There is also a prediction that a rump of diehard Remoaners will continue; currently estimated at twenty something percent, half the referendum total, this rump is predicted to shrink to some 15% or fewer of implacable EUphiles, some of whom will devote every second of their lives and every pound of their fortunes to punishing their fellow citizens for disobeying.
These are not ordinary people. These are the wealthy, the powerful, the influencers and manipulators who are used to pulling the levers of society. With access to money and media and the support of global finance and government, they remain incandescent and consumed by bile, derision and contempt for we ordinary folk who dared to disobey them. Gina Miller, her face contorted in fury and hate, on live TV becoming a caricature of a bitterly unhinged woman now showing her years. AC Grayling's very public and ongoing meltdown on Twitter. Blair. Campbell. Adonis. All will be part of the 15% that will never let it go.
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Gina Miller before and after the Referendum |
To turn their hateful words against them, these haters will eventually die off and then our country will be united in our freedom.
I am no fan of Gina Miller's opinions and actions. However, I think your photos of her are unfair. The 'before' picture looks to me like 'rather a long time before'. In the second picture, the facial distortion looks consistent with Bell's Palsy. If that's correct, she has my sympathy.
We need to start an annual "Heath Award" for the Europhiles ..... to recognise their devotion to the EU; their ability to lie about its intentions and the depth of their sulk.
At the moment I nominate Adonis, who appeared on Nigel Farage's LBC Show last weekend. He ranted for 20 minutes, sounding increasingly hysterical about the "peasants" appalling disregard for the opinions of the pro-EU Elite and almost entirely played the man "Farage" not the ball.
Sorry Raedwald, you are being played. Remain wheel out Blair, Miller, Adonis, Heseltine, to distract us from what our Remain government is doing. Why else do you suppose Remain field such obviously silly people? It's the magicians stock in trade: we watch one hand whilst the trick is performed by the other. Except this is rather more important.
Why do you think there was a 9 month delay to invoke Art50? The government knew there was an issue within a few days of the Referendum - it was in the Times. The government could have had a Parliamentary vote (as they had to anyway) but immediately. How could they have lost so close to the Referendum?
The delay, the Art50 process itself, the magically invoked "transition" prevent us taking advantage of properly Leaving the EU. Effectively Theresa May has locked us into the EU for five more years after the vote. That makes plenty of time for "events" to give our establishment the excuse to reverse Leave.
I am a member of a professional engineering institution: yesterday morning I opened the monthly magazine and discovered an article by one Tony Blair. This poisonous little rodent is attempting to corrupt UK institutions from within and no-one can access articles like this except members so the criticism will be limited. And you can bet the farm that he is doing this over a whole spectrum of UK institutions.
Budgie's right again.
Mind you thta Gina Millers worth a squirt. Reminds me of a charming lady I encountered at a rio di janeiro bar many years ago, well, I suppose the word lady is working rather hard there, anyway I met her.
And she was charming.
The noted ardent supporters of Remain will be beholden to some higher power who has either bought them or hold some other 'secret fact' about them that keeps them in line. They have nothing to lose on a personal basis therefore must have some hidden agenda keeping them on-topic and as rabid as they appear.
Are they 'on a promise' for future riches or are they simply well-place individuals that have been co-opted to the cause?
Either way they simply can't be so stupid as to believe all the shite they spout about the EU. No-one is THAT blind/stupid - not without an ulterior motive.
“Both find by a clear margin that we don't want another referendum. And the indications are that a growing number of Brits are now accepting the last one.”
This may be true but I believe that the elites, and here I include Mrs. May, the majority of Parliament, the Civil Service, EU funded organisations such as the CBI etc. intend to keep us in the EU “regulatory framework” (viz accepting FoM, all new and existing EU laws, the expansion of the EU to include further eastern European states, in the SM/CU/CAP/CFP etc.) until they feel they can conveniently just ignore the referendum result with the signing of a new EU treaty.
Such touching faith in 'polls' after the debacles of recent times-and the one about 'should there be a referendum to accept the Brexit terms or not' shows almost exactly 1/3 for Yes, 1/3 for No and 1/3 Dunno (or perhaps "don't care" which would seem likely to me). -both remainers and BrexSShiteurs having forgotten in their 'debates' that a large chunk of the country is a bit 'meh' about the whole thing.
Loving your description of me -if I might be classed as a Die Hard Remainer-despite increasingly arguing against a 2nd Referendum and for a 'No Deal'('better a terrible end than a terror without end' as the Germans say)- as wealthy and elite. That made my afternoon, thank you x
I disagree with Budgie on much but I have a horrible feeling he may be right about this. Certainly PMT.May's behaviour the last couple of days should give yer average BrexSShiteur pause for thought.
I have adopted a very simple approach to the remainers I meet. I ask:
"How exactly will Brexit affect you personally?"
I have yet to receive a coherent answer.
I concur with Budgie. Who wouldn't? Since the minute the result was known those who recovered first from the shock got their head's together. Cameron knew he had to resign, fall on his sword if you like, to delay - "delay and fight another day", they mumbled. And they did. Democracy was consumed at that point, we went back 300 years at that point.
