Monday 26 November 2018

Your fish belong us

The EU's strategy in humiliating and beating down the United Kingdom is becoming clear. Aided by a deluded Mrs May, the first stage is to bind, enchain and tangle the UK in a withdrawal treaty that will leave us unable to escape the jurisdiction of the EU and ECJ unilaterally - a treaty that divides mainland Britain from the province, and allows the EU to keep us dangling waiting for a trade agreement.

The second stage is to make that trade agreement conditional on the UK giving up its international rights to exploit, manage and conserve the resources of our 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone. 

Unless MPs reject the poisonous treaty on December 12th, our nation will be crippled by political uncertainty, corrosive in-fighting, bitterness and resentment within the realm that will continue for at least two years, as like a drowning man we flail desperately to stay alive as a nation while 27 hands are holding our head under the water. 

Our nation. Our waters. Our rights. 


  1. The level of sheer anger being wrought over this treasonous deal is spreading. People I know who take less interest in such happenings are actually contacting me to express their discontent. This is unprescedented in my experience but goes to show that the public at large (imho) are not going to sit back and watch as this tragedy unfolds.

    There will be trouble - and if .gov isn't aware of the levels of discontent then they deserve everything they bring upon themselves.

    Unless this 'deal' is dumped I predict a riot.

  2. I have been a member of the Conservative Party for about 50 years, and an activist for about 35. I have managed to vote conservative in every election, national or local, since I became eligible to vote. I have even voted for conservatives when I disliked the Leader, including Heath, Cameron and May, as the alternative party for government has always been worse. I live in a constituency with a Brexiteer Tory MP with a large majority.

    So what can I do to get my feelings across that I don't want the Deal, and I don't want May to lead us? Tear up my membership card? Resign from the part? What the hell good will that do except give me a short moment of satisfaction? How do I vote for policy?

    There are multiple things I do not want the government to do (Overseas aid) and things I would like them to do that they don't (death penalty for terrorists) - and I've always accepted that the conservatives are a broad church. Even though I'm an ardent Brexiteer, I would have accepted the Referendum result if it had gone the other way.

    The answer, I'm afraid, is simply to let my piss boil.

    The HoC is stuffed with Remainers, and the Conservative Party, by and large in the HoC is Remainer. In the Referendum, Conservative activists were prevented from using any party resources for campaigning: L-Ds campaigned actively for Remain, and there was the Cameron Leaflet. Suppose a Brexiteer had become PM - they would have been brought down by now. Even today, May would win against a challenger.

    We are well and truly up shit creek without a paddle.


  3. Anon--Thanks for the defeatism but no thanks.

    We have two weeks write to every Tory MP and Association and tell them how fucked the Tory Party is if May's turd goes through and/or they block no deal. Write to every Labour parasite as well if you can. Write on paper to Tory HQ. If every Brexit supporter and enemy of this sell-out wrote to Tory HQ that would be 20 million plus letters.

    As big a shower of remainiac scum as lots of Tory MPs are they also know they are whistling past the graveyard and that none of them will EVER again have as cushy a job as they now have. Despite silly talk on blogs the EU has no reason to pay them a penny piece and nor will it when May's treason is free. No Tory remainiac will enjoy being on the dole in Corbyn's paradise.

    Keep fighting.

  4. Hate to admit it but Mr X is right. If all the still-want-to-leavers put actual pen to paper or even just a few million of them....
    The various leave-cults need to become active, prepaid letters (which can also be sent via the internet-like Lmail or Moonpig) perhaps?

    But going by past performance, Leave couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel.

  5. Bollocks, Macron is toast so who cares what he has to say, he will be gone and probably much of the EU as it is now will be too.

  6. @Jack...

    "....But going by past performance, Leave couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel.

    Apart that is from, against massive opposition, a successful "Leave" vote.

    The problem arose after leavers were told that they had won, and now it was time for the government to actually leave.

    I am sure that many leavers like me accepted that our government would keep its word.even though some of us, including me, started to become suspicious when after a short series of "mishaps" all leave minded candidates for the vacant premiership mysteriously fell by the wayside.

  7. As for the matter in hand, as highlighted by Raedwald above...

    Even though I have never been on a trawler, or even been more active as an angler than snagging a few chub as a boy, my first episode of "activism" was to go to a meeting at the Methodist Hall in 1997 to see John Redwood, Lord Stoddart and other like-minds speaking about the destruction of our fishing grounds by the EU quota policy.

    Norman Lamont sat next to me, so I was quite annoyed when because of that, the BBC chose to focus its NewsNight cameras on me for what seemed forever (probably about 10 seconds). I was actually taking a sickie from work at the time.

    Long winded way of saying, that even though I had voted "no" in the 75 referendum on remaining, it was fishing, our government's attitude to our coastal towns, that they could be just abandoned for the "project" with millions of people sentenced to poverty, that made me join UKIP and become fiercely anti EU, and for a chronically sick man to become somewhat of an activist.

    Recently, I went to Whitstable to see Aaron Brown and Nigel setting fire to an old trawler, and it made me feel physically sick to see those thoroughly nasty remainer lefties shouting and barracking those brave fishermen, whilst photographing it on their WTO iPhones.

    God, they are so dumb.

  8. Apart that is from, against massive opposition, a successful "Leave" vote.-rw

    Funnily enough that ,and pretty much your lines after, were in my original draft for my comment -of course expressed somewhat less subtly than you. But then I thought 'I'm preaching to the choir' and if Leavers haven't realized, by now, that winning the plebis-cide wasn't enough then they were beyond help.

