Saturday 6 July 2019

Hunt starts to self-destruct

Hunt supporters - Hammond, Gaulk, Amber Rudd - really should have told Conservative voters all they needed to know. However, the cherry on the cake has got to be the endorsement of Sir John Major. A TBP member rather cruelly spelt it out on Twitter -

The only people who reckon Hunt still has a chance are the desperate hacks at the BBC, Sky news and fairies-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden fantasists such as LBC's James O'Brien, together with a few sad MSM journos who are watching their Remain hope swirl down the pan.

John Major. Tsch.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. James O'Brien eh?

    If he didn't already exist, someone would have to invent him, he is so good, that the people that write South Park couldn't have done better.

    However as a radio interviewer and shock jock host, he is completely useless, since he knows ALL of the cheap ripostes to opinions no worse that his own, just different.

    He doesn't understand democracy.

  3. James O Brien is a fantastic motivator, I can turn off the radio in nano seconds when he comes on. Hunt is May. A personality free zone. Anyone who votes for Hunt secretly wants May to continue.

    I thought Major was being very quiet. If Brexit fails will Cameron get a good job in Brussels? They appear to consistently promote failure and incompetence...

  4. You could argue that the 'value' of the House of Lords, and more recently the EU, is that there is a further source of patronage and privilege to offer the inadequate to make sure they have a reason to stick to the Establishment line in office, and even more so when obliged to step down.

    This corrupting influence percolates down the social stack so that 'the great and good' can aspire to honours or membership of QUANGOs etc.

    It stabilises the continuing existence of the Establishment... which used to guarantee the supply of the 'great and good' for further public life. But now it appears to guarantee the supply of the 'mean and greedy'. Not good at all.

    Drain the swamp, as they say.

  5. Edward, your comment reposted with the troll element removed.

    Cheerful Edward said...

    You refer endlessly to pro-European Union people's Remain "hopes" as if they are in some sort of desperation. They are not. Generally they are successful people, and will continue to be so whatever the UK's relationship with that Union.

    I personally think that it would be best for the world if the UK left the EU now, and many who voted Remain see things similarly. I'd vote Remain in another vote, however, as to do otherwise would send the wrong signals, and embolden the reprehensible. It's one reason why I'm not mad keen on having one.

  6. It's not just that Major endorsed Hunt, it's that Hunt actually thinks this is worth shouting about, rather than being something to play down.

  7. Cheerful Edward6 July 2019 at 11:39

    Thank you Raedwald.

    I would have thought that your readership supported due and even-handed sanction for criminals convicted of similar offences, but perhaps that is a topic for another day.

    Could someone please quote something said by James O'Brien which is provably "fantasy", and prove it, incidentally? I've tried, but can find nothing.

    On the other hand, we'll find out soon, whether both candidates' assertions that the WA is renegotiable are realistic or not.

    Won't we?

    If you've forgotten by then, I'll remind you.

  8. In a recent interview with Iain Dale, job said that he was not interested in what he called articles of faith. Oh no, job was only interested in evidence based concepts.

    Later on he stated that as he became older he had started going to church again...

    Hardly an evidence based activity, I would hazard.

    So there's your fantasy for you Mr. Ed.

    But I never mentioned fantasy anyway, I just regard him as a rude bastard.

    If Nigel behaved like him in shock-jockery cosplay, I doubt whether he would still be working for LBC.

  9. There was the little matter ofO'Brien championing the testimony of Carl Beech, who accused Edward Heath and other senior Tories of ritually murdering children in public as part of their peadophile activities and caused Leon Brittain to go to his death under investigation. None of this nonsense was corroborated by anyone and his testimony contradicted itself. Also he is a convicted paedophile himself.

    To anyone with a functioning braincell this would suggest approaching his "testimony" with caution. O Brien however treated it as hard evidence of a major scandal. The man is an utter moron.

  10. The real hypocrisy is that with Edward's view of the 'establishment' fixed somewhere around the 1968 Cambridge footlights version, that neither JOB (Ampleforth, LSE) Boulton (Westminster, Christ Church Oxford) or Dimbleby (Charterhouse, Christ Church Oxford, Bullingdon Club)feature in his stereotypical condemnations ...

