Monday 4 September 2017

EU prepared to bleed 27 nations dry in order to hurt UK

Herr Barnier, an unelected EU apparatchik, declared yesterday that the EU will teach the UK the consequences of leaving the single market - irrespective of the cost to the 27 remaining members. Our pain, he said, will serve as a good lesson to any other nations thinking of leaving. This level of Euro-fanaticism, in which the good of the EU institutions and their unelected officials rides roughshod over the people, businesses and nations of Europe, has been exposed by Herr Barnier's own very poor performance leading the Brussels team.

That this is indeed, incredibly, the self-obsessed position of the EU is substantiated by their obsession with the UK 'divorce bill' - money which will benefit only the behemoth in Brussels and its bloated bureaucrats in their corrupt, tax-free Nirvana. The good of the people of Europe, of national economies, of trade and citizens' welfare comes very low on the EU's agenda. 

Indeed, the EU's pressure on the UK and Irish governments to reintroduce a border - against the natural wishes and inclination of both nations - is motivated solely by a concern for EU tax revenue and the maintenance of protectionist and restrictive trade barriers that cost the people of Europe billions in higher food costs. 

All of which are of no concern to the EU's unelected officials. They are prepared to bleed their 27 member nations dry to preserve their own corrupt privilege.


  1. Just the fact that these despots think punishing a Country (and their own citizens) as an example to intimidate other memberstates should be enough for every thinking man to support leaving.

    We could withdraw from the negotiations, Barmier and the EU are not negotiating in good faith, they never will, so let's just cut to the chase. Inform the EU and the 27 heads of state we are withdrawing from the negotiations and why. Leave the door open but the clock ticking, in 2 years we are out WTO will be used in lieu of a trade agreement.
    If the spoiled little men who run the EU want to continue to punish the UK by imposing stupid restrictions, tariffs or even encourage a boycott of British goods and services then so be it.

    Mrs May will need to up her PR game though. The MSM and elitists will try to crucify her.

  2. God knows why we want leave anyway...

    ...Tractor production is at an all time high.


  3. The time for our Brexit negotiators to walk is fast approaching. It should be apparent to them they are just banging their heads against a wall. Reasonable and compromise just do not seem to appear in the EU dictionary.

    Perhaps the phrase "It'll all be over by Christmas" should be the watch words for our team to conduct themselves by?

    Turning to the MSM everyone of them should be charged with high treason. But then again that slippery eel T B-Lair took that option away from us.

  4. The EU Gauleiters haven't spent 70 years stealthily building a European Empire just to let the captive nations walk away.

    They know the UK can't be bullied and, thanks to our global connections, we'll do just fine outside their clutches.

    They're now threatening the other 27 (26 if you exclude Germany which has achieved the Nazi aim without a shot being fired).

    Our job is to achieve a decent deal if we can .... pour encourager les autres who may want to leave.

    Or, if a deal isn't possible, walk away and demonstrate that that is also an option for les autres ..... who we will support via immediate free trade if they make that choice.

  5. This isn't going to end well folks, it can't with this level of ill will. You can be hostile in public if the other side is implacable but our side has been the definition of reasonable thus far. We will pay all monies due for membership till we leave. On top of that we will pay for various commitments for the foreseeable future and together those run into hundreds of millions of pounds sterling annually. Other commitments are strategic and worth their weight in gold. We will be an excellent ex-partner and a true friend.

    This latest outburst from Barnier will further damage the image of the EU here in the UK. Nobody likes a bully. It will be fascinating to see how the BBC/ITV/Sky spin his words into something reasonable.



  6. We have more to fear from our own establishment traitors than those ensconced in the EU.

    Barmier is an irrelevance and a distraction whilst the 5th column agitators within continue to do their damage.

    The blindingly obvious and disparaging treatment meted out by Brussels is totally and completely ignored by the media and missed by much of the public. The level of disgust it would generate should it be more widely advertised would be an instant death knell for the EU's attempts to keep us in.

  7. The EU is behaving like an abusive husband who expects the abused wives to stick around because leaving will be worse. "If you leave we will hurt you more" "if any of you other wives think about leaving, well just look how we treated and punished Britannia".

  8. Ironic, surely, that the EU's approach to these negotiations is used by both Remainers and Leavers as support for their position.

  9. If they had an army they would be threatening us with it - in a peaceful way of course.

    Going by's outpourings we will certainly be blockaded by them at the very least.

  10. Great blood letters, those Krauts - so what's with these other "27"? Are they so fond of their Jerrie Masters that they'll go along with being bled?

  11. They will happily lock is out of the EU and prevent the EU from selling to us without a tariff. And we will quite happily keep buying VWs BMWs and Mercedes' built in North and South America and other products bought from countries that will appreciate the tariff-free trade. Unless the EU establish a naval blockade.... And we know how that went the previous two times don't we? 2 nil to us and the Americans....

  12. It does seem that Jeremy Corbyn has fallen into the trap of bending to the Blairites' will at just the moment when it has become apparent, even to the Remains, that the EU is an abusive partner.

    So much for Corbyn's "principles" which he has sold out for power in the Labour party; and so much for the EU sticking to its own rules, which are routinely jettisoned to maintain the EU elite in power. Some people in this country never learn.

  13. Recent comments by James Dyson and Boris Johnson at least show that there is a slight glimmer of reality if you look hard enough. It is not, however, to be found in Downing Street or in the BBC...
