Tuesday 3 April 2018

Alison Saunders - a vile monster who should never have been appointed DPP

There was a degree of celebration yesterday at the defenestration of Alison Saunders, the most vile, unsuitable and disastrous DPP in living memory. The woman is a monster, driven by a bigoted ideology that has led to gross injustice and a neglect of police time spent on rapidly increasing crimes in categories other than the targets of Saunder's twisted zealotry.

As Allison Pearson writes in the Telegraph (£)
What the CPS statistics did not reveal was the embarrassing number of men brought to trial for rape on wholly inadequate evidence, and swiftly acquitted. Saunders wasted huge resources on her hobbyhorse, particularly high-profile campaigns relating to often imaginary historic sexual abuse.
Meanwhile, the crimes most people care about – burglaries, stabbings, shoplifting, public disorder - were booming. Home owners were told that they should not expect to have break-ins investigated, as the police were too busy (quizzing schoolboys who had shared photos of their genitals on Snapchat, no doubt.) At the weekend, it was confirmed that the unthinkable had come to pass: London now has a higher murder rate than New York.
The worst DPP in living memory, a person who politicised and poisoned the criminal justice system, seemed to regard trials as an annoying impediment to locking up the accused, causing untold misery to innocent men and their loved ones.
Good riddance to utter rubbish - but she should never have been appointed in the first place.

And not for the first time the probity of the members of the Electoral Commission has been called into doubt after four of them were caught making public anti-Brexit statements. The role of a Commissioner requires absolute public political neutrality. 

Again, perhaps not a surprise - these key quangos are still packed with Neolib ideologues spreading their poison long after their political and professional death. 

There needs to be a mass cull of all vile monsters, the placeholders, the has-beens, reptiles, dinosaurs and saboteurs still crowding our national institutions. They will hold this nation back, stuck in a state of monstrous injustice, bias, vile prejudice, establishment self interest and corruption. More than ever we need fair, balanced, open, equitable, democratic and representative appointments to these posts and these bodies. This old dross must be culled. 


  1. The electoral commission are responsible for ensuring fair elections are they not? And private citizens had to organise (and pay for?) the pursuit of justice in Tower Hamlets.

  2. The old dross will simply be replaced by newer dross.

    The Establishment will have to find cosy sinecures for all those "loyal members" who are displaced from their taxpayer-funded positions in and around Brussels/Strasbourg by the serfs' vote to leave the EU.

    Anyone would be forgiven for thinking they have a COMMON PURPOSE to impose their ideology on us.

  3. Bring on the Ecksian Purge.

    Rarely has the departure of a public figure been met with such relief.


  4. Saunders tenure as the DPP is simply an expected result of 60 years of the marxist/post-modern/anti-West march through our institutions. What did anyone expect FFS! People have been realising that it is this marxist/post-modern/anti-West dogma is leading to the end of Western Civilisation unless we do something about it. That is why Brexit and Trump are being fought against so viciously, because whoever wins those will win the day. It all hinges on the survival of the nation state - which the Left hate so much.

  5. Alison Saunders appointed July 2013. This was a Tory appointment. What does that say about the Tory party?

  6. Oh and by the way, can we accept that simply being in possession of a vagina doesn't automatically make you a better manager, director, Lawyer, now please?

  7. Who next? Harriet Harperson?

    Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss!

  8. I wondered why you had chosen to illustrate this piece with a photograph of the rear of an albino ox possessed of chronic haemorrhoids.

    But then my excuse is I'd never bothered to search out a photograph of this person before.

  9. Keir Starmer wasn't much of an example of excellence either.
    We now have prosecutors and judges that think they make the laws and MPs that are happy to let them (and the EU) do it.

  10. It would be uplifting if this were to actually be 'the draining of the swamp' - a precise and lethal killing off of this NGO/Third Sector/Common Purpose cancer.

    “ ...hope springs eternal in the human breast...”

  11. caught making public anti-Brexit statements

    Quelle horreur ! Quick call the WAAAAAAAmbulance! Someone in 'High Office' has DARED to question the dogma of BrexSShite?!?! Every member of the EC is entitled to hold and voice his own opinions, just as those Supreme Court Judges did. The question isn't about neutrality but whether or not they are capable of making decisions/findings in accordance with the law.

  12. One mustn't judge a book by its cover - but I had a look at that gurning gallery of Electoral Commission officialdom several weeks back and couldn't help myself rapidly forming a negative opinion of what these folk might believe and how they might go about their business.

    jack ketch -you're barking up the wrong tree mate - that lot take decisions and then set about the supporting evidence - I guarantee it.

