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Tuesday, 2 October 2018

May and Hammond preparing to sell-out Britain?

If the story in the Times is to be believed, May and her Remainer ally Hammond are preparing to betray the UK's interests in favour of the wishes of the global corporates. On past form she will deliver a twisted-mouthed mendacious speech at conference that will be aimed at placating Brexiteers with oily words and smooth insincerities whilst all the while caving into the demands made by an intransigent Brussels.

May and her Remainer team are simply not up to the job of defending the UK's interests. They trust neither the British people nor the assurances of our many friends across the world who wish us to do well. They would rather we remain a Satrap nation under the authoritarian rule of an anti-democratic and unelected cabal in Brussels. 

Make no mistake; if May attempts to follow the route suggested by the Times, our children and grandchildren will weep bitter tears of regret at her betrayal of their future.


jack ketch said...

whilst all the while caving into the demands made by an intransigent Brussels.

Yeah funny that one- the BrexSShiteurs have been telling us for the last 2 years+ that the fEUzzy WEUzzies didn't like cold steel up 'em and would cave in, so desperate were they for us not to leave. Now we see EU is more 'leave' than the yUK government.

On a separate note how many voters live within a , say, 100 mile radius of Torquay? Torquay alone has a population of 65k+ yet 'Leave Means Leave' who are holding a rally there with both JRM and Farage tag teaming on stage are expecting under 2k to attend?!? Wasn't there talk of millions marching on Whitehall? And even the promise of free booze couldn't entice enough journalists to attend the pathetic protest outside the Tory Conference...dear God, you know things are dire when journos turn down free drinks....mind you it was from weatherspoons non-EU menu so maybe....

Stephen J said...

As is nearly always the case, Jack is misrepresenting those increasing numbers of people that either voted to leave, or would now.

I have not heard anyone on my side of the fence suggest that the EC has anything at all to do with the difficulties that we are facing as we try to withdraw this nation from its anti-democratic clutches. It has made its bed and rightly regards the advances of those arse-holes in Westminster as an attack.

This is entirely the concern of our snide government, that as Raedwald says, is preparing to side with international corporate business, against the interests of the people that pay for their treachery.

Life for ordinary folk, is not about our investments, we all know that investing is risky...

It is much more about (small c) conservatism.

There are millions of us, who vote Labour or Tory (I am not one), simply because we are not that interested in either business or leftwingery... we just want to live our relatively (when compared with institutions like banks) short lives, in reasonable comfort, with bit of pleasure at the weekend, e.g. the ritualised war that is a game of football or cricket.

Some of us understand this, but most are insufficiently interested in anything more political than a quinquennial vote, to rearrange the deckchairs.

Those of us that realised that there is something rotten, are those that are currently being assiduously kept away from elected office, through misrepresentations that are in a similar vein to Jack, but come from much more pervasive quarters.

We will NOT co-operate!

Cuffleyburgers said...

JKetch - and your point is?

We all know that the EU always decides stuff at dawn after an all night boozing session.

The fact that they are cavorting around like ruritanian princelings shooting their stupid mouths off means the square root of bugger all.

The sooner we are out the better and if May and Hammond try to do as Radders is suggesting then the consequences are incalculable.

Edward Spalton said...

In early 2017, after Mrs May's Lancaster House speech showed that she did not understand how the EU worked and Boris and cronies were boasting loudly that they would " have their cake and eat it", I suggested that the government should immediately tell the sheep farmers of their plans. The farmers needed to decide how many of their ewe lambs to breed from and how many to fatten for slaughter. The progeny of
these lambs would be gambolling " all in the April evening" after Brexit and, if the UK was to be outside the EU, then a substantial tariff would block access to by far their largest market.

I could not get anybody to take much interest. Even the NFU was incredibly relaxed. A few days ago I heard from a friend who farms in Shropshire. An auctioneer friend of his sells 5,000 to 6,000 lambs per week overwhelmingly for the EU market. The auctioneer is a keen Brexiteer but reckons that his business could easily be finished. This is not "Project Fear" but facing up to facts. Only in the last two months has the government started to issue very general " technical notices" of the possible consequences of its policies.

This is a total contrast with our entry to the EEC where detailed guidance was given in plenty of time, so farmers and their suppliers( I was an animal feed miller) could plan to go on making their livings. The fact is that the present government is just too disorganised to do this - and it is far too late to give adequate notice

The late Sir Emrys Jones, who was chief adviser to the Minister of Agriculture in the run up to joining the EEC was a very practical man from a Welsh hill farm. He resigned immediately after we joined and became Principal of the Royal Agricultural College. It was only then that I discovered he had been deeply opposed to the Common Agricultural Policy - but he made sure that farmers and their service industries were able to get on with their business under the new dispensation. That is a task and concept beyond the capabilities of the present play-acting inadequates masquerading as Her Majesty's Government

DeeDee99 said...

Treason May and Duplicitous Hammond were chosen precisely because they would betray the British people.

Angry Sod said...

Wot DeeDee said

Budgie said...

I told you so.

I'm sorry, but I did.

We will get Chequers, or a variation of it. Chequers is already Remain - just read the executive summary. As others have pointed out, all the Chequers concessions are baked in. The only way forward in negotiations with the EU is even more concessions than currently in Chequers. Tory politicians and supporters have been and are blind - this is salami slicing. And they've fallen for it time after time.

I can see no other solution for us Leaves than getting rid of Theresa May.

The Tory party is supine. Only outside pressure will do it.

Budgie said...

Jack Ketch, Why is that Remains like yourself - supposedly better educated than the rest of us - have such trouble with the English language?

No Leave supporter than I know of said that the EU will capitulate to the UK. What they said was that it was in the EU's own interests to strike a deal. And so it is.

