Friday 3 May 2019

Theresa May wipes out 1,300 Conservative Councillors

May's done it - she's creeping up on John Major's 1995 record losses for Conservative local government. With 10 councils yet to declare, she's more than decimated Conservative local government; she started with 5,521 local councillors and has eliminated some 1,300 -  24% of Tory Council seats lost.

In contrast Labour look to have lost about 100 out of 2,300 -  around 4%. However, Labour should have been drowning in seats. Last night McDonnell was predicting 400 Labour gains on TV - which meant he was hoping for at least 600.

Now Mrs May must realise this is a damning indictment of her leadership, but never explain and never apologise is the politicians' creed, so both she and the Party chairman have blamed Parliament's failure to pass the Selmayr-Robbins treaty for the debacle. Not her fault at all, they aver.

When the facts sink in over the weekend, when Local Associations stunned by the magnitude of the defeat turn their shock to anger, May's position will worsen considerably. Can she hang on until the Euros in a couple of weeks deal the death-blow? I hope so. I've got a bottle of Prosecco waiting in the cellar for her smug, silly medicated-to-the-eyeballs face trying to laugh off the 3 Conservative MEPs likely to be returned to Brussels.

In fact I'm already feeling quite chirpy - the massacre has somehow cheered me. Surely the end cannot now be far away?


  1. It's possible the Conservative party are akin to the Russian Menshevik party, squabbling amongst themselves while the Bolsheviks are massing against them.

  2. Cheerful Edward3 May 2019 at 19:03

    Face facts old chap.

    That dimwit referendum and its ineveitable consequences are what have wiped out the Tories.

  3. Have you seen the various comments around? See this BBC one...laughably some Remainers are seeing the LD and Green gains as a clear expression of a vote to stop Brexit! Not trolls, just brain dead fools

    1. When parties with Brexit as policy hold approx 5500 of seats contested and parties with Remain as policy about 1600. Inumerate remain numpties.

  4. Cheerful Edward, I think I mention you and your ilk in the last sentence of my previous comment.

  5. Cheerful Edward3 May 2019 at 20:28

    If people really do want EU exit, and given that TBP wasn't standing, then why did ukip lose three quarters of their seats?

    A turnout of 25-35% tells us only that plenty stayed at home, but that others turned out.

    It seems that Remain voters were the more likely to get off their backsides on this occasion.

    1. "If people really do want EU exit, and given that TBP wasn't standing, then why did ukip lose three quarters of their seats?"
      Because ukip became a screaming ground for autistic children and it's former voters stayed home

  6. The danger is that since neither the Conservatives, nor Labour, wish for the EU MEP elections to take place, there is the possibility they may cook up a deal at the last minute which enables the surrender WA to be signed and these elections avoided.

    On the other hand, Labour may be thinking that however badly they do in these elections the Conservatives will do so much worse that the GE they want will be definitely on the cards.

    I can even see the EU itself colluding with Mrs. May to produce a fudge to stop the UK’s involvement in the MEP elections as they also don’t want them to take place and thus allow the Brexit Party to win pushing the Conservative’s back into third place or worse.

    This EU fudge would only happen at the last minute because until then the EU/Mrs. May will be hoping the thought of a complete wipe-out at the MEP elections will force the Conservative MPs to vote for the surrender WA.

    1. @John
      And when that happens and the Tories hold 30 seats at the next election?

      It's dawning on even my most thick headed Tory friends that the WA is their death warrant not salvation.

  7. @John Brown

    I agree that the two main parties might conspire to halt the MEP elections but it would be a very blatant cancellation of democracy. All actions are now under the Brexit/Remain spotlight and any cancellation is only going to justify further the appeal of The Brexit Party in the next General Election.

    I know politicians are notoriously short sighted but a cancelled MEP election and a botched WA are only going to add to a WAxit campaign which will cause a greater upheaval than the Referendum.

  8. The EU Parliament elections will be atrocious for the EU; catastrophic for the CONs and dreadful for Labour as their midlands/northern working class vote deserts them .... which is why they will move heaven and earth to prevent them from happening.

