Without their unquestioning support for the EU this issue would have been properly exposed to the public and the resultant pressure would have made a significant difference.

    The politicians have no fear of the electorate - if they get ousted they'll be kept in luxury until it's their turn again and there's nothing else we can 'force' them with. The media simply ignore all pretence at exposing truth or acting responsibly - craven cowards the lot of them.

    I only wish I was capable of raising a mass protest - it's something I'd normally admire from my armchair but on this issue I'm confident of spending time and money to travel to join a protest march on Parliament. If someone as placid as myself is thinking this way there must be a very, very disturbing undercurrent of genuine discontent ready to break ranks.

    We are led by utter shits. They themselves are supported by utter shits (media) and want to keep us under the control of foreign shits.

  12. An excellent though disturbing post Raedwald. Many of the comments are good too, though I would add that the Remain civil service is as much to blame as the useless Mrs May. Moreover I suspect that some of May's problem, apart from her lack of intellectual ability, are the die-hard Remain Tory MPs like Soubry, Hammond, Morgan, Grieve, etc, with her non-existent majority.

    This is what Alexander Downer (?), the Australian High Commissioner said on 25th Feb: “Australia would never contract out its trade policy or the regulations for the management of its internal economy to a group of other countries, we wouldn’t do it” - quote courtesy of Guido Fawkes. It is quite outlandish that the Remains should advocate it.

  13. Dave_G, Your final paragraph sums it up nicely.

    Right after the Referendum result, Remain went back on the campaign trail. They came out with some very effective propaganda shots. For example "Leave voters did not know what they were voting for". That is very difficult to counter truthfully - I know exactly why I voted leave, and every Leave voter I've met does too - but without extensive, sophisticated polling, it just becomes a shouting match. And Remain got their boots on first.

    Then the hidden Remain asset is the Remain civil service. I urged the government to get on with it from autumn 2016 on by snowing emails to my (now ex) Tory MP, and couldn't understand the lack of urgency, and lack of rigour. Not being a conspiracy enthusiast I put it down to incompetence. But not any longer. It's all too obvious.

    Why was there a 9 month delay to invoke Art50? Court cases? Cobblers - Parliament could have had a vote in summer 2016, just as they had to anyway. Couldn't find any British negotiators? Again cobblers - our civil service have been negotiating within the EU for 45 years. Then Art50 - we didn't need it because we could have given 12 months diplomatic notice and been out already. That would not have precluded negotiations but it sure would have focused them.

    What can you do? Write to the papers, to your MP, and on social media and blogs. Yes you'll get brushed off most of the time but the quantity will count. Donate to the various Brexit think tanks (Facts4EU, Freedom Assoc, Brexit Central, etc). Stop paying the BBC TV Tax. Avoid buying EU products - there's plenty of alternatives from cars to cheese. Talk to friends, neighbours, relatives about it - I was amazed that a Remain voter I talked to thought we had already left! Don't give up. And don't trust the EU or its shills.

  14. "Either we find the courage in our hearts ..."

    What's this "we" ? I thought you were safely out of it in Austria ?

  15. Ah anon I'm only 2 hours flight time away and the airport is just down the road ... I can be back and standing for Parliament tomorrow if necessary ..

    You don't cease being a British citizen or voter just because you're having fun pro tem restoring an old farmhouse in England's playground, you know ;)

  16. "They will insist we impose a hard border in Northern Ireland, and we will refuse. "

    I don't see the problem with this.

    Customs queues going into the RoI because the EU demands it. No queues leaving RoI because it's always been that way, even during the Republican communist supported insurgency.

    Anyway, the EU, would love to have a story in RoI that takes the spotlight away from their pillaging of Greece.

  17. Raedwald, I wish you'd exclude the poisonous "Jack Ketch" creature, who flings his crass schoolboyish insults merely to irritate and waste the time of grown-ups

    Ahh yes the wibbling cry of the snowflake BrexSShiteur: "we don't likess its, preciousss, makes it go awaysss!"

    You do know there is a scroll function to your browser, right? Protip: If it says 'Jack Ketch' above the comment you probably shouldn't read it.

