Wednesday 27 November 2019

Wheels come off Magic Grandpa live on air

They take Holocaust Denial quite seriously here in Austria. Back in 2017 one of Jeremy Corbyn's party members, as Andrew Neil pointed out to him, did the unthinkable -
Then let me give you the case of Lesley Perrin. She was a Labour Party member. She posted a video denying the Holocaust and questioned whether the six million figure was accurate. And what did the Labour Party do? It gave her a written warning. No expulsion, no zero tolerance, just a written warning.
The Austrians have a law, the 1947 Verbotgesetz, under which idiots are still being imprisoned for giving the raised arm or being as utterly crass as Lesley Perrin. In fact Holocaust Denial here will earn you from between one and twenty years in prison. And the law, under §3h, specifically has all the bases covered - "whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media". David Irving got three years for it. Lesley got a written warning from Jeremy. I wonder just how long the European Arrest Warrant, of which Lesley undoubtedly approves, will remain in force?

Corbyn's humiliation last night was an absolute classic. I watched it twice; the first time I really couldn't quite believe it was happening. It flayed the pretence and camouflage off him like the skin from a petulant saint leaving him utterly naked in the glare of the studio lights. Michael Deacon in the Telegraph has the best of the adjectives this morning - "waffly, defensive, confused, crabby, and clueless ... So tetchy, so sullen, so huffy. So sniffily passive-aggressive.... pitiful, and self-pitying" - and the best of it
He was behaving like the world’s oldest teenager: the smouldering victimhood, the muttering martyrdom. At any moment, I half-expected him to flounce out of his chair, stalk out of the studio, and stomp upstairs to his bedroom.
There will be some nervousness I expect at CCHQ at Boris' turn, which will be on 3rd/4th December if it happens - and it's likely that it must. Nigel must be conflicted, both relieved that BrexitCorp™'s polling means he's unlikely to be asked and miffed that, erm, he's unlikely to be asked. 

I was going to do a piece on Localist measures in the Conservative manifesto this morning but it would be as insipid as Earl Grey against Corby's live, on-air self-destruction.


  1. "I was going to do a piece on localist measures in the tory liefesto...."

    "....But I haven't finished rewording the Brexitco contract yet."

  2. I didn't watch Andrew Neil, I'll get it on catch up.

    Meanwhile, over on LBC Iain Dale had been due to have Emily Thornberry as guest, for an hour-long session of interview and answering listeners' questions. She cancelled on the day and the Labour Party declined to put up an alternative ..... so Iain spent the entire time discussing Labour's track record of anti-Semitism with a series of callers with no-one from Labour to defend the Party's record.

    Yet STILL Labour will get 30%+ of the vote - saved by the precious FPTP voting system which the CONservative Party will not countenance changing.

  3. It would appear from the intro piece for the Andrew Neill interview that Nigel Farage is due to be featured, he is pictured in the opening stream anyway. Certainly he has as much credence in this as the Sturgeon woman, her party doesn't even compete in the national election, whilst the Brexit Party won the last national election they entered.

    Hopefully, he will appear after Doris, who will bluster and lie his way through, so having Nigel feed him policy would be best avoided.

  4. So if the Labour Party is riddled with anti-Semitism, then how come hundreds of thousands of its members elected Ed Miliband, from a Jewish background, to be leader?

    Neil's squalid "have you stopped beating your wife yet?" question should have got him sacked in any reputable broadcaster.

    If Jeremy Corbyn had answered either way he would have supported the phoney charge against his party generally.

    It is Tory-BNP-BP which is riddled with every kind of prejudice, and Neil knows it.

    Yes, there are a few haters in Labour, and they need to be identified and expelled, but the number is very small.

    It is on the Right that we find all the Soros-centred global Jewish conspiracy theories. The mass shooters at US synagogues were not from the Left.

  5. @JPM
    "So if the Labour Party is riddled with anti-Semitism, then how come hundreds of thousands of its members elected Ed Miliband, from a Jewish background, to be leader?"

    Because back then, Momentum had yet to get it's racist arms around Labour. Lansman et al had yet to come to the fore. But now they are here and the mask has slipped to reveal virtue signalling nastiness.

    If you can get back to where you once were prior to Momentum, then - and only then - will you have a credible Labour party.

  6. Could I nominate our troll for world heritage status?

    More foam flecked than fucking Rockall in winter!

  7. Why should Holocaust Denial, or questioning the number of millions slaughtered, be a crime?

    Questioning the fact or the accuracy of the currently accepted history is not the same as advocating the Holocaust.

    Why should Holocaust Denial be a crime but denying the genocide of Tasmanian people not be a crime?

    And remember that the Nazis did not only target Jews for extermination. Gypsies and homosexuals were victims too.

    Why are Jews given this privilege of being protected from sceptical examination, or even outright denial of current Holocaust scholarship.