    The Selmayr-Robbins Treaty must not pass. Labour now know that passing it will lose them their Leave-voting Constituencies, so they have every incentive to prevent "a Tory Brexit."

    And if they don't stop it the ERG must by resigning the Tory Whip, joining the Brexit Party and bringing the Government down.

    On the basis of the local elections, Sky News just predicted a General Election would result in another hung Parliament ..... ignoring completely that the Brexit Party didn't stand in the locals. The Establishment is still in denial.


  9. Cheesy Edward--remainiac trash--UKIP seems to have been smeared by the SJW "waycism" bullshit--which even Radders is daft enough to subscribe to.

    Be clear chump--there is nothing for your scum remain gang in these votes. It shows that the traitors and friends of tyranny voting were voting for the limp dicks and the even more vile greenshite because they don't like Jizz and his plans to tax their arses off and turn the UK into Venezuela. Any group fuckwitted enough to believe that two scummy traitors like Corbyn and May support any sort of Brexit are dumb indeed.

    Apart from FBPE mental case shite --Remain as creeps like you have endorsed it is dead.

  10. DiscovereJoys,

    For the majority of pro-EU supporting MPs in Parliament their priority of remaining in the EU is high above democracy and the well-being of the UK.

    Remember, they are quite happy to sign the WA, an international treaty, where we submit to EU laws, taxation and policies but without representation or veto and with no lawful exit EVER.

    So I would not be surprised to see the MEP elections cancelled, whether by the signing of a surrender WA or by a fudge colluded with the EU.

    The only issue stopping them at the moment is that the Labour Party MPs do not want to be seen by the electorate in future as helping this surrender WA over the line.

    For the signing of this WA will indeed become extremely unpopular as the electorate fully wake up in time to just how bad it is for the UK and this will undoubtably impact heavily on the MPs and parties who voted for it.

    There may well be “a greater upheaval than the referendum”

    But the pro-EU anti-democracy MPs won’t care as long as we are permanently under the yoke of the EU, without representation or veto, and without even an Article 50 to save us.

  11. Cheerful Edward4 May 2019 at 10:43

    Oh, I think that the UK will leave the EU, and it will be the best thing possible for the twenty-seven, Mr. X.

    The UK will probably end up in some CU and SM arrangement, so will have to follow most EU rules, but with no say in them, nor ability to mess things up for the rest.

    It's win-win, me ol' china!

  12. Timothy Waring (MA)4 May 2019 at 10:45

    It's not May. It's your self-defeating austerity measures. Why would anybody vote to cut back spending on infrastructure, police etc.?


  13. Sorry Cheesy but the tide has turned. Even if Jizz is mega-fuckwitted enough to sign up to support Treason May--an act of universe-numbing stupidity even for Jizz--the WA will be used as bog roll once the HoTraitors decks are cleared.

    So there WON'T be a WA with or without a CUnts union. Even if Agent Cob IS that big a fool it won't last. No good news for the likes of you Treasonful Eddy.

  14. "Why would anybody vote to cut back spending on infrastructure, police etc.?"

    Because we don't have the money. Britain is a rich country, much richer than it was 100 years ago, but not so rich that we can afford everything it would be nice to have. Taxation is already at or above the limit at which the take starts to go down instead of up.

    Anyway, the recent "austerity" that the spenders are making so much fuss about is negligible compared to the austerity we had under Sir Stafford Cripps in the Attlee government.

    I'm not saying that the selection of which things to cut back on is always right.

    Don Cox

  15. What's that I hear? Sounds like rushing flood-water? Maybe, just maybe, the water is rushing towards the Augean stable...

  16. Cheerful Edward4 May 2019 at 15:55

    Do you ever talk to any normal people, Mr. X?

    Maybe there are special prisons, just for illegal dog breeders.

    How long have you got, sunbeam?

  17. Bill Quango MEP4 May 2019 at 18:23

    How cheerful will Edward be when the EU’s nemesis, Agent Farage, sweeps the board at the Euro elections? Currently, possibly, polling at the 30% mark.

    How will he explain that the Lib Dem vote in the locals, that I’m assured means the uk wants to remain in the uk today, is not the same as the Lib Dem vote in three weeks time which won’t be that impressive, but, that means we don’t want to stay?

