Thursday 18 June 2020

A great ox has stood on your tongue

I must say it cheered my heart to have the old Boris back yesterday. The effects of Covid are debilitating, enervating and sap bounce. His trouncing of Starmer at the despatch box was a delight. Starmer is a Karen, a Frinton-on-Sea litter warden, and when Boris told him a great ox had stood on his tongue when he would not answer why he's sitting on the fence over schools re-opening he, like most of the rest of us, had little idea what he meant. They don't teach that sort of thing at Essex litter-warden school. 

Classicists told us later it was a parliamentary way of saying the teaching unions had bribed Labour; in some ancient time, the coinage depicted an ox, and an ox on the tongue was someone bribed to stay silent. Glad they cleared that up.

The abolition of DfID was just the start. Anything that draws a whinge from remainiac ex-PMs has got to be good. But he's got his work cut out - the war for the State is now out in the open, and it's us against those who have captured our establishment and institutions. As Allister Heath writes in the 'graph
The drift of the past two months has allowed the Left-wing establishment to reassert itself. The BBC has appointed one of its own as its new boss; an ex-Treasury, ex-IMF, Left-wing think tanker was appointed as head of the Office for Budget Responsibility; the CBI’s new boss used to advise Gordon Brown and work for the Guardian. The only economic policy we heard about – apart from the necessary spending of hundreds of billions to cushion the economy – were “green jobs”, state-infrastructure, government this and government that. The Left-liberal elites were beginning to hope again that Boris’ project was about to fail. The EU detected weakness, crashing the talks before seeking to prolong the transition.
With Boris at the helm, we're ready for the fight. Bring it on.

Keir Starmer bust commissioned by the teachers' unions?


  1. TBH if I were a teacher I would feel a bit iffy about going back to a school full of smelly snot nosed kids. To say nothing of germ laden colleagues. Then there's the politicos and 'advisers' drifting in and out of my exposition on The Meaning of the Ox.

    One does not have to be very cynical to see that a few dead teachers is a small price to pay for getting out from under the errors made at the start of our pandemic.

    Meanwhile, the Summer Brexit Drift song:-

    We're busy doin' nothin'
    Workin' the whole day through
    Tryin' to find lots of things not to do
    We're busy goin' nowhere
    Isn't it just a crime
    We'd like to be unhappy, but
    We never do have the time

  2. Miaow.
    Was for Comment No. One.By the way,'n' that.
    The primary Anon.

  3. Boris is still dithering about reducing (or better still ditching) the idiotic 2 metre social distancing policy, destroying what remains of our tourist and hospitality industry. It's also why the teaching unions are able to refuse to return to work.

    I might start to believe the old Boris is back when he grows a pair and ditches the authoritarian policies which micro-manage our lives.

    Talk is cheap .....

  4. A quote from "The Two Towers" (Lord of the Rings) involving tongues:

    The wise speak only of what they know, Gríma son of Gálmód. A witless worm have you become. Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a serving-man till the lightning falls.

    Gríma son of Gálmód is known locally as Wormtongue and is disliked for his scheming.


  5. Nothing really changes - deck chair shuffling and all that. The plandemic can be destroyed by simple observation of 'deaths per 100k from all causes' and no attention is given to the impending economic catastrophe.
    Where are all the real policies needed? Where are the 'manly' decisions to take us forward? This fumbling (no better word) is disgraceful.
    I'm still waiting for 'the event' to happen - why the delay?

  6. That's Kryten's spare head!

  7. Dave - yes, September will bring Armageddon.

    But as in July 1914, let's enjoy the last summer of the closing era. Cricket, the river, picnics, draught IPA, pretty girls in summer frocks.

    Bank the memories.

  8. That bust has no likeness to Starmer - it doesn't have his gormless, humourless stare. I thought it was some footballer - broadly smiling and youthful - that's not Starmer.