    If the Holocaust happened as claimed then it's easy to refute deniers. That's all that is needed, not criminalisation od deniers' claims.

    James Strong


  8. Free speech should protect Holocaust denial--bullshit tho' it is.

    After all no one mentions the 150 million people murdered by socialism do they? Ever--not on MSM.

    Jizz is --just like you Cheesy--not only Marxist scum but an angry senile teenager--still pissed off at Mummy and Daddy for sending him away. McNasty likewise.


  9. James @8:18 has it right. The use of censorship - especially 'valid' for the protection of certain peoples from ANY form of criticism or scrutiny - is abhorrent and should never have been permitted.

    Facts stand on their own merit under any pressure or claim of falsehood therefore should need no 'protection' regardless of their sentimentality.

    Labour are now suffering the same claims re anti-whatever as UKIP did on many occasions despite putting forward representatives of the faiths/beliefs/nationalities that were being claimed as victims. It's 99% bullshit imho. The very same claims could be laid against 'letterbox Boris' if the media wanted to push the meme.

    Labour can/will fail on their own policies without the politically/media manufactured exaggerations being made against them. Even as a Labour 'hater' I am utterly disgusted at the way this is being manipulated as the same techniques will, no doubt, be rolled out to thwart ANY opposition to the Globalist plans and I await the threats to BXP accordingly.

    It seems that only white Christians are left to take the real abuse, the real pressures and the growing threat of genocide. Where is the 'horror' and 'condemnatin' of all the things being done to 'us'?

    Double standards? Fuck me.

  10. Momentum are thirty thousand out of half-a-million members, and are actually moderate, pro-European Union types, yes, that "capitalist club".

    It is nothing to do with them. It is an Establishment media distortion. None of them can even quote a single antisemitic incident when asked. It's all down to Labour daring to suggest that the Palestinians might actually warrant some consideration too, it seems.

    Latest poll by ICM has the Tory lead cut to seven percent, with Labour on thirty-four percent.

    1. The old 4X2's seem to think otherwise. Fucking nazis!

  11. @Poisonedchalice

    If you can get back to where you once were prior to Momentum, then - and only then - will you have a credible Labour party.

    Actually I think you have to go back to BB - Before Blair. You can make an argument that he poisoned the political well and that subsequent politicians (with a few notable exceptions) have been tainted by it.

  12. Magic Grandpa is a figurehead for the Denialist Party. As such he denies that Anti Semitism is a problem for the Labour Party. Denies that WASPI payments are unfunded, denies that the Labour Brexit policy is an unworkable fudge, denies the true costs of nationalisation and the funding for day to day operations of the nationalised bodies, and so on.

    When your chance to shine in a public interview is one long example of denial and avoidance then I hope that people will realise Magic Grandpa doesn't deserve any power to run the country.

  13. The danger now, as I have suggested more than once, is that the Labour Party now finds a way to dump Corbyn - probably next week or the week after - and there's then a huge sigh of relief all over Remainia, as they realise it's then "safe" to vote Labour again.

    And we end up with Britain's first communist government.

    There are already straws in the wind indicating that this might happen - see yesterday's Telegraph, for instance.

  14. @Peter MacFarlane:

    Has anyone ever told you that with material like that, you could make an excellent contribution to the Pan Book of Horror series?

  15. @r_w: let's hope it remains (!) in the realm of fiction.


  16. Labour is run by Marxist scum. Who can nationalise nothing so long as in the EU.

    So ANY remainiac scum--even ZanU-crawling sewer-trash like Cheesy-- would be a fool to trust either Jizz or his only likely successor--the even worse McNasty with remaining in the foul ditch of stagnant shite that is the EU.

    The Labour Party, like Cheesy himself, needs to be destroyed. Time that the brazen murdering evil of socialism was ended for ever.

    1. I know labour voters are dumb, but would they be so dumb as to fall for such an obvious ploy as replacing grandad semtex with a "moderate"?

      Could they do this in three weeks?

  17. Getting desperate now jpm? you are not even keeping up your thin pretence at being the moderate chap you usually try to portray, once a vicious commie gobshite, always it seems.

  18. JPM 07:39 "It is Tory-BNP-BP which is riddled with every kind of prejudice, and Neil knows it."

    Tory: currently Centre/left
    BNP: very left wing (just read any of their manifestos)
    BP: centre/Right

    so what is your point again?

    "Yes, there are a few haters in Labour, and they need to be identified and expelled, but the number is very small."

    I thought this may be your point but it is so patently far-fetched. Mark is right, you need protected status, wonderful trolling at times.

  19. Would just like to point out that Momentum was actually created by four people, three of which are Jewish. I get that completely fecks up the narrative but it is what it is. The truth of the matter is that all this anti-Semitism lark is just a tool for the tories to bash Labour with and in reality they couldn't give two tosses about it.