  18. Cheerful Edward4 May 2019 at 19:04

    So where are all these British Nigel's Plaything electees going to sit then?

    The latest is that a compromise deal is at hand, but we'll see about that, won't we?


  19. Cheeseful--you seem to have the standard FBPE incoherent ramble-streak. Stick with English even if you crawl to hostile foreign powers as a rule.I talk to lots more normal folk than the likely London Bubble leftist trash you hang about with you gorgonzola turd.

    Again--even if Jizz is the true Emperor of Stupidity and handcuffs his shower of of 1917 loons to the corpse of his supposed most bitter foe--it won't last. A GE will follow and Jizz corrupt rew of imported voters isn't big enough yet to cover his senile arse. He lost Labour 300 council seats over the last 4 years BEFORE he betrayed his own voters over Brexit.

  20. "Cheerful Edward said...
    If people really do want EU exit, and given that TBP wasn't standing, then why did ukip lose three quarters of their seats?

    A turnout of 25-35% tells us only that plenty stayed at home, but that others turned out.

    It seems that Remain voters were the more likely to get off their backsides on this occasion.
    3 May 2019 at 20:28"

    Allow me

    1. UKIP's work is done
    2. UKIP are a shambles now
    3. Tommy Robinson.

    Happy to help.

  21. All this is funny as f*ck, The Tories are getting what they deserve, Labour also - they should be miles ahead. LDs and Greens are in no resurgence, their spin that this shows they are winning is exacty the puke making nonseses that re-inforces anti-poltics.

    The % of vote so low not even sure the results can even be seen as legitimate - no vote, no consent.

    Both spoilt ballots and non attendance show the 'f*ck you none of the above' party won on a landslide.

  22. Cheerful Edward5 May 2019 at 08:14

    TBP isn't even a party. It's a publicity and lobbying firm, run autocratically by Farbage, financed by goodness-only-knows.

    It has zero internal democracy.

    Still, there are about seventeen million utter mugs, from whom to garner votes.

  23. Good job it isn't a party... Look at the dogs breakfasts that pass for political parties here.

    This is relatively new, so far only proven in Italy. Grillo, Salvini and Nigel are friends and Nigel has decided to try it here. A lean campaigning group that doesn't get bogged down in low level/class internal wrangling.

    The recent referendum was probably the most interesting political event since 1945, and these types of event need something different to traditional political parties in order to succeed. Those same political parties had been fighting over the EEC/EC/EU for more than 40 years before Cameron called the referendum.

    TBP will get to the heart of the matter one way or another much more efficiently.

    The party system that Cheerful Edward is by implication, supporting hasn't done anything constructive for over 100 years...

    Because it is full of politicians.

  24. Cheerful Edward5 May 2019 at 10:08

    So, democracy is a Bad Thing now, is it? Well the EU has oodles of it, compared to the British Nigel's Plaything.

    You're all over the place. Aren't you?

  25. Yes I know it is difficult for people of limited intellect Cheesy Ted, but sometimes different tools are required in order to preserve democracy.

    Your suggestion that TBP is not democratic implies that the Labor Party is.

    See what I mean?

    The point is that it is a tool which is used until it is no longer relevant, at which point a new tool is fashioned.

    Under the existing system, the fight is always between two dull and blunted tools, which is why a conclusion is never arrived at.

  26. Why does Tearful wet the bed Ted continually conflate Nigel with the Bravo November Party
    Showing his Socialist(non)Worker roots methinks.

  27. BP has no policies...good, NOTHING for the deep state and tame MSM to try to rebut.

    Elby the Beserk 21:20 "It seems that Remain voters were the more likely to get off their backsides on this occasion."

    No, even worse for LD etc, this was a protest vote, in many many constiuencies LD or Green were the only protest vote (apart from spoilt ballot).

  28. Cheerful Edward5 May 2019 at 17:01

    At least two of British Nigel's Plaything's directors were supposed to have left, because of their revealed far-right and racist comments.

    However, they are, in fact, still there.

    It's a cracker!
