Thursday 9 May 2019

Is Now the time we destroy the Political Class?

You may recall we previously quoted Betz and Smith of King's on the 'capture' of the British State by the political class -
"Here are different kinds of political ice cream for sale, but when licked they all turn out to have roughly the same unpalatable taste: a bland, socially progressive, anti-traditionalist, globalist, corporatist flavour."
"... At the same time a technocratic political elite has arisen that is willing to contract out decision-making to supranational organisations like the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, and United Nations on just about everything from finance, the law, border security, and the environment."
"With the rise of the new political classes, a different political dynamic is emerging. Drawn from similar backgrounds (often middle-class, university educated, with little prior career experience outside politics itself), members of parliament increasingly sound alike, think alike and act alike. The evolution of a monochrome political establishment is producing a radical disconnect, which the Brexit denouement is throwing into stark relief. What we appear to be witnessing is the corrupt mutation of the notion of the representation of the people in parliament, into the substitution of the will of the people by the interests of the political class. We are entering the realms, no less, of state capture."
I think they understated one key aspect, which is now becoming very clear. When the only politicians we see and hear, the only politicians interviewed by the MSM, the only politicians speaking in Parliament are from this homogeneous amorphous globalist corporatist patrician blob, we really can't imagine our democratic representatives as being different. Well, all that is rapidly changing - and again, it's Nigel Farage that's doing it.

Mike Greene, the Brexit Party's candidate for Peterborough, is interviewed in the Telegraph, and even in print he is as refreshing as an alpine spring. On the disgraced and dismissed former MP for the city, Greene, himself a local lad, says
"She was a complete joke - had never lived here to my knowledge. I attend lots of business and charity functions and in two years I never saw her. What a let down. She went to prison for lying, came straight out and voted against the 61pc who voted for Brexit. It is absolutely right that she has gone and my passion for standing is to help deliver the democratic vote."
Well, that's the sort of straight talking we can expect from Nigel's candidates - it's the voice of authenticity. What would the representatives of the mainstream parties say if asked the same question? Probably something like
"Fiona has done valuable work for the constituency and served the people of Peterborough well as their MP. Unfortunately, she crossed the line and now is the time for another to take her place. We will continue both her service to the constituency and the strong duty she felt towards those things in which she believed"
You can hear the dififference; one is a crystal clear mountain rill potable at source, the other a polluted lagoon of putrescent sludge unfit for human consumption.

Mrs May herself is the sine qua non of the political class' hollow rhetoric; there has rarely been an MP so accomplished at dissembling, so practised at omission, distortion and misrepresentation. When faced with authentic, honest candidates who have all had careers and successes elsewhere in life before representing the Brexit Party, politicians such as May are exposed for what they are - dishonest betrayers of all they pretend to represent. If this is the start of the destruction of the Political Class, bring it on.

Mike Greene - an authentic political voice


  1. Yes, please.

  2. It is a refreshing idea that a candidate for a parliamentary election is not only business savvy, but is actually highly regarded outside of the narrow margins of one's local party clubhouse.

    If he says that he wants to offer his services to the community...

    He really means it, and local people know that he does.

  3. It says much for the Brexit Party's line up of candidates for the European elections. With the Exception of Farage, Widdecombe and possibly Claire Fox, not one of them is a politician. They have all had 'real' jobs. Listen to them at the rallies which are drawing very large crowds. They are plain speaking ordinary people. Entrepreneurs, academics, Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists and a whole host of other types. It is refreshing, and the one thing they all have in common is that they are determined that democracy is to be maintained and not crushed underfoot.

    TPTB are making a mistake if they underestimate TBP

  4. My contention is that every large organisation, business, political party, public service, or charity ends up being 'captured' by those who work within it. The aims of the organisation become bent towards the benefit of the people within it.

    Events sometimes cause a wholesale realignment back to the original aims of the organisation. The Tories/Conservatives have executed several big and deep u-turns in the past to stay relevant, but they have been held back from realignment by the tenacious grip of the EU (also overdue for substantial reform).

    Arguably the Conservatives have been captured by their workers and are no longer authentic in the eyes of the electorate. Labour have had a recent 'back to the roots' moment but the authenticity is still lacking.

    But the Brexit Party are too young to be jaded and self-interested. They have authenticity (for however long it lasts).

  5. Let the tumbrils roll ..... figuratively speaking, of course.

  6. Cheerful Edward9 May 2019 at 08:12

    "But the Brexit Party are too young to be jaded and self-interested."

    Anne Widdicombe et al. Oh aye.

    It's the way ye tell 'em!

  7. Westminster is our problem. The system has been in place too long. Its occupants are too comfortable and nothing punctures their sense of self-importance. They (nearly) all have delusions of adequacy. Meanwhile, the outside world has changed fundamentally - and Westminster has not changed nearly enough. We need a major injection of Direct Democracy to combat the lying politicians who claim that they know (better than the citizens) what the citizens want.

  8. @decnine:

    I often comment here about the need for citizen triggered binding direct democracy, however it is something that represents quite a divergence from our traditional system. If it ever becomes "the norm" it will be long after I have "run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible".

    What we are looking for are "representatives" in the finest Burkeian tradition, people with no axe to grind, who have reached a point in life where service is more of an interest than career. Which is precisely what Nigel is aiming at. He has recognised/remembered that the vast majority of Brits are conservative, regardless of whether they have voted or not, for red or blue or neither.

    Conservatism is the natural state of the tribes and the humans that live within them, their financial or social status is irrelevant, nature decrees that conservation is easier than recovery or wastefulness. It is why we used to have savings accounts, they weren't just places for politicians and EU civil servants to raid.

