Saturday 7 December 2019

UK can lead Europe in climate adaptation

Looking at common ground around the climate issues, I'm becoming increasingly confident that there is emerging a consensus around mitigation / adaptation. The science of climate change is as poorly understood as the pathology of disease in the 17th century, when physicians flailed around with notions of humours, bile and flux but had no better cure than a low diet and bleeding. Business at least is aware that making epochal decisions based on such large degrees of uncertainty is not wise - but if climate change is happening, either warming or cooling - and it seems that it is, it makes good sense to make money out of the ways in which we adapt to it. I'm deeply indebted to our friends over at Capitalists@Work, who reached this conclusion some time ago.

Now it seems that even Christine Lagarde is waking up to the reality. I tend to think that many individuals are placed somewhere close to my own position; I'll happily do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle because it's a good thing to do. I think about my environmental footprint in decisions that I make. And I follow in my personal life what we always termed in the Construction industry BPNEEC ('Bipknec') - best practice not entailing excessive cost, which in practice often became best practice not entailing cost. If Saint Greta leads the black-clad 17th century puritans wailing that we're all bound for Hell unless we eat turnips and live in a puddle, most of us are somewhere on the spectrum where spending a little less time and money in the alehouse and on wenching seems a sensible thing.

Politico.Eu has the story and I won't repeat it. Suffice to say that the ECB has now rowed-back on brave promises to tackle the causes of climate change by the heroic use of instruments such as bond issues. They're now just promising to buy unbleached recycled paper for the office photocopiers and not invest any further euros of the ECB employee pension fund in coal-things. Doing heroic stuff is not our brief, Lagarde is saying. That's up to the EU. Meanwhile the EU is mired in a battle for the post-Brexit budget. At one end are the one-per-centers, who would cap the contributions of member states at 1% of GDP, at the other the Imperialists who want 1.4%. France says she doesn't care so long as everyone else continues to pay for the French agricultural system, Poland says she wants a budget that will make them as rich as Germany, because the others owe it to them and Germany says hands off our savings - and don't challenge our hegemony. In the midst of all this, any meaningful EU action on climate change is truly improbable, and Brussels will fudge it by passing on carbon reduction 'targets' for individual nations to meet from their own resources.

All of which means that a careful and coherent government steer towards investment in adaptation and mitigation, in R&D for the same and of course in the export of both knowledge and technology that delivers adaptation will literally pay dividends for the country with a government coherent and focused enough to deliver the strategy. I'm really hoping that the UK is that country - and Thursday's election will either enable it or consign us to the virtue-signalling cesspit of Euro policy.


  1. It's all bollocks, the universe is dynamic, things change, always have always will. No amount of taxation, laws or nannying will control the sun.
    Ignore the globalist self enrichment and control mechanism of weather/climate change fear porn as best you can without incurring personal sanctions.
    Long term those who are practical and adaptable will survive, those who trust the charlatans will be disappointed.

  2. It’s mid-Winter 2050 and you are celebrating the public holiday decreed as the country has been declared “carbon neutral”. However, you are struggling to keep warm as the gas boiler, purchased just before their sale was made illegal, has broken down. Out of the frosted window, the used electric car battery mountain can just be made out through the forest of idle turbines (about to be powered on using the limited electricity available to the grid, to prevent their mechanism seizing). As you look fondly back on the last jaunt you had in 2040 before air travel was outlawed you turn on the steam-powered news to be informed that, following a plethora of new scientific evidence, carbon dioxide has officially been found “not guilty” on all counts and that it was all for nothing.

  3. Anon - luckily I switched my pension fund to shares in renewables, CCS, 4G insulation and energy management and water conservation and recycling, so whilst the poor sod above is freezing, I'm lounging about in my bathrobe watching Netfix in my energy self-sufficient home ;)

  4. By 2050 things may have deteriorated to the extent that some passerby decides he might like what you have and places you in your energy efficient freezer till the thaw comes and you can be placed in a shallow grave out back, don't be too smug.

