Friday 2 August 2019

The unbearable idiocy of the bien-pensant Left

A more perfect example of the purblind idiocy of the bien-pensant Left than Philip Collins' piece in the Times this morning cannot be found. He tries to support a view that the 'left behind' had been assisted by a paternalistic central State that was bleeding and trickling small amounts of cash to their communities (after officials from SW1 northwards had all taken their cut) but that a wicked Tory government stopped it all.  The New Deal for Communities, the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal, the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative. How much of GDP did these things represent? A tiny fraction of one percent, a tiny fraction of the 0.7% of GNI, the £14bn a year we give to African dictators to allow their wives to shop in Mayfair?

But the value of these cosmetic schemes is not the point. All governments will invent impressive sounding schemes with pitifully small budgets as part of the electioneering process. No, idiots such as Collins are utterly blind to the reasons that so many parts of the UK are 'left behind' in the first place - Globalism. To remind ourselves -

And of course Globalists such as Collins were the very same folk who were responsible for off-shoring manufacturing, facilitating the re-location of UK industry to cheap eastern European nations with substantial EU financial assistance (our own taxes, for God's sake), pauperising a whole generation of Britons whilst enriching the peoples of China, India and the less-developed nations. Their stupidity, cupidity and wilful dislike of their own nation has robbed us of not only a huge chunk, an astronomical value, of GDP and GNI, but also of the growth, innovation, infrastructure and advancement that national wealth supports and encourages.

Frankly, to pretend that it's enough trickling back an inadequate pourboire to the individuals, families and communities that Collins and his privileged metropolitan elite chums have pauperised, robbed and disempowered in the first place is not only insulting, it is an unbearable impost.


  1. It's not just in Britain that they've done this, you only have to look across the pond to see that the same thing happened there. The result: we had Brexit and they voted for Trump. There are a whole lot of other reasons why the bottom 50% have seen either their wages frozen or reduced since 2008, but the upshot is that the rich continue to get richer, and that bottom 50% is growing.

    In turn this has led to a polarisation between "centrist" parties and "populist" parties, and for every populist party on the Left, there is one on the right. So you have 5 Star and Lega, Die Linke/Antifa and AFD. Labour and The Brexit Party, The Socialist Party and National Rally, Syriza and Golden Dawn. So because the "globalist" parties are currently in power in most of Western Europe who want to continue the status quo, you will see increasing pushback by the populist parties and it WILL escalate to political violence.

  2. It's a bit more than "left behind" under the Tories. Industrial areas, where people historically had long term, stable employment were solidly Labour-voting, so the answer post-1978 has been to destroy them.

    No, they were far from "forgotten" in that sense, they were deliberately overlooked, strategically.

    The European Union has been far from forgetful, however, and a great deal of the UK's contributions have been returned as regional aid, notably to places such as the North East and South Wales, where EU-funded infrastructure projects enabled the setting-up or reinforcement of automotive industry, for example. That is money that the Tories would never, ever, have spent there.

    It is sad that the people living there have been so deceived, and significantly by the Times' sibling papers too.

    They have been persuaded, and in some measure, to vote for economic eugenics against themselves by voting Leave.

  3. @Cheerful

    So the EU takes money from us and deigns to give us some of it back as long as they can put their name against it and call it a benefit of membership. You've just found this out?!

    Labour:1997 to 2010.

    What did they do "strategically" for votes. Wasn't to appeal to "traditional labour voters was it"

    "Economic eugenics"? Your sophistication knows no bounds!

  4. In their privileged, insulated bubble, the governing class (including right-on media parasites like Collins) thought they'd never be affected by the negatives of the globalist policies they so enthusiastically promoted.

    Collins' argument is the modern equivalent of "Let them eat cake" when the British working classes have already demonstrated a willingness to revolt. But that's the arrogant of the "liberal left" for you.

  5. The people that cheerful calls "left behind", had spent the previous 40 years being persuaded by their unions that the difference between price of labour and price of goods was so wide that they could keep taking the piss.

    Eventually of course that equation failed to maintain its integrity and the rest is history.

    Certainly the EEC/EU didn't help when it encouraged other nation states by enabling industrial companies to move around at whim. Every time it managed to persuade another nation or group of nations to join, it ladled the largesse that it had extracted from us onto these new members. Which meant that cheerful's deceived people of the north woke up and turned on that moronic project that he seems so enthralled by.

    We are now a nation of leavers and remainers', rather than righties and lefties.

    All cheerful's dronings about the deceived working class are for the birds, since none of us is actually destitute, but we are all very much poorer since we were occupied by the globalists, and the thing is that more and more are recognising this.

  6. So, at last. Are we coming to the conclusion that a 'professional' state paid political class has been a mistake?

  7. A 2 year old could see that running two Brexit supporting parties will split the vote, a blind man could see it, even the libs and green cult can see it.
    How much of this stupidity do we have to tolerate before we see it as deliberate intent.
    Do they really want Brexit ?
    Or is this clown show an elaborate charade to placate the Brexit voters whilst ultimately giving victory to their money masters ?

  8. There's a more fundamental political drive at play. Politicians, and particularly the Left don't do history. They do Left friendly myths.

    Which is why few on the left remember that Harold Wilson started closing the deep mines. Or that huge numbers of people have been deliberately allowed to die, or been killed directly, by Left or socialist regimes. Or the ongoing failures of the nationalised industries. Or Gordon Brown's 'investment' which involved little actual investment at all. Or the number of NHS scandals. In each case the Myth is valued more than people.

