Friday 7 July 2017

From the Desk of Mr Barrister Tony Blair

As with Nigerian 419 scammers, Mr Barrister Tony Blair doesn't himself address anyone. Such people imagine that heading a polite written request for £5,000 or an excuse for killing 100,000 people with the words 'From the desk of ...' or 'From the office of ...' adds gravitas to their own actual insignificance. Guys, it really doesn't. 

So we have Chilcot clarifying that the truth for Mr Barrister Tony Blair is what he believes it to be, and that he approached War in the same way an advocate defending a man charged with waving his todger about on the Central Line. For Mr Barrister Tony Blair, an emotional and persuasive appeal always trumps stuff like actual facts, real intelligence and credible evidence. And that probably goes for his Desk, his Office and any other objects that speak for him. 

But just as learned counsel don't actually deceive the court when they aver that their client claims he was just shaking raindrops from a newly purchased Bratwurst in that tube carriage, and that this could indeed have been the case, that there exists a reasonable doubt, so Mr Barrister Tony Blair wasn't actually deceiving us when he claimed with all his emotional wringing that Iraq might represent a threat. 

The difference is more than a £500 fine. Iraq is a nation drenched in innocent blood and spattered with detonated body parts, home to pain, suffering, desperation and despair, the source of Islamist hatred, and a graveyard for an entire generation. And for that we must thank the Desk of Mr Barrister Tony Blair, 419 scammer and blagger extraordinaire, a man who avoids jail as an eel eludes the hand. 

Coffee needed. I've got a vomity taste in my throat.


  1. Your last line echoes my feelings on T B-Lair, probably the only person I have ever truly hated in my life and I still do!

  2. Bang on. I still struggle to understand why he Is immune to prosecution.

  3. Blair is the most disgusting creature to ever occupy No.10.

    There are powerful people protecting him. That's why he is immune to prosecution.

  4. He is immune at the moment because real villains (unless brown) touch children, rather than murder hundreds of thousands of innocent bystanders.

    There will come a time when we will get things into perspective and blair will have to face the music, no doubt from a villa in Uganda or something.


  5. I find it telling that one of New Labour's first Acts was to abolish the Death Penalty for Treason.

  6. I understand that since all EU politicians commit treason on a daily basis, that this is one of the first laws that has to be harmonised before EU membership can happen...

    Most EU member states had a death penalty for treason against the state, but that has had to be shifted so that politicians operating within the EU cannot be touched...

    But hey, even the EU has standards and under the adopted ECHR terms and conditions, they have added an extra right... That of being executed for disloyalty to the union.


  7. In answer to the question "Why is Blair immune?" - it is because we have a political class that is corrupt to the core.

    They hang together, or they'll hang apart.

  8. How many Iraqis were killed by British troops during the anti-Saddam war ?

    Certainly not 100,000. That figure is just as much advocacy as anything Blair said about Saddam's supposed weapons of mass destruction.

    A more likely figure would be around 2,000 out of the total of around 190,000. Bear in mind that the British troops were sent to the more peaceful south -- Basra and neighborhood. Their main attackers were Iranian-linked militias.

    Let's base the case against him on the facts. It is stronger that way.

    There are still British troops in Iraq, fighting against ISIS, which has its roots in Saddam's secret service.

    Don Cox

  9. Don - I am referring to the Iraqi-on-Iraqi deaths from the ungoverned anarchic chaos created by the invasion; certainly now many hundreds of thousands from sectarian killings, car bombs, mass executions. The tsunami of blood that has flowed in Iraq post-invasion makes Saddam's rule look actually benign

    And we took on Basra without the capability to pacify and govern it, retreated in humiliation with our backs covered by US forces. That's Blair's fault, too.

  10. Raedwald said:

    '..Iraq is a nation drenched in innocent blood and spattered with detonated body parts, home to pain, suffering, desperation and despair, the source of Islamist hatred, and a graveyard for an entire generation. And for that we must thank the Desk of Mr Barrister Tony Blair, 419 scammer and blagger extraordinaire, a man who avoids jail as an eel eludes the hand.'

    Ain't that the truth.

    For whatever reason and following his own agenda to suck up to the 'leader of the free world', he damned us and the rest of the free world to decades of strife and upheaval that will mirror in breadth the wars of the Middle Ages. I fear we are just at the beginning.


  11. For all you hate filled people out there. I'd recommend a visit here

  12. @ APL

    Well, I feel truly blessed by that, as in the French blessé

    And I really think that Chilcot "played a blinder" with that report of his, don't you, what!

  13. @APL Sorry anything mentioning "GLOBAL" is immediately relegated to arse fodder.

  14. I think Blair should be castigated more for what he did to the economy ,aided and abetted by the second worst PM we ever had.
    Iraq was a terrible mistake but it would have happened anyway and we would have had clean hands ,for a while.
    But suppose it never happened ,no invasion and Saddam went his merry way ,along which there can be no doubt that he would have collected whatever unpleasantness he could ,and likely used it on Israel ,at the very minimum.
    Would there have been a point at which we would have thought it necessary to intervene? Because looking back, Saddam had no internal enemies that could overthrow him and he was ,shall we say ,not the full shilling when it came to reality so I think there would have been a situation where Blair could have looked back and said , I told you so.

    Doesn't mean he isn't a slimy unpleasant stain on the history of our country but....

  15. I don't dispute Blair's culpability over Iraq, and the consequences, but for me his most damaging and long lasting detrimental effect is the culture of spin and manipulation of the media and civil service. I was a minor civil servant in the 1970/80s, and there was plenty to criticise, but there was a fundamental integrity which has been hugely damaged possibly beyond repair. It's rather the difference between Yes, Minister and The Thick of it. His casual constitutional vandalism has helped pave the way for Corbyn and god knows what horrors.

  16. Prawns Sandwich8 July 2017 at 17:02

    Blair is a narcissist whose oxygen is excessive need for admiration and exaggerated feelings of self importance.
    In the context of the Iraq war he desperately sought the approval of Bush and the admiration of the American people(eye on future earnings from speaking circuit). His greatest moment was addressing the Joint Houses and, once he had given Bush his word on joining in the war, the Congressional Medal of Honour followed. He has yet to collect the medal.
    On how I feel about Blair, Barnacle B says it for me.

  17. It's rather the difference between Yes, Minister and The Thick of it. His casual constitutional vandalism has helped pave the way for Corbyn and god knows what horrors.

    Very perceptive.

    Making lying an everyday, necessary part of government did immeasurable damage to the country.

  18. @ miker22 said at 16:34...And isn't that just what obama has done in the USA with the leaking holdovers still in place, must be the lefts M.O.

  19. Whispers say that before he rose to infamy he got pulled for cottaging. The Beak took one look at the Halloween lantern he married and let him off, awarded him a tenner out of public funds by way of pity.

  20. I think the spin and manipulation was already in operation under the devious Harold Wilson.

    But Blair and his sidekicks made it much worse.

    Don Cox

  21. I recall in the mid 60's Wilson visited a foundry where I was working. We were pouring iron when he and his entourage arrived and I had to follow him round with a shovel full of sand in case any splashes came in his direction. I was amazed how small he was, and suntanned, must have just returned from a jolly.

  22. "an emotional and persuasive appeal always trumps stuff like actual facts, real intelligence and credible evidence."

    It's not just Blair. This is the way all of politics is starting to work; Corbyn's astonishing "success" is down to the same thing: he comes across as a nice old guy, and feelings are what matter now.

    Facts and data are simply nowhere - look at the Global Warming scams if you need any more evidence.

    Personally I blame the universal feminisation, of, well everything really.
