Wednesday 12 February 2020

Patricia Scotland digs her nails into Commonwealth door

Attempts to drag Patricia Scotland from her dire and institutionally damaging leadership of the Commonwealth Secretariat are gathering pace. Boris, it seems, is learning the lessons taught by Tony Blair - that for longevity in power, stack the NGOs, quangos and charidees with your own people. The UK has now joined Australia and New Zealand in either freezing or cutting funding. Scotland earned the nickname 'Baroness Brazen' in 2017 when she spent £338,000 of Commonwealth Secretariat funds to refashion her official residence. She has also been criticised by auditors for awarding a £250,000 contract to her friend Lord Patel's firm KYA Global without any competitive tenders. Scotland has been lobbying for her own re-appointment this year - but pressure is growing to install a leader with greater visible probity who sets standards of transparency and good stewardship for the organisation's funds.

However, don't assume that Boris has abandoned his instinct to cut or abolish the plethora of NGOs that sprouted like mushrooms under the Blair regime. By filling their places with his own Brexity and Internationalist post-holders, he will guarantee opposition support for future reform.

At a time when the UK's trade, defence and migration links to the Commonwealth will be paramount, the last person we need in post as head of the Secretariat is a Blairite Remoaner who may seek to sabotage the nation's Internationalist endeavours.

Scotland must go. Pay her off.

Scotland ... oot!


  1. A typical indictment of the corrupt system is shown by your statement 'pay her off'.

    She has abused her position with the suspect contract award so should be 'out on her arse' as any of us would be had we acted so inappropriately in a private situation.

    No doubt the 'pay off' will include compensation and a gold plated pension etc. For any working person this crony cash reward is utterly abhorrent and unnecessary.

    Maybe a FULL investigation of her past and actions is warranted?

  2. No, don't "pay her off." Just get rid of her.

    She is just another example of the corruption which the House of Frauds represents.

  3. Like many of this species, I don't believe that any member of the public has ever voted her into any position.

    Elected second chamber - or shut it down.
    (I've always believed that it was part of the Marxist virus that is at loose in the UK - to so discredit the House of Lords that people would look to close it down)

  4. I don't know whether this has happened to any other commenters here but I have just discovered something is a fact, and I am now investigating why?

    When the Telegraph went behind a paywall, I decided that there were better places to find the information that engaged me, so I did not sign up to it. If I wanted to read Tory rubbish, I could just read the Mail/Express/Sun etc., since they all use the same sources most of the time, and spin according to the current fashion.

    Anyway, can't remember why, but I decided to get a subscription to the Telegraph... I think I was directed to several articles and couldn't read them.

    So naturally, bearing in mind that even though I don';t particularly care, I am entertained by compiling a few words by way of comment.

    In some publications, not here thankfully, a count is kept of the amount of times that someone has read your comment and felt the need to add a "like", the Telegraph is one such publication.

    Around the time of the election, I noticed that support for my comments was less noticeable, than it had been. However, it wasn't until this morning that I decided to investigate the reason that not only was I receiving ZERO likes, I was not getting any "Eff off moron, you are an idiot" style replies either.

    So I decided to open a new account, I logged in to my new account and then went to an article that had one of my "unliked and unreplied to" comments.

    Guess what folks?


    I am the only person in the entire world that can see MY comments on the Telegraph!

    Nobody has taken the trouble to tell me that my subscription has been downgraded, or that I am a lesser subscriber.

  5. Another legacy from the days of Tony Blair. The gift that doesn't stop giving.

  6. Oh well, a woman of no importance, we shall see if she is worth more to Boris pissing out of his tent than pissing in.

    An amusing story, on the one hand she spaffed a bit on fancy wallpaper and curtains whilst Boris spaffed £100Bn+ buying votes. Still, never mind, we might eventually get to see a choo-choo.

    But now poor old Boris has got no more shovel-ready projects to crow about and will soon be paying Monsieur Barnier a visit and return with a flea in his ear. Playtime over Boris.

    Meanwhile I hear the farmers will be paying Priti a visit soon and letting her into a little secret - those English fruits and vegs won't pick themselves. We are many many many fruit pickers short. Still I expect Priti can round up some reluctant unskilled workers and a few lengths of chain. Whether they are any use to the farmers is another matter entirely.

  7. The "commonwealth"?

    Oh, yes, the Commonwealth - that thing, of which only three percent of its people are accounted for by Aus, NZ and Canada, but which contains hundreds of millions of non-white, non-Christians.

    That last bit comes as a shock to many Leave voters.

    You can't really do a deal with the first which does not include them too.

    Can you?

  8. Incidentally, this government would appear to be in breach of the Commonwealth Charter:

    rule of law:

    We believe in the rule of law as an essential protection for the people of the Commonwealth and as an assurance of limited and accountable government. In particular we support an independent, impartial, honest and competent judiciary and recognise that an independent, effective and competent legal system is integral to upholding the rule of law, engendering public confidence and dispensing justice.

    Let's not look too closely at the Windrush outrage under the equality and human rights articles, shall we?

  9. JPM, 11:46

    "...but which contains hundreds of millions of non-white, non-Christians.

    That last bit comes as a shock to many Leave voters."

    Sorry, missed your multiple sources for this as I can find none.

  10. @Span Owls I think JPM is talking about the Commonwealth countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc etc

  11. Icypurplepants, I realise which countries he presumably means; what I want to know is how that is "a shock to many Leave voters".