    And Philip Collins' article is another example of this selective amnesia.

  9. Dominic Cummings is one of economic eugenics' greatest enthusiasts, it appears.

    His vision of a technologically highly advanced, knowledge-and-intelligence-based economic meritocracy more or less dictates it anyway, I'd have thought.

    It's sheer genius, to get those whom he would wish to breed out of the national stock to vote for their own elimination.

    You have to hand it to him.

  10. @JPM

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

    The Labour Party threw its lot in with the EU because Neil Kinnock couldn’t persuade the working class people of the UK away from Thatcher.
    Kinnock chose to outsource democracy to the EU whilst the Tories were in power; a policy that was to continue under Blair with the ‘Regionalisation’ of the UK.

    ‘Decentralising power from Westminster’ became ‘Breaking up the UK into regions run from Brussels’ - my city became UKK41 under the EU’s NUTS system.

    It was all about building little EU colonial structures in our cities that were run from the EU’s Committee of the Regions.

    The people saw that our politicians regarded themselves as only answerable to the EU Procurators on this great federalist journey - that only really existed in the minds of a corrupted few - and the chasm between the elected and the electors grew.

    ‘Left behind’, the people were - by a greedy and anti-democratic sack of vermin.
    The Labour Party sold its democratic soul and the blue collar workers were used as collateral.

  11. Your theories may or may not be true, just like mine, wg.

    But the facts are that the European Union DID pour billions into deprived areas in the UK, which has some of the worst in the whole of it.

    We'll just have to see, whether the Tories replace that, won't we?

    I get the feeling that HS2 and bribing the DUP etc. might just take precedence, however.

  12. "Economic eugenics"

    Oh dear, he's found a new toy!

  13. Nassim Taleb coined the phrase 'Intellectual yet idiot' in his book Skin in the Game, to describe the type of person who forms the bulk of the Establishment in the West today. Pretty much sums it up............

  14. RAC, the fact that thirty-nine percent of the Brecon constituency turnout were content to vote for a proven fraud does support what I say, about the perhaps generalised moral degeneracy of Tory-Leave voters.

    I don't think that Fiona Onasanya would have been returned in Peterborough somehow.

    Do you?

  15. Sobers -

    "The IYI has been wrong, historically, on Stalinism, Maoism, GMOs, Iraq, Libya, Syria, lobotomies, urban planning, low carbohydrate diets, gym machines, behaviorism, transfats, freudianism, portfolio theory, linear regression, Gaussianism, Salafism, dynamic stochastic equilibrium modeling, housing projects, selfish gene, election forecasting models, Bernie Madoff (pre-blowup) and p-values. But he is convinced that his current position is right."


  16. I don't see why the fragrant Fiona wouldn't have been returned.

    If things are as I suspect, plenty of the people that voted for the Labour winner, didn't even know they were voting, let alone who they voted for.

  17. I'm sceptical of all things on the other hand, including of my own ideas.


    1. Well I'm certainly sceptical about your ideas

  18. r-w.

    You know more than the responsible police force in Peterborough?

    How's that?

  19. So you should be, Mark, as you should of everyone else's too.

    There's the rub, perhaps?


  20. It's easy to claim that the EU threw money at deprived areas of the UK when there's no way whatsoever to disprove the potential that our own Government (of whatever colour) could/would/might have done the same WITHOUT allowing the EU to cream off their £10bn first....

    There is no such thing as EU 'benevolence' as they are playing politics with OUR MONEY.

  21. Yes, Dave, it's easy to make all sorts of claims isn't it?

    There's no parallel world control experiment, at which we can look to compare the results of alternative decisions.

    The European Union's officers are not "playing" at anything as far as I can see. They are simply doing their jobs, under their respective descriptions, according to the data that is available.

    Regional assistance is implied under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty, so it seems only reasonable to me that people will be charged with administering it according to the information that they possess.

    1. "world control experiment"

      Another Cheerfulian slip?

      As for the rest!

  22. OK JPM I think you've had enough today ...

  23. Globalism 101:

    Irish Central Bank Says Country Needs More Migrants to Keep Wages Down


  24. William Wilberforce2 August 2019 at 17:43

    Contrary to James Cleverly's claim, William Wilberforce was not a TORY.

    Easy to check.

    Not a big issue if you consider your audience to be intellectual midgets.

    PS Kipper has gone to bed with its ice-pillow.

  25. @ Anonymous William Wilberforce 17:43

    "Contrary to James Cleverly's claim, William Wilberforce was not a TORY."

    You can't have it both ways: if you want to call the current Conservative Party "tories", erroneously, just like all lefties and MSM etc do, almost as an insult, (even current Conservatives accept it...pah!) then you have to accept that WW is very much a tory. If however you mean a real 'Tory', as opposed to 'Whig', then no he wasn't, being an independent and leaning whichever way he agreed with (almost unheard of these days).

  26. William Wilberforce8 August 2019 at 15:38

    @Span Ows

    The issues is one of Conservative Party leaders taking their followers for fools, ready to swallow and even cheering (kipper's pillow!) any old cobblers.

    Perhaps the Conservatives are preparing the ground for that great deal in the shape of Art 49.

    Converting GBP to Euros when parity occurs should be straightforward, especially when the message is veneered with Blue passports.