  9. Quite right Mr Ecks. What is it with this dismal defeatism?

    Here we have that grubby little granny shagger openly gloating about how we are to be humiliated. Like wait until the stitch up has actually been done you cunt of all ages!

    How many who voted remain voted for that? How many who voted remain, seeing this vichyite whore carrying on like this wish they hadn't? Well I know a few.

    It looks like May's vile treason will be voted down - probably for party politcal reasons but what the hell.

    On 29th March next year, we will no longer be a member. The clock is ticking for them to get an alternative stitch up in place. It is simply no longer possible to delude yourself that it would be anything else.

    The Reich has made it clear that this "deal" can't be changed and they are relying (as they have from day one) on their poodles here to do it for them. I'm sure they'll try but can they?

    Tory MPs can surely see that May could well be leading them to extinction. I can't see how they can recover from this whatever happens. Are Labour really any better? Is catweasle going to win an outright majority whenever?

    I'm still hopeful of no deal from March. Only four months now.

    Future historians will look upon this stupidity with awe and reverence. The Indians who sold long island for a handful of coloured beads are philosopher kings by comparison.

  10. Please support my efforts to star an email campaign - see over at my place today.

    You can email the PM at and
    She won’t answer you if you’re not in her Maidenhead constituency, but it should piss off her local office.

    To send a message to Number 10, you need to use

    Make your feelings known. It’s time to get angry…

  11. To contact Downing Street the form here is the best way.


  12. I'm beginning to sense a pattern - but then again I'm not the fastest to pick such things up.

    Anyway...... it's CHILDREN.

    No wonder the likes of May, Merkel and Macron are childless. How could they possibly look at their own children and say 'I'm doing this for the good of your future' and keep a straight face?

    By comparison we have people like J R-M who, with multiple kids, can hold his head high and tell them he did his level best to make their futures prosperous, free and happy.

    Sadly even J R-M won't be able to do that now.

  13. J R-M who, with multiple kids, can hold his head high and tell them he did his level best to make their futures prosperous, free and happy by moving the family jewels to Ireland.

    to which the mini-moogs reply "Thank you, Pater".

  14. Pater gratias ago tibi....


  15. Let’s cut the Mogg bashing.

    Pretty soon, the poor blighter will need to be f8nding £300k pa in school fees.

    Crowdfunding - anyone?

  16. Dave_G...
    Italy: Paolo Gentilon (since dethroned)
    Netherlands: Mark Rutte
    SNP Nicola Sturgeon
    Sweden: Stefan Lofven (also now out I think)
    Luxembourg: Xavier Bettel
    Switzerland: Simonetta Sommaruga
    Ireland: Leo Varadkar
    As Mark Steyn said last eyar" "The leaders of Europe's biggest economies, and all the European members of the G7, in fact, are childless".

  17. "The Indians who sold long island for a handful of coloured beads "

    I believe the Indians in question had no rights at all to Long Island and were just wandering around in the area. So the conned the white men out of some goodies and went their way chuckling.

    Don Cox

  18. Well if you really want to do something, you should follow Mr Ecks advice and write to these MPs, they have a majority of less than 1000 votes. If they wish to maintain their very cushy job they should be listening VERY hard to the electorate. (List stolen from Guido Fawkes, I am sure he won't mind)

    Byron Davies Conservative 27
    Amanda Solloway Conservative 41
    Chris Matheson Labour 93
    Gavin Barwell Conservative 165
    Albert Owen Labour 229
    James Davies Conservative 237
    Rupa Huq Lab 274
    Calum Kerr SNP 328
    David Nuttall Conservative 378
    Margaret Greenwood Labour 417
    Andrea Jenkyns Conservative 422
    Holly Lynch Labour 428
    Ruth Cadbury Labour 465
    Oliver Colvile Conservative 523
    Tom Elliott UUP 530
    Jackie Doyle-Price Conservative 536
    Wes Streeting Labour 589
    Daniel Zeichner Labour 599
    Paul Farrelly Labour 650
    Simon Kirby Conservative 690
    Lucy Allan Conservative 730
    Caroline Ansell Conservative 733
    John Woodcock Labour 795
    David Mundell Conservative 798
    Chris Green Conservative 801
    Rob Marris Labour 801
    Graham Evans Conservative 806
    Alistair Carmichael LibDem 817
    Dr Alasdair McDonnell SDLP 906
    Danny Kinahan UUP 949

    You may wish to support Dioclese effort as well, though I fear it is just too easy for a Jemima to access the Inbox, select all, delete. There is a list somewhere of Labour MP constituencies that voted Yes in the Referendum, those MPs should also be targetted.

    At present the best recruiter for NO to BRINO must be Macron, he seems to have crystallized the vote to one very emotive issue.

  19. And the great sea-faring nation of yUK brings more good news.

    Your schoolboy Minister of Defence has announced that three patrol vessels (previously discussed here) are not quite as knackered as the Royal Navy previously pretended, and will be kept in service. As is the norm no new budget is identified so one expects that the crews will work for free and have a whip-round for fuel bills and food. Such are the new operational guidelines in DisMays

    The jolly little chubbo female pictured will no doubt fiercely defend your fishing fleet and protect you from the scourge of "female smuggling". Did some reprobate in the back holler "fitness test", why sir we do not rely on such things in the modern armed services.

    In good news, the Norwegian fleet seems to have gone all-in for female crews and are busy running their advanced frigates into oil tankers, so should Brit fishermen decide to poach in Norwegian waters I doubt any dire consequences could be envisaged.
