Friday 30 August 2019

Peak Petulance next week

Hard lefties are in ecstasy right now that this might be THE MOMENT when the people rise up against capitalism, permitting the Glorious Revolution to take control; McDonnell is in tears, never imagining he would see it in his lifetime, and Magic Grandpa has mobilised his Momentum troops to occupy roads and bridges.

We can expect these warriors, overwhelmingly white, middle class and with beautifully spelt and punctuated placards in a variety of Farrow & Ball shades, to stock up on Waitrose quiche and Langoustine and Quinoa nibbles and head off to battle. Awkward and effete young men with pink hair will attempt to Twerk for the news cameras, young women still in their Zara summer frocks will take a break from Instagramming their legs and take their M&S Prosecco onto the streets.

There will, no doubt, be several thousands of them. Blocking roads, trains and stations, causing great inconvenience. They will cause the greatest annoyance to ordinary folk trying to get to work, do their jobs or on their way to collect their kids, ordinary folk who will not be exclusively white and middle class or with time on their hands. That Corbyn is firmly behind actions that will block emergency ambulances, lock minimum wage workers into packed buses crawling through traffic, keep surgeons from their lists and leave restaurant waste piled on the footways could not have been better; public anger will swiftly turn against the delusional street warriors, just as it did against the climate fanatics. Now that Corbyn has firmly identified Labour with the mass disruption, it will cost him a couple of million votes in the coming election and will split his party even further - you really can't see Emily Thornberry, Lady Nugee, planting her noble rump on Tottenham Court Road, can you?

And of course it will make absolutely no difference to anything at all.

No, no, .... it couldn't be ..... it almost seems designed by Dominic Cummings to play out this way

Tarquin and Justin will create another exquisitely kerned placard next week


  1. My compliments for another entertaining read; particularly for lampooning the ridiculous Mr. J Corbyn, a real life version of Citizen Smith.

  2. Yes, you lay it on rather thickly as usual, but I think that you have a point.

    This prorogation stunt is a bit silly, underhand and opportunist, but it is not what some of the shriller voices claim.

    The underlying reasons for the various protests are quite distinct and several, but no doubt the porr reporting will conflate them all under this heading.

  3. stunt? Certainly not silly, certainly not underhand; maybe a little opportunist.

    If only the police etc were so hard on Remainers as they are on anyone not 'lefty woke', they'd certainly be busy right now if they were.

  4. Well, the police generally meet violence with the necessary restraint, and non-violence in like manner from what I've seen, though they do have their lapses.

    However, an interesting departure seems to be that they do little if anything to remove breaking-and-entering travellers from private property, but any amount of violence to remove students peacefully occupying premises - a civil matter - as part of a generally left wing protest, so I disagree, Span.

  5. I hope Catweazle declares a General Strike :)

  6. This prorogation, like the referendum itself, is mainly a General Election gimmick, I'd say.

    People should wake up and see it for what it is.

    There will maybe be a deal - you lot won't like it - but you will have had your substitute gratification, as perfectly exemplified by this article.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, eh?

  7. @ JPM

    "This prorogation stunt is a bit silly, underhand and opportunist, but it is not what some of the shriller voices claim."

    I agree(!) that prorogation is not what some of the shriller voices claim. There's been no coup, just Remainers losing some of their political self-assurance. But you could also interpret prorogation as a determined Prime Minister using constitutional means to press ahead with the promises made to the Referendate and the Electorate.

  8. I think in the head exploding grand national its between general Melchett and Hugh Grant at the moment.

    The sheer egotistical self regard of these people is simply beyond parody. Not to mention the sheer lack of self awareness.


  9. The fact that JPM is almost (I imagine) blue-in-the-face with apopolexy over the issue is heartening enough.

    Anything else is just a bonus.

  10. Having brought commercial effort to a halt through these actions in sympathy with the millions of people that are going to be made commercially redundant by Brexit...

    That lot can move on to that other great campaign of theirs, shutting down all forms of business activity because... climate change.

    The logic is mindboggling!

  11. Thanks Dave.

    A real, out-loud belly laugh always goes well with a good coffee.

    Do you think that Farage is correct, then?

  12. @ DeeDee99 07:32
    By definition only workers can withdraw their labour, the rest of them will just have to refuse to accept their free stuff.

  13. EDIT.... strike out *the rest of them*....
    Replace with *the majority of Catweazle's rabble*

  14. Timothy Farthing MA (Oxon)30 August 2019 at 13:50

    Should be straightforward to fix Boris' bendy bananas now that the country is formally a banana republic.

  15. So Timothy Farthing MA Oxon does that mean you will be moving on to pastures new somewhere within the blue spangled sphincter countries? I do hope so. Best to act on your beliefs. Bye ! Missing you already!

  16. T F MA (Oxon): perhaps you haven't noticed that the EU has already turned the UK into a banana, not republic, but slave state.

    So I think you meant formerly, not formally

  17. Timothy Farthing MA (Oxon)30 August 2019 at 19:10

    Dear Ed P - According to your own government, Parliament is and has been sovereign throughout the UK's membership of the EU.

    Self inflicted wound old chap!

  18. York-based TSP Projects (a subsidiary of British Steel) has been sold by the government to the French company Systra.

    Is that what Brexiter's mean by the benefits of a weak currency?

  19. Excellent! Clearly not worried about Brexit turmoil: "This acquisition is a game-changer for our UK & Ireland business, placing us among the leading UK consulting engineering firms."

    Also helps British Steel, tragically let down.

  20. Cognitive Dissonance2 September 2019 at 17:27

    @Span Ows

    "Brexit turmoil"

    "easiest deal", "no disruption"