  18. Readwald said:

    'This is a whitewater ride for Britain. Either we find the courage in our hearts to come together to stand against the might of Brussels, or we surrender our wealth and our democracy, abase ourselves on our bellies and beg the unelected officials of Brussels for mercy. And yes, they seriously do believe the latter option is now possible.'

    We're getting near to that point now - you know the one that sorts the men out from the boys? I remember the tingle in my fingers when the first round got thrown into the chamber and the safety came off. I was going to kill someone quite soon and I knew what a 7.62 could do to the human body. Switched on dry mouth here we go some silly cunt has stood up already and every fucker follows then the band begins to play. Battle, it's all about commitment.

    DeeDee99 said @ 07:34

    'And behind it is the Blair creature, working against the interests of his own countrymen/women, as usual....... along with the EU's paid servants in the House of Frauds.'

    Spot on mate. The good thing is we know who most of them are now - and don't forget Mandelson, he's been working the rooms ahead of everyone. I'd like to see a rope on that one.


  19. "They will insist we impose a hard border in Northern Ireland, and we will refuse".

    WTO rules state that if one country has a manned border then the joining country has to also. If we want to abide by WTO and not be penalised we have to comply.

  20. mikebravo: one man and his dog. Oh, and a shed.

  21. "Brussels is said to be preparing"............well so far whatever is rumoured has not appeared, but lets continue the speculation.

    I admit to admiration of M. Barnier. His pronouncements are factual, based on logic and usually well reasoned, the fact that they drive Brexitters to distraction is perhaps a reflection of the yUK position based on wishful thinking, ill-prepared documents and an inability to understand the system they lived under for the past several decades. Of course a customs border will be necessary in Ireland, unless yUK submits to the tariffs imposed by EU what is so hard to understand?

    Now to negotiation, the Davis/Fox/BoJo/Gove clown group cannot provide a sensible document outlining the "look-and-feel" of how the "great thrusting trading nation" that will be the UK will operate and relate to the rest of the world. So the EU sets the agenda and remainers get a free ride, if you do not like that then get organized. Proper planning and practice prevents piss poor performance.

    Any sensible negotiator would assess his opponents weaknesses and attack them. If an Irish border is on the agenda then yUK needs to counter. EU major weaknesses are-budget shortfall, Poland, Hungary, Spain/Catalonia, Italy election, Germany govt instability, PEGIDA/AfD, economic disparity, youth unemployment, islamic incursion, euro over-valuation. The davis clown group needs to remind the EU frequently that their empire is creaking and ready to fly apart and it just might be sensible to negotiate a mutually beneficial exit agreement so as not to add to EU problems. Actual preparation by yUK of the customs and coast guard infrastructure might also convince all observers they are halfway serious but once again ppppppp. (P7yUK a new abbreviation for Brexit?)

    Is the clown show capable of such action-I doubt it.

  22. Germany govt instability, PEGIDA/AfD, ....The davis clown group needs to remind the EU frequently that their empire is creaking and ready to fly apart and it just might be sensible to negotiate a mutually beneficial exit agreement so as not to add to EU problems.-Cas

    "Instability" compared to whom? Teresa & The Paisleyettes? The German government is many things, not all of them good but unstable it is not as the past few months have proved. What the Davis Clown Group seem not to understand , well one of the many things they don't seem to understand....even with analogies to London Boroughs..is that the one thing that really would break the EU is allowing the yUK to 'cherry pick' because then every other of the 26 would, quite rightly, be demanding equal rights. Trusk said it best with 'delusional'.

    Haven't heard the word 'PEGIDA' for ages now, do they even still exist? And the AfD will be wiped out at the next election, assuming they don't implode by themselves-they do keep trying, one has to give them full marks for trying.

  23. JK: you prove my point. You confirm your position as a troll, by engaging in crude insults you would never dare to say to my face, since I'd beat you rather severely. As for "snowflake", your puerile language suggests I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather - but more than capable of leaving you whimpering on the ground.
    RW: the onanist spasms of this creature detract from your otherwise excellent blog which I've followed for some years. It's a shame.

  24. Blocked Dwarf, comparison to the shitshow that is the current Maybe govt is liable to give a false impression. Everybody including Zimbabwe and South Africa looks sensible and stable by comparison.