So here we are and if June 2016 seems a long time ago then I suggest it will seem like an age has passed by the time we actually leave. The military call it attrition and that's what we the People are being subjected to - just watch the BBC, or Sky, for confirmation. I care nothing for them, we're at the nadir with politics in these islands.
I have yet to receive a coherent answer.- John Leak
It will forceably (ie against my will) make me an unEUmensch- take away not only my EU Citizenship but remove me from the protection of the ECHR (or will it? Not the way PMT.May is going). It will possibly mean my having to relocate to Germany (the wife is an EU national). It will certainly bring in further persecution of me as a Smoker and impoverish me by closing off my access to cheap EU tobacco.
The list goes on but you get the picture .
Here's an interesting article about Miller shortly before she made her speech at the University of Guyana Daisporta Conference last July. Seems her mother sussed out she'd be a royal pain in the backside, so shipped her off to boarding school. Unfortunately in the UK.
jack ketch said @ 14:59
'It will forceably (ie against my will) make me an unEUmensch- take away not only my EU Citizenship but remove me from the protection of the ECHR (or will it? Not the way PMT. May is going). It will possibly mean my having to relocate to Germany (the wife is an EU national). It will certainly bring in further persecution of me as a Smoker and impoverish me by closing off my access to cheap EU tobacco.'
You'd be far happier then if you were to relocate to this glorious EU member country? You could smoke your head off there under an EU sky and, inshallah, as the decades go by you'll be able to see the new minarets push upwards in every town and city. Enjoy,
@ Steve if you think the Islamification of Germany is going to take decades then you're probably mistaken. There was a judgement just this last week (Wuppertal I think).
And yes when the fascists of BrexSSHite decided they had the right to have me de-citizenised I did consider moving back to Germany because unlike the UK there was never any debate about EU countries 'respecting my rights' , after BrexSShite the 'old' EEC rules will apply or similar and anyone resident in the EU falls under the protection of the ECHR no matter their nationality.
But aside from that, as I was answering John's accusation, do you wish to contend that I'm wrong about how Brexit will effect me? Go on, I'd love to see a BrexSShiteur try and claim I won't lose my EU Citizenship....
Mina giller as they call her at the comments section of
You want to smoke.
Which you can do here. Or in Germany.
And you can smoke after we leave. There is no change to smoking laws. The UK brought in its draconian laws WHILST A MEMBER OF THE EU.
You can't be an EU citizen as the UK won't be in the EU any more. any other EU country you can freely move to, right now. Before we leave. And enjoy all the rights of EU citizenship.
if you don't want to. Well...I didn't want to sell my house when made redundant. But shit happens. we are adults after all. And have to deal with the situation as it is. And not in a childish "its not fair!" sort of way.
I don't feel £350,000,000 is worth it so you don't have to worry about having a fag. there will probably, in fact almost certainly, be the restoration of duty free. Something the EU DENIED all its citizens when they used to enjoy cheaper fags, booze and perfumes. So look for ward to that.
Mr Ketch. You must have a real reason for wanting to stay in the EU?
Jack Ketch.
"the fascists of BrexSSHite decided they had the right to have me de-citizenised".
Ah, that why we're fascists! Well thanks for clearing that up. I can now sleep easier in my swastica adorned bed.
I'll lose my "EU citizenship" as well if that's any consolation.
Mr Ketch. You must have a real reason for wanting to stay in the EU?"
You weren't paying attention. The 'question' was how would BrexSShite effect me personally not whether or not those effects were actually a 'positive' or even imaginary. However I am pleased to see you agree I will be de-citizenized and lose my hEUman Rights. I'm still waiting for a BrexSShiteur to tell me I'm wrong on that one.
" The UK brought in its draconian laws WHILST A MEMBER OF THE EU." Precisely! Our own sovereign democratically elected parliament and the whimsical darlings therein IMPOSED it on us, the passed an Act of UK Law. So you agree that all the 'our laws made in Brussels' propaganda was just that, propaganda?
there will probably, in fact almost certainly, be the restoration of duty free.
Yeeeeees possibly but you can be sure the maximum amount, very best case, will be 250g of tobacco. Most likely it will be Oz/NZ rules...that's what fASH want.Under EU rules I can bring back as much as I want and that probably cheaper than Duty Free would have been.
It's not about 'me having a fag', smoking is just the easiest loss of our freedoms to illustrate. What the yUK.gove do to smokers they will do to the old, the fat, the drinkers, the whites and the Xians.
I'll lose my "EU citizenship" as well if that's any consolation.
That's the point. I assume you placed little (if any) value on your EU citizenship? ( Forgive me if I do you an injustice there and you are actually 'sacrificing' your EU Citizenship for the great good as you see it).
I however place great value on mine, as much as I place on my British Citizenship-perhaps even more so. I object to the Mob deciding that because they don't value theirs , mine may be removed. The moment you start the involuntary removal of citizenship from anyone you place yourself squarely with all the other totalitarians (shorthand 'fascist'). BrexSSHiteurs seem to have great difficulty understanding the difference between nationality and citizenship.
I'm still waiting for one of the more frothy mouthed to tell me BrexSSHite won't have the effect of stripping away my EU Citizenship and hEUman Rights....