But I was not the only one pointing out, prior to 2016, that the EU was a political construct, and would therefore put its political interests above that of its trade interests. My catch phrase was: "If you think the EU will be reasonable then you haven't been paying attention for the last 40 years".

As I put it in a letter to the S. Tel as far back as June 2003: "It is a fundamental of negotiation that if, say, Tony Blair wants something from the other party (Brussels) then he will have to compromise. The only way out is to want nothing - that is to walk away from the EU by unilaterally annulling the treaties. Mr. Booker is wrong: the only options, as always, are to accept a federal EU superstate or get out of the EU into the world."

jack ketch said...

Jack is misrepresenting those increasing numbers of people that either voted to leave, or would now.

I am? How so? How many were at the 'pathetically attended and chaotic' demo at the conference then, have I been misinformed by the msm? And how many 'thousands' attended the Remain/2nd vote one? Have not 'Leave Means Leave' estimated under 2k attendance at their do with JRM & Von Farage in Torquay.

As to 'increasing numbers' in these times of almost daily polls showing remain/2nd vote or leave increasing, one would do well, I feel, to pay the lot of them no heed.

Dave_G said...

I've always trusted gut instinct and the absolute sheer anger I feel towards these traitors must be, if as I suspect it follows many others opinions, will result in violence towards all .gov offices if we are betrayed.
The pols have ZERO concept of what they are stoking.

Dave_G said...


'misinformed by the msm'? Are you shittin me? What else do they do BUT misinform?

Same goes for the pollsters. All part of the same globalist fabrication sheds. If this is where you take your encouragement from then I feel sorry for you.

Stephen J said...

Jack... Do not concern yourself with Torquay or Tory conferences... The leavers would win a new fair referendum with the question "Leave or Remain", which is why that whore in number ten won't have one.

Your so-called "peoples vote" is backed by the an assortment of enemy lizards and will never fly.

May and her gang of bankershite have got it sorted, the only thing they haven't worked out is how to keep us quiet afterwards.

If I may suggest, increasing the tax to 110% will solve it, and that project is currently underway.

jack ketch said...

'misinformed by the msm'? Are you shittin me? What else do they do BUT misinform?
Dave _G

So what were/are the real figures? How many really attended ? How many are LmL expecting in Torquay?

jack ketch said...

Do not concern yourself with Torquay or Tory conferences

I'm not overly concerned about them, just wondering why so far no one has actually countered my assertions with the 'real' figures'/'real projected figures'. With a binary 'stay or go' 2nd plebis-cide (and i agree with you about the lizards) I think 'go' would probably win...if 'Go' was infact 'GO' and not 'chequers'.

John in Cheshire said...

Mrs May was on Nick Ferrari, LBC, this morning and he was at his most oleaginous not asking her one searching question. Her pitch is that the Conservative party should unite behind her.

A question is have liked to ask her is why is it that she expects unity and loyalty from everyone else but doesn't show any to our country?

And how would she defend her deviousness and disloyalty to her Brexit team by slyly developing her own plan; that chequers rubbish; with a communist Civil Servant?

In addition, with regard to Christopher Steele and his involvement with Crooked Hillary and the US Democrat party attempts to stop Mr Trump becoming President, I'd like to know what she knew and when did she know it.

I think she's the most deceitful and untrustworthy politician we've had the misfortune to represent our interests in a long time. And she's up against some strong competition.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Reluctantly accept Chequers... and find out it has mysteriously become Chequers Minus Minus Minus overnight on 29 March 2019.

Dave_G said...

@ketch. - yeah, query local attendance figures but ignore the 'fake' figures demanding a new vote. That's the way to deflect the issue.... Well done. Clap.....clap.....clap

jack ketch said...

@Dave_G so if i read you right, you're deflecting away from my question about the supposed 'real' figures? Could that possibly be because the MSM's 'pathetic attendance' was infact correct? I mean, they have to tell the truth sometimes....maybe. I expect LmL have had to apply for whatever 'permissions' from Torquay Town Fathers for whatever venue and the expected attendance figures are a matter of doubt along with the insurances ,'safe guarding' and 'diversity' policies.

Anonymous said...

Mark Steyn does solid analysis of the fact of a socialist, anti-democratic world today


Mr Ecks said...

You are as full of deceitful shite as the rest of your remain gang Ketch.

Since you like numbers try this one--your POS "People's March" managed to get about 70,000 dickheads --many of them bussed in WOMI trash from around the UK. In a city where 2 million voted for Remain--but couldn't be arsed to turn out for your shite cause even in their own backyard.

The polls are controlled by the scum of the cultural marxist elite.

Any problems we have are being caused by having treasonous remain scum trying to destroy the vote.

How does the stupid, evil cow Treason May imagine she will get her even bigger sell-out-than-the-shite-of-Chequers through? With ZaNu'S votes so they can sell out the millions of their --former?--voters who support Brexit?

The time for treason and sedition charges is at hand. Or a civil war. Two years of lying shite from remainiac scum has set the mood as far as I am concerned.

Budgie said...

Right-writes said: "Jack is misrepresenting those increasing numbers of people that either voted to leave, or would now."
Jack Ketch's reply: "I am? How so?"

Because, Jack Ketch, you don't have an insight into what Leave voters think - especially since you argue with actual Leave voters here (and attempt to sneer at us) continually. Who is likely to know what Leave voters voted for and how they are reacting to current news - Leave voters themselves, or a hostile puerile Remain?

The characteristic Remain propaganda ever since 24 June 2016 is for Remains to tell us Leaves what we did, what we thought, how we did it, how intelligent we are, and who we are.

You evidently believe Remain propaganda. We don't.