    The Brexit Party represents a revolution, it is Nigel's vision of how to proceed in this great exercise in renewal. It may fail, I hope not, we are desperate, we have tired of hearing what commenters like cheesy edward have to say, we now need to try something new.

  9. Have a minimum age for MP's, 35 or even 40.
    Limit them to two terms in office with the option of returning after two terms back in the real world.
    Rewrite civil servants terms and conditions, new government can cull and replace whoever they wish,at any time.
    Remove the useless eaters living in Buck House and make us a republic.


  10. The daily dirge of alarmist pronouncements who's only 'cure' is a Globalist version of control - since the issues are all 'global rather than regional' - should be a massive warning shot across any right-thinking persons bows but the issues concerned have been (cleverly) presented to be 'unarguable' - I mean "won't someone think of the children"???

    We will see much more of the alarmist side of things as time progresses - the recent (albeit tragic) case of the young girl who, it is claimed, died from an asthma attack ostensibly brought about by "London's failure to manage pollution" is another dangerous step towards knee-jerk politics (with a subtle end purpose of course).

    You can try to attack the Globalists politically such as creating a Brexit Party that represents ordinary people but even the Brexit Party won't be able to challenge the "children" if it is issues that will affect them that is being used to direct policy.

    Global warming alarmism is roundly derided (see any comments section when articles supporting them are made) but the added threat from particulate pollution, species loss??? What next? They've got 'gas', 'air', 'water' and 'solids' covered by campaigns that are building rapidly and can 'only be fixed by Global instigated Government'.

    Media support for the nut-jobs that want to curtail everything we do is all too apparent and they seem to be on the ascendant.

    We need to start responding to these so-called global threats to expose them for, largely, the over-stated and politically-motivated issues they really are. The UN made statements decades ago about uniting the world through manufactured threats to our environment and with Climate Change being exposed for the scam it is - you can't argue with nature - the introduction of the next level threats is hardly unexpected but largely unopposed.

    Politics is too local. The threat to us all is global. The Brexit Party may help the UK but the UK is still only a small part of the Global problem that will subsume it if we allow it to.

  11. Following on from Dave_G's comments regarding the swj's.
    Force the bbc to encrypt its transmissions and exist supported only by voluntary pay to view subscriptions.
    Cut off all govmt., funding and funding from any political group or organisation to all think tanks, ngo's,universities and assorted pressure groups pushing globalist propaganda.

  12. Cheerful Edward9 May 2019 at 10:10

    Who are this "we" then?

    You and half-a-dozen regulars, merrily echoing away the same fantasies here?

  13. "Remove the useless eaters living in Buck House and make us a republic."

    Wait until you see how much President Blair's new presidential palace costs. Take a look at Putin's to get an idea.

    The Royals may be absurd, but their value to the tourists trade well outweighs their cost.

    Don Cox

  14. The political Class, aka the Swamp, are constantly promoting the idea that any ideas which are different to the ones they hold are not only wrong but should never be heard and that discussions between different points of view on any subjects are “divisive” and hence should never be allowed.

    The BBC and academia are the leaders in this.

  15. TPTB severely underestimate the popularity of TBP: I expect TBP to win at least half of the MEP slots.

    Radders, is Fearful Deadwood your troll back under a new name?

  16. @ Don Cox 10:12 OK put it to the test remove all their perks and any remaining powers,let them pay the going rental rate for any public property they use. Then allow them to live off any voluntary contributions provided to them from the businesses that profit from the tourists who come to see the circus show.

  17. yeah same troll but as long as he doesn't eat too many bridge-crossers he's cool.

  18. Cheesy Edward--getting upset matey? Save it because much worse is coming for garbage like you.

  19. Cheerful Edward9 May 2019 at 16:45

    Oh - what are you planning Ecky?

    A mass dog-fouling of village greens? A rampage of mattress-dumping on railway embankments? A great mooning, of beetroot-red, shaven or bald, sunburnt heads, outside Wetherspoons?


  20. Sounds like fuckwit remainiac "fun" Cheesy.Nearly as full of teehees as the treason dross like you so love.

    No the triumph of Brexit and then the smashing of Middle Class London Bubble Proggie shite is the entertainment to come.

  21. Cheerful Edward9 May 2019 at 19:09

    London "bubble", Ecky? Along with Bristol bubble, Cardiff bubble, Manchester bubble, Leeds bubble, Liverpool bubble, Newcastle bubble, Sheffield bubble, Scotland bubble, Northern Ireland bubble, Oxford bubble, Cambridge bubble and all the others then?

    There won't be much of this country left for you "patriots", will there?

  22. @John Brown
    "The political Class, aka the Swamp, are constantly promoting the idea that any ideas which are different to the ones they hold are not only wrong but should never be heard and that discussions between different points of view on any subjects are “divisive” and hence should never be allowed."

    Very much like "the blob" - an army of bureaucrats, academics and teachers’ unions Gove & co saw as thwarting the changes that have to be made if we are to have a world-class education service.

    Swamp, blob, it is what it is... but it doesn't have to be.

  23. Mr. Cheesy, maybe this is your kind of candidate; standing as an independent.

    Kofi Mawuli Klu is a Jurisconsult in self-employment as an Eco-Pedagogy Global Citizenship Educationist, Researcher and Pan-Afrikan Community Advocate for Global Justice, with specialisation in Ubuntunkonso Grassroots People-to-Peoples’ Internationalist Solidarity and Groundup Diplomacy Action Learning. His roles in various community-based organisations, networks and campaigns include serving currently as the Chief Executive Commissioner of the Uequipoise-Panafriindaba Educonnexions, the Co-Vice-Chair of the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign (SMWeCGEC) and the Joint International Coordinator of the Global Justice Forum (GJF). He is also the Co-Chair of Brixtonics@Brixton.
