Thursday 14 September 2017

'EU is not a benign force' says Herr Juncker

In an extraordinary speech yesterday in which he admitted the full anti-democratic malignancy of the EU Empire, Herr Juncker, the Federation's senior unelected official, finally put paid to the hopes of UK Remainers. As Nigel Farage in the Telegraph points out, after yesterday, there is simply no-way now that the UK 'Remain' bloc could ever win another referendum. In a series of coming power-grabs that emasculate Europe's nation-states and disenfranchise a population of over 400 million, Herr Juncker set out his plans -
  • A single, unelected, Federation President, with full powers
  • A standing Federation army
  • Full Federation tax and fiscal control over the 27 satrap states
  • Federation alone to determine foreign policy
  • Funding block on all anti-EU parties, but generous funding for Federations own 'tame' parties
  • EU immigration policy compulsory for all members
  • Euro made compulsory - robbing nation states of the last vestige of independence
British politicians who claimed during last year's referendum campaign that warnings of these EU ambitions were 'fantasy' are now left looking very foolish, and Soros-funded shills and Brexit saboteurs now stand revealed as the anti-democratic agents of a most malign and dangerous totalitarian force. 

Whether Europe's people will acquiesce in their own disenfranchisement and the destruction of their nation-states is another matter. But the UK will now never regret making the decision to leave.


  1. I wonder if we won't see SOE revived to help those across the Channel try to resist this latest conqueror steam rollering over their democracy?

  2. I am not hearing howls of outrage from the EU 27 citizens. I am not hearing the smaller independent Countries telling the expansionist EU to back off. The media is not critical of the EU ambitions. What is wrong with them?

  3. This seems very like a reprise of the grab for power in Germany on 5th March 1933.

  4. It's not good enough Raedwald... You missed the line about comrade commissioners' annual waxworks display on "Europe Day".

    Oh how we laughed at those comical soviets, lined up along that kremlin wall all those years ago.


  5. It all sounds a lot more like China than America. At least an American President gets elected.

  6. Druncker's desire to see all your bullet points implemented does not bode well for Europe. I can't see the eastern European states putting up with this sort of sh1t for too long - they've already been wound up sufficiently by being ordered to take gimmegrants. I can see them leaving in due course, with Poland probably being the first.

    Mike Spilligan alludes to Hitler's "Enabling Act" no doubt - and he's right to. What we are seeing now is the open declaration of a European Soviet, where dissenting parties are de-funded or banned, where state's right are overridden and it's people's trampled under the wheels of the EU behemoth.

    Barnacle Bill's suggestion that we should revive SOE has merit, but then it would in effect be the continuation of English and later, British foreign policy for the last 400 years. To make that effective we need a root and branch clear out of anybody with even the slightest "remain" sympathies.

    Druncker's speech is telling for one other thing, to make such a declaration means that "they" have in effect given up trying to do a deal with us, for his words must sear the heart of every traitorous "remainer" in these Blessed Isles. No "remainer" dare not start throating off - for the vitriol they will receive will be instant and very damaging.

    If any of the EU commission wanted to try and keep Britain in the EU, they must be seething with fury at Druncker - suits me, and let's face it, never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

  7. Also in Mr. Juncker’s list :

    Further EU expansion.

    A policy of continued immigration into the EU from the Middle East and Africa.

    The further removal of national vetos with the extension of QMV or simply EU commission decisions.

    But no mention of how the EU intends to replace the UK’s budget and other fiscal contributions.

  8. I think we all knew this was their plan from the start before we even joined. Us leaving will make no difference,they are just one country short.

  9. "But no mention of how the EU intends to replace the UK’s budget and other fiscal contributions."

    A very valid observation John Brown but having seen what they did to Greece. Any state joining the EU Federation had better have very deep pockets for the German bankers to loot.

    So whilst President Erdogan may think he's going to get his grubby fingers into the EU till. I think he may find the boot is on the other foot. Despite his best attempts to turn Turkey into the sort of state Herr Juncker must have wet dreams about nightly.

    1. Erdogan doesn't want to join the EU, he wants to lead it.

      With the EU facing an annual 1% replacement rate of white europeans with a variety of muslims, plus much higher birth rates, it wont be long till he can count on at least a third of the machinery accepting him as Sultan

  10. Anonymous said...
    I am not hearing howls of outrage from the EU 27 citizens. I am not hearing the smaller independent Countries telling the expansionist EU to back off. The media is not critical of the EU ambitions. What is wrong with them?

    14 September 2017 at 06:20
    Well, you haven't been listening then have you? The Eastern bloc countries have been doing exactly that. Do keep up.


  11. Either Drunker is showing contempt in the face of insurmountable power to prevent the EU heading where it wants to go, regardless of anyone elses opinion, or he truely is mad as a box of frogs.

    Having said that, Dunker DID walk out mid speech by the Austrian rep who wasn't alone in criticising the EU's current, let alone future, policy process. The Netherlands and Poland made their contempt known as well and the Hungarians et al are already wound up to the nines over enforced immigration.

    This might turn out to be worthy of a sitcom.

  12. I suspect this mad speech and ambition will gladden the wannabe presidential hopefuls, no doubt. Bliar daft enough to think anyone but a German would be in the frame.

    It is, however, the very heart and sole of the federalist ambition as already pointed out. Whatever it should and possibly will herald the closing chapters of this sickening project. Well done the UK for voting to leave.

  13. Dave_G said @ 12:57

    'Having said that, Drunker DID walk out mid speech by the Austrian rep who wasn't alone in criticising the EU's current, let alone future, policy process. The Netherlands and Poland made their contempt known as well..'

    Glad someone else is paying attention, mate. After his speech and into the follow-up debate it was clear some of the inmates were unhappy: one after the other they dripped acid on Junker's impersonation of Napoleon Bonaparte. So what did they do to quell these upstarts? They cut the live feed from the chamber.

    Later that day the BBC's Damian Grammaticas was able to say "his[Junker's] speech was warmly welcomed", which as we all know is bias by omission, a BBC speciality*

    Nigel says:

    "Thank God we're leaving.."

    *Other examples:

    The Rohingya Psyops: Waging Covert War on Myanmar

    NATO’s Anarchist Brigades


  14. Only one eventual outcome to Juncker's crazy ambitions; war.

  15. Fourth Reich?
    Looks increasingly like it doesn't it?

    Hate to say it, but TOLD YOU SO...

  16. The Remoaners will never hold another Referendum to attempt to overturn the last one: they know they'd lose it.

    Instead, all they have to do is win a General Election with a manifesto commitment to take us back in - far easier to do when you understand how many will vote Labour for the "free money" promised to every special interest group.

    As for the EU, the Mask is off now and once again, it is the Brits who have spoiled the plans. I hope the Eastern European states (and Ireland) refuse to submit and join us outside the 4th Reich.

  17. What's surprising about this is that anyone is surprised.

    The Telegraph had a massive front-page spread about Druncker's speech, as if it were news, or told us anything we didn't already know.

    But this has been their plan all along, as everyone knew.

    Why the sudden outrage?

    I suppose the answer is, because it shoots the Remoaners' fox once and for all.
