Friday 5 October 2018

Restoring British Liberalism means freedom from both Brussels and Whitehall

Mrs May, the consensus goes, did a fairly good job of reading-out at the party conference the words written for her. Most agree it has bought her at least another two weeks in power. But like one of those theatrical-cuisine meals with drizzles, one wonders after leaving the restaurant whether one has actually eaten at all. Allister Heath has pinned down the problem (£)
Ban, tax, regulate and intervene some more: Britain’s new modus operandi is grim indeed. The stream of silliness never ends; petty, meddling officialdom, empowered by the most controlling, puritanical government in living memory.

Only fashionable freedoms, such as the ability to get divorced at will, are promoted; unfashionable ones, such as the right to eat whatever we wish or to keep more of our hard-earned cash, are trampled upon in extraordinary fashion. There is ever-more red tape, and the tax-to-GDP ratio has reached its highest level in decades. This is neither real conservatism nor real liberalism: it is mushy, unprincipled, command politics, a regression to the Whitehall-knows-best mentality of the disastrous Harold Macmillan era.
This is the consequence of having since 2010 first the dilettante Cameron in Downing Street, and then the Whitehall puppet May. Neither have an innate understanding of the meaning of Conservatism or of true Liberalism. Until we finally break Whitehall's 1940s grip on power, a wartime-only grant of British freedom which ever since they have  refused to relinquish, we will never regain our true freedom.  

Meanwhile, Herr Tusk, one of the EU's unelected presidents, joins the Brussels grumbles about 'lack of respect' for the EU by the British press and commentators, after the Foreign Secretary's comparison of the EU to the Soviet Union. I for one have the greatest respect for the EU; in particular for
  • Being able to subvert billions in national taxes to return as 'gifts' 'grants' or 'investments' to those who paid the taxes in the first place
  • Allowing the fraudulent use, theft, peculation and false accounting of millions more in citizens' taxes in ways that shame crooked Russian oligarchs as GRU-type amateurs
  • As a public body, hiding, refusing access to, distorting, misrepresenting and omitting financial information at all levels, from crooked expenses to institutional malfeasance, to prevent any meaningful scrutiny of fiduciary probity
  • Enabling the capos to crookedly appoint as consigliere Martin Selmayr, a man whose principles are flexible enough not only to accept the appointment without shame but allow him to develop with Teutonic aggression the organisation's institutional corruption
  • Stifling, choking and suffocating democracy in Europe whenever Europe's citizens dare to exercise their fundamental Human Rights at the ballot box; universal suffrage and the secret ballot are the weapons the bent capos of the EU fear most, and are most determined to destroy
  • Destroying an entire bedrock European nation - Greece - to save the French and German banks. As Jonathon Bond writes in the Speccie, €230 bn of the €280bn 'aid' package for Greece has gone straight to EU banks without rescuing a single impoverished Greek.
Above all, I respect the EU's simple and powerful Mission Message "Ever Greater Power and Corruption".

Whitehall, of course, has been for forty years no more than the branch-office of the Berlaymont, deepening and furthering the crooked destruction of British liberal democracy by the EU. It is time to clear the thigh-deep shit from those Augean stables - but for that we need a Conservative Leader.


  1. We won't get freedom restored by electing a Conservative Leader; the Parliamentary Party is now stuffed with LibCons who will never allow a real conservative to make it through to the final two for the members to vote on.

    We need a radical; but the electoral system is completely stitched-up to ensure it never happens.

  2. Whilst I agree with the message here Raedwald, we are talking about bare naked socialism in its various forms here.

    The kids that run the civil service can't help it though... It is the way they was brung up.

    First rule of the lefty, get the kids, and you get the nation.


  3. To repeat myself: fire the Senior Civil Service en masse, without a penny compo and their pensions confiscated. If needed use Bliar's Civil Contingences Act to prevent any attempts by the sacked scum to run to lawyers/judges. They go out and stay out.

    The chief enemies of a decent UK would be out on their cultural Marxist arses and shock waves of terror would flow thro' the wannabe global elite all around the planet.

  4. "Being able to subvert billions in national taxes to return as 'gifts' 'grants' or 'investments' to those who paid the taxes in the first place"

    Expecting people to be grateful for getting back a small proportion of the Danegeld they have already paid. Of course that 'gift' goes into the hands of local government and the construction industry. It's almost as if the corporates are quite happy with the way the EU works...


