Monday 9 December 2019

The 'Commercial gents' have lost their importance

Readers of Patrick O'Brian will be familiar with the author's benign contempt in the Aubrey / Maturin novels for the 'commercial gents'; rich city merchants, florid and grandiloquent, who wear patriotism like a cloak but whose only real interest is their own wealth. They are never entirely above suspicion of being willing to trade or deal with the King's enemies, of putting profit above patria, and O'Brian paints them unsympathetically. Yet trade and commerce are indeed the nation's 'life blood' - and today only the extraordinary success of British business has placed the UK fifth in the world's GDP league. 

But not all trade and commerce is good trade and commerce. Not all of it benefits the country and its people more than it benefits its owners - and that's the test. Why should UK trade policy be developed for the benefit of global shareholders whose activities have frequently disadvantaged both the country and its people? This issue has become much clearer in the minds of the electorate during the three years of Remain sabotage of the Brexit vote, with the CBI now dismissed as no more than a creature of the global corporates, and the car makers rightly identified as global hippies with no anchor to any nation, who will screw EU and government subsidies to put their car plants anywhere that pays their global shareholders maximum profit. Let's take a look at them -

Here you have the true importance of car making in the UK - it's almost exactly the same size as Romania's car industry, and substantially smaller than Poland's. And if you expanded the graphic to the whole world, we're exactly nowhere. The effects of globalism mean that the 'commercial gents' have lost some of their importance - and in this election, and in any future trade talks, their voices may be the loudest but that doesn't mean we should pay them the greatest heed.

Take fish and British waters. Farage talks a load of bollocks about this - as the Speccie explains -
Farage’s current predicament is rooted in a disastrous strategic decision he and an inner-circle of yes men took on the day Boris Johnson unveiled his new Withdrawal Agreement. Within minutes (possibly before the document had even been published) they decided to rubbish Boris’s deal as “not Brexit”. Farage bet the farm on being able to win that argument in the country. His aim was that the Brexit party would then take permanent possession of the huge Leave electorate, much of which had coalesced around it at the European elections.

Soon the Brexit party resorted to depicting things that applied only in the transitional period as if they would be permanent. There were claims Britain would be locked forever in economic alignment with the EU, unable to pursue an independent foreign policy or be in charge of what happened in UK fishing waters. It was even said the new Northern Ireland-only features could spell the end of the Union.

This position led inexorably to the logic that the Brexit party, as the only true Brexit option, must stand in every British mainland constituency at the general election. All other options – from standing aside altogether with a warning to Johnson that the Brexit party would be on his back during the next phase of future relationship negotiations, to fighting only a limited number of safe Labour seats in abandoned former industrial and coastal towns – were dismissed. But despite stirring up some of his Twitter followers against the Boris deal, Farage lost the argument among Leavers as a whole.
But Nigel's disastrous and mistaken strategy for BrexitCorp™ doesn't mean that fishing and our waters aren't important - but how important?

France is already making clear that it will block any trade deal unless the EU continues to have a right of access to UK waters. That's how important it is. On our own side the commercial gents from the City keep telling us that fishing represents a piffling little piece of the British economy, that financial passporting and the access of the City's merchants to European markets are far more important, and if it comes to push versus shove we should sacrifice our fish and waters for the good of the City of London.

Boris today moves the final days of his campaign to the Leave towns of the North. Voters here aren't dumb, and if they vote BXP it won't be because they've swallowed Nigel's distortions. It will be because they don't trust Boris not to give away the UK's fishing waters during a post-Brexit trade deal for the good of the commercial gents. And that, Prime Minister, is your key challenge in the North - to make it clear that British waters aren't up for negotiation.


  1. Post-Brexit, we will become an Independent Coastal State. Here's the relevant Parliamentary information on Fisheries, post Brexit.

    The Government makes it perfectly clear on the DEFRA site that the Government is going to negotiate away access to British waters, so that the British Fishing Industry "gets a fairer share of the available catch."

    So we already know that Boris is "up for negotiating away" our territorial waters in the interests of the Commercial Gents.

  2. Since almost every aspect of commercial life in the UK will be damaged by leaving the European Union, and with it the well being of the millions who depend on it, Raedwald appears to have reached a predictable conclusion:

    Nothing matters.

  3. I know for a fact that as far as Nigel is concerned the fishing issue is just about the most important aspect of Brexit. It was the very subject that he was talking about at the point at which I was introduced to him.

    I don't know why you would think that Nigel and the Brexit Party are just like the tories, he believes in Britain and that means its people. Johnson could not give a stuff about anything other than the bottom line. This is clear from the cavalier attitude he has to the electorate. The Brexit Party is about the heart and soul of this country.

    Controlling one's fishing grounds is not only a signifier that one is in control of ones nation, it is the trigger for the re-establishment of 7,000 miles of coastland and its towns, every one job at sea, generates seven or eight on shore. The value is not just in the actual fish, it is about infrastructure and it doesn't matter to tory types, because they all live in places like Austria and not connected to real people... You know, those without investments, regardless of whether they are green or not.

    Meanwhile Johnson is using all his chums in the establishment to help to "disappear the Brexit Party", which is similar to the remain attitude to leavers... We (the majority) are a sort of embarrassment to the elites, who just wish we would all go away, and stop being uppity.

    The nation needs Reform.


  4. If anyone could predict the genuine, actual effect of Brexit on business they'd be making a fortune on the markets. No one has, no one will, so to declare that "almost every aspect of commercial life in the UK will be damaged by leaving the European Union! is utter rubbish.