  5. Ah, but my Tesla taser-fence will take take care of bad men - and they're mostly recyclable; pop them in the anaerobic bio-digester for a few weeks ..

  6. He's practical, he threw a bare wire over your fence and drained it. He learned that trick right after he got the heavy duty drone that dragged a similar aluminum cable over the power grid just before all the lights went out.


  7. Mankind (society) has been adapting to climate change since time immemorial as part of normal life - we stoke the fires and add insulation when it's cold and open windows/turn on the A/C when it's hot.

    Most adaptation revolves around coastal erosion - nothing to do with climate - but otherwise there is no precondition to making additional expense where it isn't required.

    The clamour for climate mitigation/prevention is and always has been another method to tax the innocent but, this time, it's more about continuing the banking scam (fiat) 'just that little bit longer'.

    I'm uncertain what to say about those that 'brag' about putting their savings in schemes that are, for all intent and purpose, stealing from the poor just so they can act all 'environmentally responsible' - such people simply contribute to the scam of CC and seem to be of the 'I'm alright Jack' persuasion.

    If you look at the numbers they bandy about - trillions - there has simply got to be a better way to spend such amounts than lining the pockets of a few entrepreneurs and scam artists (Cameron's father etc). The Greens want to spend £100bn a YEAR for the next 10 years FFS....

    As ever, we are seeing more and more interference in peoples lives using excuses that don't wash when you look closely enough at the facts. We are being led by EMOTION - and emotion does NOT make for good business decisions.

  8. Is it sensible to recycle your coffee cup when that costs more than disposing of the used one and buying another, let alone making new cups from recycled ones?

  9. Gurzel they do it because it makes them feel good, they've done something for the cult.

  10. "luckily I switched my pension fund to shares in renewables, CCS, 4G insulation and energy management and water conservation and recycling"


    all these indulgences are predicated upon one thing, underwritten by perpetual taxpayer funding and therein: the CO2 emissions trading scam.

    Take the taxpayer out of the equation - there is no climate indulgences scam.

    Think on, think honest, let the truth be known.

    oh and btw, the other 'minor' thing, man made CO2 causing runaway warming is a politically inspired figment, and total crock.

  11. Raedwald said:

    'Looking at common ground around the climate issues, I'm becoming increasingly confident that there is emerging a consensus around mitigation / adaptation.'

    Out of your depth in one sentence mate. There is no 'common ground' to be had with Globalists controlling of the narrative. The demand for energy increases in line with world population. Interfere and the suffering starts. Pollution and the misuse of what this wonderful planet has to offer will be our top priority for the rest of this century, and beyond. However climate is the one thing we will never be able to mitigate for it is far, far more powerful than any on this sweet earth can imagine.

    Medieval Warm Period - 950 to 1300 AD

    Little Ice Age - 1300 to 1850 AD

    Cooling and warming. That is climate.


  12. All - who mentioned CO2 emissions? Honestly - you all see the words 'climate change' and assume it goes hand in hand in hand with CO2 emissions. Read the piece again. I don't assume climate change is linked with CO2 emissions - I say explicitly we don't know.

    However, it seems climate change is happening. For whatever reasons. And the smart money - and the future of a smart nation like the UK - is on developing ways to adapt to it.

    By all means carry on rubbishing cimate change science and anything else - but honestly, they're realy not germane to the point being made.

  13. Ah Steve - so you don't put on a coat when the weather turns cold, because summer and winter are 'inevitable'?

  14. OK I'm being serious now, troll off.
    "However, it seems climate change is happening."
    Yes, it forever is changing,and we're stuck with that fact.
    The annoying thing is that the globalists who being in power and having much better information than the rest of us,falsely decided to use that fact for their own deceitful purposes by seizing on CO2 as the culprit.

  15. If the EU were in the least bit concerned about climate change, it would call a halt to the monthly trek from Brussels to Strasbourg and back. But that might upset Le Petit Macron, so it won't be happening.

