Sunday 24 November 2019

The best laid plans ..

Well, I was expecting now to do a piece on the Conservative manifesto, but I'm afraid the party has rather cocked it up. Not only was the live video feed lousy and broken, but nowhere is there a link to the .pdf manifesto and costings supplement. I was also sort of expecting, as a party member, an email with a link to the document, but no such luck.

I shall have to write to that nice Mr Cleverly, who as Chairman is responsible for the housekeeping, I expect.

Sorry, nothing to see here.

Not just me, then. The Chief Political Correspondent and Assistant Editor, Daily Telegraph, Chairman of the Lobby, tweets



  1. Perhaps, like their policy platform, they're waiting for the Brexit Party to do it for them :)

  2. Try this:

  3. Yeah thanks got it anyway but the moment has passed.

    If the delay was deliberate, it was a lousy idea. Press teams waiting on standby with deadlines to meet now angry and unfriendly

    If it was poor organisation, Cleverly needs to pull his socks up.

    I'll post in the morning when I'm more composed. There's some good stuff in here .....


  4. Farage stole a lead on the production of manifestos - he reminded people that such documents are simply ideas, not promises or guarantees and a LOT of people will be taken in by the deception once again. Time will tell but I could confidently put a tenner on at least 50% of the stated policies not ever being implemented for one reason or another or watered down or subsequently discovered to already have been done (however vicariously it's done).

    However TBP issued a contract with the aim of guaranteeing the content and introduction of the policies therein. There is a lot of credibility in following through with promises and no manifesto I've ever read before or to-date has ever resulted in the application of the content.

    If Boris (or any other main stream party) released a CONTRACT they might receive a bit more credibility.

    Manifestos? Apart from the specious, ruinous and fabricated garbage many of them have already displayed they are certainly not worth the paper they're written on.

  5. Raedwald: "If it was poor organisation, Cleverly needs to pull his socks up."

    Nah. Tories are having a second shot at losing the election. That way they can blame Labour for this utter shit show.

  6. They've done everything, that in normal times would guarantee losing the election, and all of it seems to have failed.

  7. The Datapraxis analysis is interesting. Gives the first seat projection - potentially a big win for the Tories but high risk of losing some of their big beats including the PM:

  8. Their Red Labour costings document hardly screams 'fiscal responsibility' to me BUT at least the "cash increase for the NHS of £33.9 billion a year by 2023-24" can be shoved down the throtas of the 'liar bus' brigade.

    Plus Boris' Guarantee, will that be like his 31st October guarantee?

  9. Manifesto and costing is on Guido.