    I reckon that the issue of our fishing grounds in based on peoples perception of 'borders' in that we have always been an island and have accepted that the seas around us are our defense from invaders (physically or politically) so keeping and OWNING that border is of crucial 'mental' importance.

    If Boris dares to threaten to (or indicate he will) give away our fishing grounds it's tantamount to dropping our trousers and asking how far we should bend over.

    Farage knows this.

  5. @Dave_G

    Boris doesn't need to threaten or indicate it ...... Gove's already done it for him. As Environment Minister under May, he posted a statement on the DEFA site explaining that the British Government would be negotiating a fairer share of the catch with the EU when we'd "left" the EU. Since the Withdrawal Agreement hasn't changed, neither has that intention.


  6. Thanks DeeDee.

    The only 'fair share' the EU should get of our fishing waters is what WE (and the British people that fish them) should say they get.

    The starting point is 'zero'. Negotiate THAT, darned EU.....!

    If the EU want our fish they should simply be buying it from us.

  7. And yet all that needs to happen is an expose of factory trawlers from forn parts hoovering up *everything* and public perception will swing behind exerting sovereignty over our waters.

    Sometimes environmentalists have a point.

  8. terence patrick hewett9 December 2019 at 09:21

    Everybody on this thread "knows" what Boris will do - actually you don't, none of you do so stop talking cobblers.


  9. Still rambling the same tired old shite Cheese? Go get a job son.

  10. The computer games industry in Britain is twenty times the size of the fishing industry.

  11. Who are the CBI ? They do not publish their membership list or how they are funded although we do know they receive UK taxpayer funds via the EU.

    Membership of an EU CU means that our interests in trade deals are traded away for the benefit of German cars and French food. A CU which works to the benefit of the rest of the EU to the tune of £100bn/year trading surplus with the UK.

    It was the EU’s “deal” with the Japanese to reduce Japanese car tariffs to zero within 10 years which has led to the gradual closure of Japanese led car manufacturing in the UK.

    Whilst no UK government wishing to be re-elected would trade away our NHS to the US corporates, the unelected and un-removable EU elites would be happy to do so if it was of benefit to German and French companies.

    Much is made of the EU’s ability to make FTA’s around the world. But in all these cases they’re not insisting upon freedom of movement for access to their market. So why can’t the UK have an FTA without freedom of movement?

    The regaining of ownership and control over our fishing waters will indeed be the litmus test of whether or not we have left the EU.

  12. Each job at sea as a fisherman, requires around seven or eight jobs on land by way of support.

    While anonymous @9:51 might be thinking about the bottom line, I am thinking about those jobs and the accompanying security for thousands of coastal families who have been struggling since (traitor) heath handed our fishing grounds to those pirates in brussels. Currently all many of them have is tramadol and computer games, which are part of a world market, well not a customs union or single market exclusive anyway.

    It is the way Boris thinks too, it is why I made the comment.

    It is too long since we were able to coalesce around a Gladstonian tradition as opposed to the bloody tories or the odious and unacceptable socialist types. The question it would seem is, which of those two is going to be sacrificed at the altar of the two party system?

    Hopefully the latter, even though I do hold massive disdain for the former and its repellent leadership.

  13. "Voters here aren't dumb, and if they vote BXP it won't be because they've swallowed Nigel's distortions. It will be because they don't trust Boris"

    Indeed.Panic is consuming both Liebour and the ConMen.

    The polls are useless as confirmed by many previous experiences but the parties now KNOW the response they are getting at the doorstep in every community. My guess is they are both receiving very unfavourable results based on Dominic Cummings recent panicked writings and todays emails from Unite related to Barnsley Central (15,500 vote majority in 2017) suggesting a very tight race.

    Everyone will have their own interpretation, but for what it is worth, here is mine. The electorate are very angry, three ConMen prime ministers over 3 years have failed to produce Brexit, lets be honest they never even tried. The current PM offers a piss-poor mayBRINO but with no plan how to achieve it, the electorate sees and understands this. The ConMan manifesto repromises "cast-iron" results, "triple-lock" something, "northern powerhouse" nonsense, "NHS" fixes, and a future "fishing industry" all lies, previously told, followed by zero action they think the electorate are that dim that they would believe this dishonest crap. The electorate are incandescent with rage at Liebour offering only an unheated gruel of 1970s thinking which will hurt workers most. My "feeling"(which I usually ignore) is that the shy Brexit party voters are shunning the polling companies, or perhaps are just to busy working to answer damn-fool time-wasting pollsters. I perceive a result similar to the recent US election where everybody was in agreement that candidate Trump was a no-hoper, may happen. We will see if I am just naive.

    Lets look at Barnsley Central 2017

    Barnsley Central
    Lab hold Barnsley Central with a 39.8% majority, 61% turnout (+4.2%)

    candidates votes %
    Dan Jarvis 24,982 63.9 (+8.2) Liebour
    Amanda Ford 9,436 24.1 (+9.1) ConMen
    Gavin Felton 3,339 8.5 (-13.2) UKIP
    Richard Trotman 572 1.5 (-1.1) Green
    David Ridgway 549 1.4 (-0.7) LimpDicks
    Stephen Morris 211 0.5 (-0.8)

    If Liebour have lost a 15,500 vote majority in Barnsley that leaves them with 10,000 votes, will 15,500 votes or even a small proportion go to the ConMen-never. I think the Brexit party may be in with a fighting chance, if the voters ignore all the chatter about lending votes. The Conman candidate should in any case stand down.

  14. Great comments on this thread most especially r_writes esq. x 2

    We are an island matters.