    Since I took early retirement from the Highways Agency and downsized/ relocated, I've had a little part-time job in a shop to supplement my pension and give me something to do a few days of the week. It's a gift shop and most of what they sell comes from China; is completely unnecessary for life and is basically tat. Some of the tat they're currently selling is as a direct consequence of Saint Greta and the climate change extremists and will probably end up in landfill in a few weeks' time.

    A lot of carbon could have been saved by not manufacturing it; over-packaging it and shipping it halfway around the world. But the idiots who buy it don't seem to be able to put 2 + 2 together and understand that. It's so much easier to virtue signal than do anything really constructive to make a difference ..... like stop buying Chinese tat.


  16. Discussing Climate Change and what to do is the same as discussing the NHS and what to do.

    Everyone seems to have the answer - money - yet no amount of money has or ever will make a difference to either climate or the NHS.

    There are simply fundamental issues with addressing the underlying causes and the fraud behind them - BOTH.

    Both subjects are being used as sticks to beat the public with yet NO ONE will stand up and talk about the real problems with either. The TRUTH.


  17. Climate change is lying Marxist cockrot and any idiot wanting to play about with it can go to Hell.

    That scumn Jizz has promised his shite ER pals to tax 60% of the UK out of their cars. He can fuck off as well.

    Nor is any money to be made apart from scum like Camoron's Daddy picking up big subsidies for having wind-wank farms on his land.

  18. Whether climate change is caused by man-made CO2 or not, I am certain that we should be building more nuclear power stations.

    Once you get past the high capital cost, they are the cleanest, safest and most reliable way to generate electricity. And we do need plenty of electricity, even when it's dark and the wind isn't blowing.

    Don Cox

  19. You know the politicians are on a roll when they cart out some 'iconic' little kid like Gitta, and use her like the ping-pong ball as a deflection from the real reason, which is to make enormous amounts of money for the globalists.

    Politicians are so thick, they never realise that making some crude, un-researched statement creates a market where bright people rake in the dosh!

  20. "but if climate change is happening, either warming or cooling - and it seems that it is"

    What does this mean, Sir? Nothing! FFS, get a grip.

  21. On topic:

    Trump Science Advisor Will Happer Says Global Warming Is a ‘Scam’

    He [Happer] described how he first spotted the nature of the scam during the Clinton era, when he was briefly director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science before being sacked by Vice President Al Gore. Gore didn’t like the way Happer was asking so many inconvenient questions about his friends’ supposed “climate” research projects.


  22. Here we are teetering on the edge of an overdue ice age and the human race is spending $billions to "mitigate carbon", the biggest scam ever perpetrated on mankind to line the pockets of our establishment "betters". What an utter waste of time, money, talent and endeavour.

    When is somebody (are you listening St Greta?) going to invite the Chinese to the party?

    Never seen a thread in this place with so little dissent. What they all said.

  23. You can't "adapt" to the manufacturered predictions of computer models. That is all "global warming", "climate change", "climate emergency", "climatethought" is.

  24. @ Anonymous 18:15
    Factory made power plants off the shelf, could be useful.


    I know that you don't like links but just look at it. What does it say? 1. It's almost always warmer than this. 2. For almost all of scientifically observable history, it has been cooler than this.

  26. The other thing, now what is the average temp of the earth and if we could reset it, then what would it be?

    Who knows, but whatever, God helps us if we ever get that sort of power and............... the other thing radders

    germane it fucking well is, you assume the climate is changing (of course it fucking changes) - you, no one else in his right mind thinks it is anything other than natural change and ooh look Canute, he couldn't turn the tide back. Do you really honestly think that, we can?

    The other thing and please note, you're ok with your clever dickie investments, in the meantime lad it is reckoned that, for every 'green job' created 3 are lost in the real economy = the green agenda is not a boon it is a enormous tax fraud which is a drag, YES DRAG on the economy.

    Got that.
