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Friday 22 May 2020

On the bright side ...

Climate activists will no doubt be contemplating a new series of disruptive protests at the news. The sunshine and good weather, it seems,  is down to dramatically lower levels of atmospheric pollution across the world. It surely cannot be long before the increased levels of UV trigger a new fear campaign. "Unless we stop this lack of pollution that protects us from harmful UV rays, the whole country will start tanning and producing more vitamin D!"

Seriously, what has surprised many is the speed with which the earth has bounced back from a pause in human activity. The force of life in nature is tremendously strong and an entire city will return to jungle if we abandon it, if we stop the daily fight to keep nature at bay, halt the weeding, the mowing, the cultivating, the taming of all that incessant growth.

It's mating time for both house spiders and salamanders here. The first are no problem - but little webs I've not previously noticed are suddenly holding a pair of spiders. Leave them be until they've done their spider stuff. The salamanders though are as daft as bricks. They've been crawling slowly up the old stream bed each year for a thousand years or more to mate, and the fact that a cart track has become a little road with two or three vehicles an hour at peak times doesn't phase them. But it does me. So as I spot them, I become a salamander lollipop man, sometime picking them up and carrying them across if they're moving too slowly. They seem to give me a look of withering contempt - "We'll still be doing this long after you've gone, human".

It's the trees I feel sorry for. We've just reduced their lush diet of CO2. It won't be long before the Gretas start blaming us for that too - the year of Covid will be recorded for posterity by a thin, emaciated growth ring. All our fault. And the bloody things are probably getting sunburnt, to boot.


Span Ows said...

What the greenies never consider is that Nature and the Earth itself is probably laughing in contempt at the very little faith the demonstrators show. The miniscule difference we mere humans make is not even a gnat bite in comparison. Climate change will continue at the very same pace it was yestrday, last century and last millenia. We will not stop it or slow it.

Span Ows said...

Sorry...I have just read that Telegraph healine: "Coronavirus lockdown could have helped bring about sunniest spring on record, researchers say

Absolute bollocks.

Doonhamer said...

Up here in Scotchland a "greeter" means someone who weeps, complains, whinges. Verb "to greet".
It has Scandinavian roots.
This leads me to suspect that the blessed one was given her name because of her dominant characteristic.There must be a word for that.

Anonymous said...


There is. It's a 4-letter word beginning with C that some find distasteful. And for the avoidance of doubt, that word isn't 'crap'.

Dave_G said...

Of course the pending solar minimum and colder temperatures will be leapt upon by the climatists as proof that the carbon restrictions (Paris Agreement) are working....

There is nothing that activists won't/can't twist to their advantage.

It is at times like this plandemic that such people take advantage and we shouldn't let them get away with it.

GurzelWummage said...

Doesn't look like there's any drop in CO2 to me

Nigel Sedgwick said...

Vegetation growth is pretty much: dVeg/dt = PeakOfBalanced(H2O + CO2 + E). And the E is energy for photosynthesis, much of which comes directly from the sun - and even more (nearly all) comes indirectly from the sun.

So, if E goes up (say from lower air pollution), Veg will go up. But if CO2 goes down, dVeg/dt will go down (but Veg will very probably still be going up).

GurzelWummage said no sign of CO2 going down - and indeed the referenced plots show no drop. However, I think just 2 months in Northern hemisphere spring (somewhat important as that is where most land mass resides) is too little to show anything.

And then ... much of the Veg is in the 4/5 surface and lots of depth (compared to land surface) of the oceans. Note: "... it is estimated that the total (photoautotrophic) primary production for the Earth was 104.9 petagrams of carbon per year (Pg C yr−1; equivalent to the non-SI Gt C yr−1).[22] Of this, 56.4 Pg C yr−1 (53.8%), was the product of terrestrial organisms, while the remaining 48.5 Pg C yr−1, was accounted for by oceanic production." So closely approaching half of the dVeg/dt occurs in the oceans; bet you're not watching that as you count your trees and measure their growth rings.

Keep safe and best regards

Greg T said...

I have no time for the fake greenies ( Nuclear Powere RIGHT NOW to stop GW )
But we may have to really worrk=y about too much UV
We may be headed for a plaetery Magnetic Firled REversal ... oops.

Anonymous said...

It's all part of Donald's master plan to UV the dreaded virus out of existence.

The only problem is how to make money out of it now that the hydroxichloroquine suckers have been tapped out.

Span Ows said...

anon 05:59, how easily led you are

Anonymous said...

@Span Ows

Perhaps Anon 05:59 voted Brexit

Span Ows said...

Anon 06:57, I doubt it but it's possible. Many - maybe even most? - with TDS also suffered/suffer from BDS.