I kind of agree that an illusion is being carried out, as Budgie notes, however it isn't May or her government that is the big problem.
Cast your mind back to the events following the referendum, Cameron resigned and a number of hopefuls, mainly leavers, attempted to lead the tory shysters and become PM...
One by one they were whittled away, without a meaningful vote by anyone, not even the tory MP's...
Last man standing was the known sock puppet Theresa May, known far and wide as without any personality or track record of achievement, an empty vessel.
The sock puppet won the election, which of course was not difficult really, and the next thing you know as per her usual performance.... nothing happened.
For Mrs. May, the mere fact that she was now Prime Minister, was achievement enough... She waffled and gurned a bit, and then those that have degrees in sock puppetry, inserted their deft fingers and began to operate.
Jeremy Hayward (master puppeteer) is 56.
I still think Brexit isn't going to happen. I hope I'm wrong.
Jack Ketch
I was being sarcastic BTW but thank you, that IS precisely the point.
I do not want this country to be a collection of regions of a European superstate. In voting to leave that is what I am rejecting. I never asked for their "citizenship" in the first place (did you?)
Whatever trade deals or arrangements we may make in the future, I doubt very much if citizenship of any other country or group of countries would even be discussed. You may want to ask yourself why it's needed in the EU. What do you think is the eventual intention regarding national citizenships?
Citizenship requires some legal and political entity and that entity surely can lay a claim on you for all sorts of things. For example, as a British citizen you can be called up for military service. Could I (rhetorical question I'm pushing 60) be called up to serve in the "EU army" that prior to the referendum was - according to "Sir" Nick Clegg - a fantasy? And if had dual US citizenship, the IRS would take a definite interest in my financial afffairs. If you apply for "EU citizenship", could you get a tax bill in future from the single fiscal entity required for the single currency? (Don't see why not. With rights go responsibilites surely)
Nobody is going to force you out of your job, make you live in a ghetto or wear a yellow star. These are the sort of things real fascists do. Neither are we a "mob". As I said, if you really do want EU "citizenship" I'm you can apply for it.
General question for anybody who may know. Is it possible to formally renounce EU "citizenship".
Jack Ketch must be a transgendered, homosexual, disabled Muslim as I can't think that any 'normal' person could offer a guarantee that ECHR will make any rulings that will benefit them.
Fortunately, or not, the ECHR isn't an EU institution so we will continue to be subject to its rullings until such time as we opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Jack, as a citizen "pushing 60" I would relax, with the current glacial rate of Brexit progress you will never notice any change in your condition. You will maintain your British passport, travel freely throughout the EU, pay exhorbitant taxes on your tobacco goods and have all the "benefits" of EU membership except voting rights within the EU, laws especially will not be changing. Your children may eventually see some change, though even that is debatable.
Whether you are a brexiteer or a remoaner matters not, this prediction is made based on the inertia of yUK government, they are just not capable of decisive action. That particularly applies to ms maybe's govt. focussed on wimmin and ministers of/for loneliness.
Quit worrying.
As to Raedwalds question, you are correct, the polls are suspect.
Under UK law you cannot renounce EU citizenship, without becoming a stateless person, people have tried! I didn't want and don't want to be an EU citizen, if I wanted it I would ask!
John Leak said that he asks remainers ""How exactly will Brexit affect you personally?".
That was what I asked myself about the EU . The answer I got was 'imperceptably' .I then asked 'What is likely to be the effect upon me by leaving? The answer was 'I haven't got a clue but it is unlikley to be a good one." so I didn't vote to go.
But to be fair,it's not painful so far,as the suicide said as he passed the 27th floor.
Isn't the isle of Man outside of the EU?.
jack ketch said @ 16:52
'But aside from that, as I was answering John's accusation, do you wish to contend that I'm wrong about how Brexit will effect me? Go on, I'd love to see a BrexSShiteur try and claim I won't lose my EU Citizenship...'
The government offered me a vote on our continued membership of the EU so I obliged. They even sent me a pamphlet outlining the government's (Remain) position telling me they'd respect the decision. The 2015 Referendum Act made it all legal, the question was agreed in Parliament and a binary vote decided upon to ensure clarity of purpose. Leave won it.
As far as the vote is concerned losing one's EU citizenship is neither here nor there - the difference between you and me is you don't want to lose yours and I don't give a fuck about mine. You will not be an EU citizen after we leave and neither will I. If you think folk who voted a different way than you are fascists then democracy probably doesn't suit you.
Try somewhere more authoritarian, you'll sleep better.
Miller is a testament to the elites. FFS she was on BBC Question Time *again* last week dribbling on again like she has a mandate, when in fact she has no democratic mandate, was elected by nobody, and her qualification for ending up on TV seems to be that is is the wife of a billionaire with a big mouth and expensive lawyers.
Oh - and she is an obsessed Remainer. Nothing the BBC likes more than an obsessed Remainer willing to appear on TV.
> Why else do you suppose Remain field such obviously silly people?
Not saying Budgie is wrong, but are there any non-silly Remainiacs? And the Remainers I meet all think these people are great.
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