Wednesday 27 November 2019


Within the last hour Dominic Cummings has posted a new blog entry - it should be right on the top of the blogroll in the RH column. 

This is possibly the most important blog entry you will ever read - please do so!

Every one of us - Kipper, BXP or Tory must pull together. The future of our nation is at stake -
If Boris doesn’t get a majority, then Corbyn will take control of No. 10 on Friday 13th in alliance with Sturgeon plus the Liberal Democrats. And if this Corbyn-Sturgeon alliance takes control, their official policy is to give millions of EU citizens the vote in the second referendum. They don’t plan to lose again and they’ve literally written into their manifesto that they will cheat the second referendum — apart from giving millions of foreign citizens the vote, they will rig the question so the ‘choice’ is effectively ‘Remain or Remain’, they will cheat the rules, they will do anything, supported by the likes of Goldman Sachs writing the cheques like they did in 2016, to ensure Remain win.


  1. If you want my vote, the price is what it has always been, no EU law or Court has standing in the UK.
    I dont see a difference between Boris signing the UK up to EU law in perpetuity and Corbyn doing it

  2. If the Conservatives want people to vote for them, why did they parachute in to the Northern constituency where I live a woman who lives hundreds of miles away ? She has probably never been anywhere near this town, she will have a strong southern posh accent, and nobody will vote for her.

    The Brexit party candidate comes from nearby.

    Boris has been here. Somebody should have told him. Perhaps he didn't meet any local Tories.

    Don Cox

  3. Have you tried leaving these comments on Dominic's blog post?

  4. Project terror!
    Vote tory or the bogeyman will get you.

  5. OK done.

    Don Cox

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Has his boss reciprocated for Nigel Farage's generous act yet?

    ..... Well if he wants to enthuse those groups, he might consider a gesture.

    However, the mere mention of UKIP suggests to me that his boss is worried about his relatively scant majority, and the Brexit Party is not standing there, only the rudderless UKIP.

  8. Ah, so it's all a Jewish conspiracy, says Cummings.


  9. The Dominic "Genius" Cummings who was going to have us out of the EU by now?
    That one?

  10. dont see what the problem is Boris isnt delivering brexit he is planning to spend like a drunken sailor no real difference between the parties so why vote tory


  11. I've not been afforded the luxury of having a candidate I want to vote for so must consider either a tactical vote or a spoiled ballot paper with my real thoughts writ bold across it.

    The actual display of desperation is colouring my choice.

    I don't ascribe to threats very well..........

  12. The last thing I want is a Corbyn or Corbyn/Sturgeon Government and as I no longer have a Brexit Party candidate to support, I shall reluctantly vote for my new CON candidate in West Dorset - a local man who supported Leave and replaced the appalling Oliver Letwin.

    But the Conservatives idea of "pulling together" doesn't seem to include the Conservatives doing anything other than demand the votes of Brexit Party (or UKIP) supporters.

    They have shown Nigel Farage and his team no respect whatsoever; just the usual Tory arrogance and "right to rule." If "pulling together" is required they should review both their attitude and their actions.

  13. DeeDee - I can't fault what you say. We all owe a very great deal to Nigel Farage and should acknowledge this.

  14. "... immigration will return to being a central issue in politics instead of being marginalised by Brexit"

    Immigration is a serious issue and should not be marginalised. One wonders the motivation behind such a statement?

  15. Raedwald is absolutely correct.

    A vote in this GE for anything else than Conservative could lead to a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP anti Brexit alliance which together with the civil service, the corporates, the bankers and the deep state in general will put into practice the plan they had from the very start which was to organise another referendum between a truly terrible deal and remain.

    The eligibility to vote in this referendum will be rigged to include all UK residents as well as all UK and EU citizens, and since we have no idea of who actually resides in this country, postal voting will be used to maximum effect.

    The Labour Party’s pledge to be "for the many” will be implemented through their proposal to "extend freedom of movement" to the whole world, not just the EU, and as planned will ensure the complete transformation of the UK.

  16. It has just occurred to me why I only read anything on Cummin's blog once before.

    He doesn't provide space for the comments from readers. Whilst I may not be the greatest wit, critic or genius, far from it, such a move says more about the blogger than the reader.

    Why would he want to know anything that we might have to say, when all he needs is between his ears?

    Probably my favourite blog subject is photography (not cameras), but if there is no room to observe or query, it gets room 101'ed.

    The cult around this fellow is puzzling.

  17. Boris' WA is far from perfect but the Conservatives are the only Party offering a step in the right Brexit direction.

    Meanwhile Labour are trying to swing the Northern campaigning into a pseudo-pro-Leave direction and the Lib Dems are swinging behind a second referendum rather than an outright revoke.

    Leave is in the air, and if the Conservatives get in and fumble it the Brexit Party will be hovering in the wings ready to step forward. If the other Parties get in and form a coalition then it's one big step backwards.

    So if you are in a constituency with a likely Conservative win, vote Conservative. Anywhere else vote according to your preference; vote TBP if they are in with a chance.


  18. Tactical voting was used to great effect (by Raed even) by electing the Magic Grandad to leadership in the full knowledge that he will bring about the failure of Labour - it seems to have worked.

    On the same basis I consider therefore a vote FOR Labour to be the correct response such that their leadership and policies will bring about the total and utter collapse of British society and the economy - for this is the ONLY WAY we have any opportunity of rising from the ashes with a system of leadership that makes the voter the primary object of power.


    Why worry about Brexit now when the choices are clearly 'submit to the Tories' or 'submit to the EU' - and there is zero difference between them?

    I urge everyone to VOTE LABOUR to end this systematic abuse of voter rights.

    Do I need the /sarc tag? Or is this the only route left to us?


  19. Absolute nonsense Dave G. Once you put Jizz in only his death or an even worse McNasty takeover will get rid of him. You are a fool if you think that--whatever his failings--Johnson is no different than marxist scum like Jizz. Socialism has murdered 150 million so far. Those kinds of murderous scum are in Jizz's gang. But that's ok because so folks who can't stand that reality isn't what they want it to be want to make a childish emotional gesture.

  20. Don't fret so Raedwald, I'll be voting for Conor Burns on the 12th. He's been solid on Brexit so TBP aren't challenging him in my constituency. Under my guidance my dear old Mum has switched from Labour as well - I think it was Corbyns's stance on our independent nuclear deterrent what done it. Seriously though she has concerns about his intelligence: she doesn't think he has any.

    The latest YouGov poll has the Tories winning with a 68 majority.



  21. We still can't afford to be complacent--REMEMBER 2017.

  22. Cummins should have thought of that before he and johnson turned their back on Farrage, thankfully I have a TBP candidate and that's where my vote will go.
    @ r_writes esq. 09:57
    Is your spellcheck on the blink ?
    Your last sentence appears to have a typo and also it's changed johnson to puzzling.


  23. Mr Ecks - I was wrong, I did need the sarc tag....

    This election, like many before, will be a sham display of democracy as the majority of voters will be denied the vote they really want to make by reason of duplicity and lies by ALL parties save the one that actually wants to give power back to the people.

    Although BXP have no history to give credence to their claims I, and many others, are prepared to give them - give ANYONE - a chance to create the change that MUST come about else we dissolve into the mess that the EU want and we become forever slaves to foreigners.

    The Tory 'plan' re the announcement as per Raed's previous post would give APPEARANCE to the desire for change but if you haven't learned your lesson from previous Tory promises then there's no hope for you.

    I want to vote BXP. I can't. I most certainly will not vote SNP, Labour, Lib Dem or Green.

    A 'nicely worded message' to the voting booth seems the only way forward.