    Having looked at their biogs in addition to their mugshots I'm more dispirited than usual about the calibre of people who are appointed to public bodies.

    ps Pearson isn't going with immediate effect - she's in post for a while yet and one has to wonder how may fellow travelers she's imported / promoted at CPS - what about them?

  13. Hands up anyone who's seen more than one of those Police! Camera! TV programmes where the Police have kicked down the door of some chavs house and nicked the owner for having a room full of cannabis plants or a gun only to hear Jamie Theakston's commentary reveal that the CPS failed to prosecute through 'lack of evidence'...

  14. @ Mr. Miller,

    Gospel, I thought it was a photo of Eddie the lizard.

  15. Looking at those mug shots I see Benny Hill/ alias Fred Scuttle is alive and well !!!

  16. She's got the sort of face that only a mother could love.


  17. terence patrick hewett3 April 2018 at 16:03

    I am a member of two professional institutions: one scientific and one engineering. Both of these institutions were crawling with pro-EU officers until a few months ago. Now they have all vanished because members voted them all off at the annual elections. I had not voted for 10 years but I voted this time and I gave my support to those with Asian/Commonwealth/US/Oz/Canada/NZ/SA connections and withheld support from pro-EU shills: it seems that I was not the only one to have the idea. So everyman can make a difference in ridding us of these parasites.


  18. Saunders is the creature of the Fish Faced Cow May. Who is also full of BluLabour Marxian femminist dross.

    Long past time the state , the Unis, the schools etc were all purged. And the SCS. All gone sans compo and pensions. Common Purpose made a banned organisation. All gone to the QUANGOS and the NGOs.

    And as for you Jack--a T&S charge and a little but nasty accident on the way to the cells is what you should be served up double quick.

  19. It's great news, except that the rumours are that the Tories will appoint someone just as bad if not worse.

  20. Saunders.....May......Rudd......Dick. See the problem? Absolutely useless, over-promoted wimmin, in positions of power. Rampant crime cannot be solved while this group are in charge.

    But then again,
    Saunders......camoron......May......Dick was no improvement.

    Unfortunately the deadbeats in the electoral commission shows amply the root cause of continuing decline in yUK, corporate stagnation. People in posts for all the wrong reasons, marking time, draining critical capital. Managed decline from top-to-bottom, .

  21. No doubt Alison Saunders will ensure that the 78 year old house-owner who has been arrested for killing one of two armed burglars in his kitchen will be prosecuted for murder and the family of the dead man will get compensation.
    This would conform with modern justice.

  22. @English Pensioner

    and her twitter feed would no doubt have #NoDeathPenaltyForArmedBurglars for that poor,murdered, VICTIM of home owner violence.

  23. There's a reason criminals were called "outlaws". They chose to exist outside of the law.

    Therefore they did not have access to the law themselves. Also known as "live by the sword, die by the sword".

    If you threaten another person (and yes, entering another person's home by force, even if you are not armed, is a threat) then you must have lost your protection by the law.

    Using 20:20 hindsight, even if you are a High Court Judge, is totally unrealistic and irrelevant and uses an inhuman approach to punish the wrong person to prove how wonderful and caring you are.

    The Left are only too keen to use violence for their own ends but hate to see it used by others.

  24. English Pensioner 4 April 2018 at 12:29

    They can't charge him with murder. Murder is predicated on premeditation - and there is none. They might, just might, get away with involuntary manslaughter.

    Personally I'd give him a medal for ridding the world of one piece of scum and saving huge amounts of money in Police and court time.

    Aforementioned scum got what he so richly deserved

  25. Murder is predicated on premeditation-Raps

    Not quite correct I'm afraid, or rather the definition of 'premeditation' is rather broad: for example if he'd kept an illegal firearm in the kitchen drawer intending to use it to defend himself then that would be premeditation. If the CPS feel he staged or encouraged the whole robbery to, say, con his insurance then that would be taken as showing premeditation too. Or if the CPS feel he was capable of disarming the attacker without killing him or risk killing him then that too would mean it was murder.

    My guess is that when the police turned up , he DIDN'T use magic words "I was afraid for my life and the life of my wife." or worst case,upon being told the attacker was dead, said something like 'good riddance'.

  26. Jack Ketch, The "question" fundamentally is "about [the] neutrality" 0f the Electoral Commission members. The existence of four incontinent Remain drivelers in the EC calls into question their ability to make fair judgements. Or any judgement.

    It would be just the same if they came out supporting Labour or Conservatives. Frankly it is corruption - they use their position as a lever to spread their partisan views. The fact that a Remain like yourself can't see it is proof of how deep the rot is.

  27. Right wing nutters here...


    Disabled toilet.


  28. "Disabled toilet."

    Go drown yourself in one you leftist puke.

    1. Mr Ecks, you can fuck off.

      Your face will be down the Disabled toilet. Lol...