  5. I wonder how Ketch will defend these accusations - whether he will 'graciously' accede to the inevitable truth that the EU is both corrupt and worthy of dismantling or continue to defend all the 'advantages' of the UK remaining part of such.....

  6. As Jonathon Bond writes in the Speccie,

    Have to disagree with you and Mr.Bond on that one. His view that there is no irresponsible borrowing without irresponsible lending is a corner stone snowflakey,whingey brexiteer-type national-socialist belief. If I take leave of my senses and borrow more money than I can afford to repay then that is solely my fault.Not the bank's, not Raedwald's not Uncle Tom Cobbly's. Mine and mine alone. Part of growing up. It isn't the job of banks to make decisions for adults or nation states. Pure snowflakery to cry about your own bad decisions. Banks have a duty of care towards their shareholders and investors not towards borrowers who should have known better.

    "Oh b-b-but Wonga kept offering me more loans" should get the answer "they forced you at gunpoint to sign on the dotted line? No? Then it is entirely your own fault -sell the car, the house, your collection of signed erotic von Farage posters and come to some arrangement but don't come grizzling to me". Same goes for Greece or even the yUK. Instead of demanding the return of the Elgins, put them on ebay. Sell Corfu to the Germans. Kitchen table Thatcherism 101.

  7. Uhm, even bankruptcy proceedings leave workmen with their tools - the courts know they can't repay their debtors unless they can earn money. What the EU has done is sold Greece's toolbag and the scooter she used to get to work on - leaving 44% youth unemployment that will be a permanent economic drag (no early work experience means long term unemployment) and so on.

    The EU has done to Greece what Morgenthau wanted to do to Germany - luckily, we had Marshall instead. A benevolent EU would have directed investment, growth, industry and employment to boost the Greek economy - a carrot to offset the stick - but what we've got is the German scorched earth policy.

  8. What the EU has done is sold Greece's toolbag and the scooter she used to get to work on

    That's probably an accurate analogy. My personal opinion is that Greece should , as a first step, leave the Euro (they, along with all the other 'southern' states) should never have been allowed to join in the first place) and maybe even the EU (Yes really, I see a far better case for a Grexit than ever for Brexit). But that doesn't change the fact that the Greek misery is their own fault and blaming the Jew York bankers, the EU or the Germans is only making their situation worse.

  9. @Dave_G I have never denied the corruption of the EU -nor of Wasteminister for that matter either. Infact just the opposite. It should probably fill me with pride that our politicians are not only corrupt but do it, on the whole, with a degree of mastery and subtlety (mostly) that the EU can only dream of.

  10. @Mr Ecks (5 Oct at 08:43)

    To repeat myself: fire the Senior Civil Service en masse, without a penny compo and their pensions confiscated. If needed use Bliar's Civil Contingences Act to prevent any attempts by the sacked scum to run to lawyers/judges. They go out and stay out.

    The chief enemies of a decent UK would be out on their cultural Marxist arses and shock waves of terror would flow thro' the wannabe global elite all around the planet.

    Yes...yes. YES!

  11. A couple of not unreasonable comments from JoK Kitch at 11:30...

    But then the gratuitous crap re: "Von Farage"

    You are a sick puppy 'squire.

    Who, except you mentioned the blessed Nige?

    I reckon that he would take a very similar attitude in regard to folk wildly spending beyond their means as Kitch hisself.


  12. But then the gratuitous crap re: "Von Farage"


    Yeah I was originally going to say 'Sam Fox' because I'm not up on my poster-girls and anyways several of our younger readers would have gone 'Huh?' and then had to google. Further more SF is a friend of a friend so I decided to go for a poster-Boy who is almost a big a tit as SF has.

  13. You are a sick puppy 'squire.-RW again

    A true sicko would have said "erotic Dianne Abb...*excuse me I need to go chop my typing fingers off*

  14. At the risk of sounding sycophantic and fawning, I don't think I can disagree with any of what you say. You have summed up the EU perfectly. A bunch of lying, scheming, oligarchic, anti-democratic, self serving cunts...

    1. I love your last sentence but I usually distil it down to 3 words. B.O.C's!

  15. There is only one significant political party that actually wants to Leave. Every other party wants to remain locked to the endemic corruption within the EU - eloquently described by Raedwald - which Jack Ketch naturally avoids addressing.

    That party is of course UKIP, which is expanding its policies to cover areas that the MSM won't talk about, or are condemned by bloggers as "far right". Policies such as defending free speech, opposing cultural-marxism, and even - God forbid - talking about Islam.

