Wednesday 26 February 2020

The corruption at the heart of Europe's courts

I'll post on the Trade Agreement negotiating positions when we publish the UK's position paper, but for now, a little nugget for you all. It's hugely satisfying when some independent academic evidence comes along to validate a point one has been making for many years - in this case, the inherent corruption and mal-judice embodied in both the ECR and ECHR. The European Centre for Law and Justice, normally a body that campaigns on social justice issues, has just issued a research study.
The study has found that, out of the 100 judges who have served on the bench of the European Court of Human Rights in the period 2009-2019, nearly a quarter (22) have strong links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation or to NGOs like Amnesty International and others which are funded by it. Human Rights Watch, for instance, has received $100 million from the Open Society Foundation since 2010.

Some of the NGOs receive so much of their budget from Soros that they are in effect wholly owned subsidiaries of his foundation.

The links between the judges and the NGOs are substantial. They include working for years as members of the board of directors or executive council of these NGOs; having teaching posts at institutes funded by them; being a salaried director of programs for the Open Society Foundation or associated NGOs; and undertaking other forms of paid work for them. The full list of these links can be found on pages seven and eight of the report.
And that from a decent piece from RT


  1. This is nothing more than we, who have had their eyes on the ball, have noticed for a very long time.

    I came across an EU organisation calling itself 'Liberty' - lecturing one and all about our 'rights': a quick rummage and track down of its people and we end up at the inevitable Open Society and George Soros.

    But it's not just Soros - it is every other organisation that seems to have insinuated itself into the tiers of our democracy.

    Demos, Davos, Soros - the Fabians coming top of my list of ne'er-do-wells - we need to cut back their influence on the democratic process.

    Oh, 'Citizens' Assemblies' - these are the new clothes of the anti-democrats.


  2. A pox on all these corrupt people.

    ....and, lo and behold.......!

  3. So well over three-quarters of them do NOT have any links to Soros's open, transparent Foundation - which promotes the very same principles which they as judges are sworn to uphold.

    You do like to wind yourselves up, don't you?

  4. I think a rich man is perfectly entitled to use his money to promote and campaign for his opinions, whether he is Soros, Trump, or Beaverbrook. (Or the Pope.)

    The main thing is to have transparency.

    Don Cox

  5. George Soros, aka Gyorgy Schwartz, a Hungarian Jew who got his start selling out fellow Hungarian Jews to the occupying Nazis whilst posing as a Christian - for his ‘help’ he was allowed to keep some of the spoils. A really nice chap! In fact he openly admits doing so and is not in the least bit ashamed of what he did (re 60 Minutes interview). George of course made his billions as a US citizen:

    "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work."

    Evil incarnate.


  6. A couple of years back a pamphlet/dossier was published with all the EU ME connections too, I saved a copy but now can't find it but the connections were many (Legion?) and deep.


    Sorry for copy and pasting:

    "Dear European Parliament,

    Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

    Having seen the leaked document:
    Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014 – 2019) for the Open Society European Policy Institute

    there have been 127 MEP identified.

    As it seems the billionaire George Soros and is Open Society foundation is targeting the Members of European Parliament.

    I am even more worried that these 127 MEPs already have strong connections to the Soros organisations.

    Kindly provide for these MEPs:
    - the initial and all updated documents of their DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ FINANCIAL INTERESTS
    - all appointments (documents) of each individual members with Mr Soros or one of his organisations.

    Yours faithfully,

    Klaus Zinser"

  8. I disagree with JPM and Unknown (Don Cox) - I am not against rich people helping the poor but when they interfere in the democratic law making process I draw a line.

    We have seen in recent years - especially regarding the EU - that the ordinary person on the street has become irrelevant and that the big players make laws for themselves for their own benefit.

    Keep the bastards and their filthy money out of my democracy.

  9. The deep state made manifest. As for JPM's 25% or so argument, so this number of identified corrupt and evil scum is perfectly OK. I guess JPM considers 25% or so of rapists are really decent people, too.

  10. I see that a corona virus testee in the US was concerned when he was handed his bill.

    I don't think that Soros need do that much to "destroy" the US, even if that really were his aim, do you?

  11. JPM - You're so bloody boring and predictable.

    You know you dont have to be a cunt every day of your life?