  9. February 2020

    Statement from the Prime Minister

    We have identified a biological threat to the population and will act as follows:

    1. The vulnerable will self-isolate immediately (list follows)

    2. Those outside the list will be encouraged to support the vulnerable in whatever way they can.

    3. Financial support for the vulnerable will be made available immediately.

    4. Financial support for those supporting the vulnerable will be made available immediately.

    5. Those outside the vulnerable will continue as normal until further notice.

    6. Mass gathering will cease until further notice.

    7. Travel to and from the United Kingdom will cease until further notice.

    8. Emergency legislation will be brought before the House to manage said biological threat - which will include 'sunset clauses' for those parts that limit established freedoms.

    That is all



  10. For me, your list falls at the first hurdle.
    "1. The vulnerable will self-isolate immediately (list follows)"
    Myself a more or less healthy man of eighty, suffering only mildly elevated blood pressure and mild atrial fibrillation, both under control, I'd be sure to be on any 'vulnerable' list drawn up by some medical bureaucrat and asked (made?) to self-isolate, damn them! Well,they may go to the Devil, and the sooner, the better.

  11. Hmmmm, less of the Karen, unless you really are on board with all the BLm nonsense.


  12. Raed - my anger might be seen as misplaced by many given my comfortable position - no debt, no mortgage, no neighbours, successful self employment bringing enough to live, close to retirement, four cats, good health, devoted and supporting wife etc but the older I get the more I see the injustices of society and the betrayal of those who could and SHOULD follow in my footsteps to their close of life too.

    I despair for my son, my in-laws, my friends and anyone else that I meet who act in good faith and according to the law yet are VICTIMISED relentlessly and may yet suffer the greatest indignity, that of living through yet another global conflict.

    And all because of deceptive, lying, manipulative, globalist bankers, politicians and elitists that have no consideration for the ordinary people of this world and seek to mould the world to a place THEY want and put US in a position of subservience.

    The only thing really wrong about the plandemic is that the virus should have been 'made' to make the aformentioned suffer - the world would be a much better place without them.

  13. Much of the hospitality industry is doomed, 2m rule or no 2m rule. All those coffee and sandwich shops, not to mention pubs, that relied on office workers may as well close now. For large sections of the office population, working from home works rather well, and they will not be going back to everyday commuting this side of 2022.

    And if you add to that the large section of the population that self-identifies as vulnerable, and add to that people who live with the vulnerable, then who exactly is it who will be going back to pubs and restaurants?

    Finally, if the rules are all relaxed and there is a second wave of infections (as is happening in Florida, where reopened bars are having to close again) just watch those crowds vanish again.

  14. Alistair Heath spelled 'wanker' incorrectly.

  15. "Allister" not "Alistair". Bloody auto correct!

  16. @Val

    Indeed the bust is of Cristiano Ronaldo. A suitable image for Sir Ikea Starmer would be a set of chipboard bookshelves covered in a thin plastic veneer.

  17. To me, SucKerStarmer has the look of a jailbird.

  18. Dave_G said @ 13:04

    'I despair for my son, my in-laws, my friends and anyone else that I meet who act in good faith and according to the law yet are VICTIMISED relentlessly and may yet suffer the greatest indignity, that of living through yet another global conflict.

    And all because of deceptive, lying, manipulative, globalist bankers, politicians and elitists that have no consideration for the ordinary people of this world and seek to mould the world to a place THEY want and put US in a position of subservience.'

    Absolutely spot on Dave. Anyone else noticed how after a few wins for traditional conservatives (Brexit, Trump plus some European political earthquakes) has flushed out the Globalists?

    1. Highly co-ordinated attempt to reverse the Leave decision.

    2. A US President under continuous attack for putting the economy first and making a real difference.

    3. Massive push against conservatives voices online.

    These are not coincidences.


  19. How many U-turns and sell outs so far?

  20. Steve, absolutely right!

  21. Oh do COME ON!
    BoZo has been sacked, multiple times for LYING in his employment.
    He has betrayed every single person & "cause" he has been in - he was a shambles as Mayor of London - only elected because "pink "Ken lost hos marbles completely & cosied up to a terrorist.

    Who does he select as his team?
    Incomptents, liars & slime: Gove / Raab / Patel &, of course, Scummings.
    Only Sunak seems to have any competence at all.

    Drught IPA - you must be joking!
    The new puritans will make sure the pubs are the last thing we get back the bastards ....