    Try Neil Hamilton at UKIP Conference to see:


  16. JK said: "I have never denied the corruption of the EU,"

    No, but you body swerve the other 'criminal aspects' of the EU

    subvert billions in national taxes to return as 'gifts' 'grants' or 'investments' to those who paid the taxes in the first place

    Stifling, choking and suffocating democracy in Europe whenever Europe's citizens dare to exercise their fundamental Human Rights at the ballot box

    to list but TWO...... neither of which are subject matters that can be conveniently ignored just because 'it's the EU and we should stay part of it'.

    So, please enlighten us commenters by JUSTIFYING the EU in respect to just those two 'small issues'. We're all .... interested.

  17. @Dave_G I don't see the first as a problem, rather the object of the exercise and a GOOD thing. The second point you mention is a pure Brexiteur the EU demonstrates on pretty much a daily basis atm (to my great annoyance I might add as I think two wrongs don't make a right and the last thing we need is another plebis-cide).

  18. Raedwald identifies two impediments to a successful Brexit in his final paragraph.

    "Whitehall, of course, has been for forty years no more than the branch-office of the Berlaymont, deepening and furthering the crooked destruction of British liberal democracy by the EU. It is time to clear the thigh-deep shit from those Augean stables - but for that we need a Conservative Leader."

    Does anybody here believe there is such a thing as an electable conservative leader? And were that mythical creature somehow elected, who believes that the civil service could be made to represent the wishes of this mythical conservative leader?

    yUK is too comfortable after 70 years of managed decline, pitiful ejoocayshun systems, second world healthcare, terrible infrastructure and worst-than-serf levels of taxation.


  19. @JK

    Wow! You truly are a traitor to your country.

    You must feel so superior.

  20. That was a reply to Diocles by the way!

  21. I agree with J Ketch ( WHat a suprise! )

    The people complaining of "marxists" are those who don't know the differnce between Social Democracy & Communism - which indicates that they are actually US_Rethuglicans & probably rabid christians as well,

    And the traitors to their country are... Rees-Thugg & Lawson & Murdoch & all thother VERY RICH proponents of Brexit, whose money is on offshore trusts, waiting for the "Disaster-Captalism" moment after Brexit, when they can rob us all - just like Trump/Koch & their cronies.

    The mometary, scientific & economic collapse from a no-deal or minimal-deal Brexit simply don't bear thinking about.
    But we will have to face up to that.

    Withdraw At 50 - sometime before 29 / 03/ 2019 - PLEASE?

  22. Who is respnsible for the catastrophe in Greece? (as a particularly stark example) The cradle of western civilization is well on its way to becoming (if it isn't already) a failed state. Damage has and is being inflicated from which it might never recover.

    There is a very simple answer - not us!

    Forget the corruption of the EU degenerates. That is a side issue. Its not their corruption that caused this disaster, or the unfolding catastrophe of the Euro, but "the project". Their dreams and hopes (I'm honestly not being sarcastic here) and above all their messianic belief in their own righteousness coupled with a healthy dose of that age old poison "the ends justifies the means".

    If you wanted to remain, or want to rejoin on far more onerous terms (which as radders has pointed out previously is what trying to nullify the vote will result in) that means you want these people to make our laws, control our economy, determine who we can talk to in the world and on what terms. And above all, you're happy for them to do this completely unrestrained by any sort of democratic checks or balances. That means for ever, which in practice is until the whole rotten edifice collapses into who knows what sort of an ecomonic and political chaos.

    Are British politicians as bad? What if they are? We at least have some means of changing them as a soverign nation.

  23. Periodically there emerges in Europe a totalitarian/authoritarian ideology, sometimes imposed by war, sometimes by terror, and sometimes imposed by a combination of social and economic pressure conducted by a takeover of existing institutions.

    Of course socialism has recently been the root of such evils: as in the National Socialists and the Soviet Socialists. But when war and terror have failed, socialists try the "peaceful" ways of by-passing democracy, and relying on bribery, corruption, corporatism and propaganda.

    Some people, being both intellectually and morally feeble, are attracted to the benefits of irresponsible, centralised control and a feeling of belonging to the most powerful gang on the block. There is no other explanation for the sort of blind adherence to the reprehensible EU we see daily.

    It is a measure of how far we have sunk that while National Socialists and Soviet Socialists only collected a fringe in the UK, the EU ideology has duped millions.


  24. Stick to your oblivionism Tingey. Your mind is altrady 99% there.

    What a great surprise you are a left puke. And that you agree with a traitor like Ketch.