    As a commenter who closely follows German politics, you assuredly cannot have avoided the meanderings of the various coalition discussions in Germany over the last months, which seems to have finalized with a Merkel/Schultz agreement minus Schultz plus a farther leftwing Nahles, then I lost interest. Basically they have a camoron/clegg bodged shotgun wedding that will not survive.

    Cherry-picking is an EU problem, it is up to the Davis clown group to negotiate the best agreement for yUK's interests. So cherry-picking would be the best gambit, threaten to break the EU apart then watch them suddenly get more reasonable, they have no problem threatening peace in Ireland.

    PEGIDA/AfD call them what you will, now polling in second place in Germany, how could you fail to notice? Will they self destruct like UKIP? I don't know, but it shows me that Germany is not the monolithic EU-loving culture that is presented by Merkel.

  25. @Unknown, I turn 50 this next month so unless you are from Norfolk it's fairly unlikely you're old enough to be my grandpa, unlikely although not impossible if you're a heavy smoker. Those who recall my postings ('brainfarts' if you prefer) on other blogs, such as Anna Raccoon or Grandad's, where I spoke openly about my past, warthogs and all, will realise why the rest of your reply amused me enough to retort....although I'm breaking my own self imposed rules of netiquette to do so.

  26. "You do know there is a scroll function to your browser, right? Protip: If it says 'Jack Ketch' above the comment you probably shouldn't read it."

    I don't.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Basically they have a camoron/clegg bodged shotgun wedding that will not survive. -Cas

    I disagree, those sneaky Teutons take so long to form a government precisely because they get all the possible bones of contention (who gets to buy the biscuits for the cabinet meetings and other weighty matters of state) ground up to make their pixie bread BEFORE they sign on the dotted line. However I believe the German Labour Party members still need to have their say...or did I miss them signing off on the GROKO already?

    TBH the whole PEGIDA/AfD thing is an East German (ie almost Polish) thing and as such I follow it in the same disinterested way I would follow the workings Yorkshire County Council.
    (repost cos I was doing that thing I do of skipping prepositions).

  29. "Jack Ketch": claims about your parasitic presence on other blogs do not convince. I suspect you're 15, not 50. If you were 50, your style of invective is sadly immature, and your observations woefully shallow.


  30. Ketch is treasonous scum . Let him and all the rest of the ReMainiacs rant.

    Calm and steady is and always was the way.

    Corbog and McNasty are trying for a quick throw to get elected. If they fail then their bullshit brand will degrade rapidly. Because they are evil shite who couldn't run a piss up etc.

    Sure the FFC is shite --but the Torys only need to put the traitors on ice long enough to win the vote. Threaten them with death if needs be. That has worked so far for scum like the Clintons.

  31. Isn't it odd how the EU and its Remain useful idiots so desperately want to stop us "cherry picking" as they call it? So, apparently, there is something better than their wonderful EU. Since all we want is free trade with mutual recognition which is common in most other trade deals, no wonder the EU apparatchiks are afraid that the rEU 27 will want some too.

  32. Blocked Dwarf, "the whole PEGIDA/AfD thing is an East German (ie almost Polish) thing".....quite possibly, I defer to your greater knowledge. However the are making a significant showing in the polls (which may or may not be accurate) and have a worthwhile number of seats in the Bundestag so they will be more influential than UKIP could ever manage.

    Back to Raedwalds post, I believe the clown show should be using every perceived weakness as leverage in the "negotiations" (have to find another word, that is too grand for what the clown show has thus far achieved). Next up the Italian election, and some Greek bond maturations I believe.

  33. Ahhhh I thought Unknown's style felt familiar; The Man From Upton returns.

  34. terence patrick hewett28 February 2018 at 20:02

    The turncoat has always been with us. As W S Gilbert put it:

    Those who "love every country but their own."

    Or as Palmerston neatly put it; those who propagate the view that "everything that was English was wrong, and everything that was hostile to England was right."

    But the turncoat has a traditional fate: they are never trusted again by those whom they betray and never trusted by those to whom they betray their country. They are the lowest form of life, acknowledged by every nation on earth.

  35. OT - McClusky's Corbynistas are attacking John Lansman and the apparatchiks are infighting like angry rats in a sack .. popcorn time :-)