    Of course judges, bishops and Oxbridge journos ae still part of the modern 'establishment' - elitist, patrician, anti-democratic, pro-globalist - that so strongly oppose Brexit. So Edward must actually LOVE the establishment he sometimes pretends to decry.

  11. Cheerful Edward6 July 2019 at 14:39

    Some are, some aren't, Raedwald. It isn't always easy to say. Those concerned often don't realise it themselves, or, even find themselves unexpectedly outside it, like Max Hastings has recently.

  12. Cheerful Edward6 July 2019 at 14:47

    At the very heart of the British Establishment are the two hundred or so people, who own half or more of the land area of England, as their forebears have been since 1067.

    How a person aligns himself with their interests is a key indicator.

    Hunt wants to bring back fox hunting.

    Farage wants to transfer the Crown Estates to the royals as personal property.

    A reasonable person could rest his case on those facts.

  13. Ed, James O' Brien is a demagogue and an all round cunt.

    Why does it not surprise me that you're a fan.

  14. Ed, re JOB: "Could someone please quote something said by James O'Brien which is provably "fantasy", and prove it, incidentally? I've tried, but can find nothing."

    What about his straw-man (you'd know about those) that if he was on a plane and the crew are dead/incapacitated and the passengers voted by a majority to have a drunken passenger to fly the plane?

    This was back re Trump but I think he has used it more than once, probably re Brexit of Boris. It is total fantasy.

  15. Edward, sources please or I must condemn you for writing bollocks again.

    The most authoritative recent analysis of British land ownership is Guy Shrubsole's Who owns England? He finds that 252,000 people - 0.36% of the UK population - own some 2/3rds of UK land.

    More importantly, 18% of the UK's land is owned by faceless global corporates. Now, acreage is a fairly crap measure of land wealth - it's land value that matters, not area. A house sized plot in Chelsea is worth s much as 500 acres in Scotland. As for that, a far higher %age of total land value is held by global corporates, banks and international finance than by your music-hall caricature of toffs in top hats.

    Grow up. Don't believe all you read in the Socialist Worker.

  16. And the supporters of Stewart and now Hunt are a very good clue as to exactly who needs to be de-b*llocked as soon as Johnson gets his hands on the levers. The first lever he operates should be the one that switches on the high-voltage current.

    Alas, I find Johnson's need for serial monogamy rather a sinister sign. A really determined statesman should not want to be liked by anybody; wives, girlfriends, followers, best mates - have them, by all means, but do not seek or prize their admiration.

    This is Bojo's Acchilles' Heel, imo.
    (Yes, a Classical English genitive, to mirror the class you get on this website :-)

  17. (...though admittedly the classy effect would have been enhanced if I'd spelt Achilles' name correctly :-)

  18. So Major popped out of the wood work to say Hunt has his support - more like kiss of death I would have thought, but it follows the pattern of Remainers supporting Hunt. Speaking of which, where is Bliar? He's been very quiet lately.

  19. Aaaah, John Major!

    The ordinary bloke who was the least likely to lead a political party, with the least charisma needed for top office, the least skills in managing a country, the least capabilities to lead UK Inc on the global stage, the least morals in shagging another bird while pretending to be a 'statesman', and, finally, providing Spitting Image with a hilarious clip of peas and an explosion!

    With blokes like him around, who needs someone like 'walk like a hunt, talk like a hunt!

  20. Where is Anthony Charles Lyndon Blair?
    His country needs him to back Hunt.

  21. I couldn't give a flying proverbial about Hunt. My ballot paper arrived two days before it was sent out (according to the BBC) and I immediately put my cross against Boris. Job done. They can say what they like now.
    TBP summed it up nicely - "the blonde or the bland" and I've always have a thing for blondes.

    Jeremy Hunt : "There's something of the shite about him"

    I do however worry about how the Conservatives can be trusted to run the country if they can't even run their own internal leadership election efficiently...
