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Tuesday, 31 December 2019

A final roll of schadenfreude for 2019

If I have a new year resolution it is to heed the PM's plea to put the bitter Leave / Remain divides behind us and to consign the word Brexit to history. In one month we will leave the EU, and that act will kick-start the healing and reconciliation. However, for now, for this last day of the troublesome teens, let's look back with schadenfreude -

Tony Blair
A man who did his utmost to frustrate Brexit, making visits to the UK's EU adversaries and encouraging them to block and frustrate his own nation's diplomatic efforts. Fortunately, so hated is Blair by all sides of the political spectrum, the Remain side ignored all his pleas to deny Boris an election.

Andrew Adonis & AC Grayling
Both were early victims of Brexit Derangement Syndrome, each starting the Brexit process with an intact and valuable public reputation but ending the decade with their lifetime's reputational achievements in ashes, as mocked and derided figures of ridicule whom absolutely no-one will take seriously in the future

John Bercow
Stripped of his power, the victims of bullying, long suffering Commons staff and all who were subject to his gross unpleasantness will be breathing a sigh of relief at Bercow's fall. While noting he really didn't have that great a height from which to tumble. Bercow is now reduced to Italian game shows and entertaining shoppers on the Clapham omnibus. Ld Lisvane, who suffered little Bercow's bullying as Clerk of the Commons until 2014, cannot be looking forward to the sanctimonious dwarf's seemingly inevitable elevation to the Lords.

Grieve, Gaulk, Soubry et al 
Purged from the Party, humiliated at the ballot box, the miracle is that these narcissistic idiots imagined that people voted for them personally in the first place, rather than for the party for which they purported to stand. How anyone can so delude themselves as to the extent of a non-existent personal popularity defeats me - or perhaps they were willing to undergo this public humiliation, indeed expected it, for the sake of the higher pay-off due from the Commons to defeated MPs than that paid to resigning MPs?

Though it has been long building, the BBC's support of every anti-Brexit position, almost in anticipation of the reversal of the 2016 vote, has now condemned it. Polls are now emerging, and will continue to appear, that demonstrate that the BBC has lost the public's trust. Criminalisation of non-payment of the BBC TV tax is now unsustainable, and we will see further major changes before the Charter is due for renewal in 2027.

The Dags - Mark Carney, Barack Obama, the CBI et al
Most dags are now engaged in pretending they never opposed Brexit or never supported Remain at all. Just like all the ordinary members of the NSDAP vanished in 1945, or members of the GDR Communist Party became invisible after 1989. The CBI in particular, having devoted four years fighting Brexit on behalf of the global corps, is now declaring it is 100% behind Boris and always has been.

You'll note I've included none of the capos in Brussels. That, if it comes, will be for this date next year.

In a spirit of non-sectarianism, I have ready both Jamesons and Black Bush, both Catholic and Protestant whisky, in addition to my now favourite Monkey Shoulder blended malt Scotch. I will raise a dram for us all - may we, and may the United Kingdom, have a magnificent 2020!


DeeDee99 said...

There is absolutely no reason why the Poison Dwarf Bercow should be elevated to the House of Frauds - although he'd fit right in with the other anti-democratic Remainers who infest the place.

But then there was no reason why the Remainer Nicky Morgan should have been elevated there, having lacked the personal integrity to face her electorate again. But as that didn't stop Boris elevating her and making British taxpayers fund her for life, he'll no doubt do the same for the odious Bercow.

It's far too soon to be talking about dropping the word "Brexit" and reconciliation between Leavers and Remainers. After 3.5 years of a deliberate attempt to overturn the result of the Referendum WE STILL HAVEN'T LEFT. And, assuming we do on 31 January, WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE RELATIONSHIP WILL BE.

And I, for one, don't trust Boris to deliver a Brexit which fully restores our Independence.

Stephen J said...

Well put DeeDee99.

I will be very surprised if, this time next year, we will be cheerily celebrating the completion of Brexit.

The only part of Brexit that I suspect will be "done" though, are the British people, they will be well and truly DONE.

Anyway... happy new year.

Dadad said...

Don't be such pessimistic killjoys; relish, and rejoice in the fact that we will have actually left.

What ever comes after will entail compromises of some sort, but no longer will we be ruled by that unelected dictatorship.

Prawn Sandwich said...

My understanding as trailed in press is that Bercow will not be appointed to HoL being a very public snub by Johnson. Bercow will reinvent himself along the lines of Campbell and now Watson. These toxic creatures are overflowing with self loathing because the main in the glass is the final arbiter.

John in Cheshire said...

Well said DeeDee99.

There's a pattern in how we act every time we defeat the socialist parasites. We never follow through and deliver the coup de grace.

It's about time the ring leaders are punished for what they have been doing to us, our country its laws and its institutions. The Blairs, the Camerons, the Adonises, the Hales, the Bercows, Hammonds, Grieves, Carneys, Halls.

Why should they get to walk away unscathed and continue with their lives as though they have done nothing wrong?

They should be dealt such a crushing blow from which they never recover. Deprived of liberty, titles,respect,public life and - I suspect most hurtful for them - wealth. They use the system to persecute the likes of Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange, so it should be used in the same callous manner against them.

JPM said...

Aw, isn't it lovely to live in the past, when you could blame everything on the half of the country who don't hate the European Union?

Well, that's all behind us now. It's all yours. You own this 100%, from start to finish. Your party has an unassailable majority, so there's nothing that I or any other Remain voter can do to stop your doing whatever you want re our relations with the other twenty-seven.

So get on with it, and accept the credit for your successes and blame for your failures in equal measure and with good grace.

Now, what is your government to do first?

(They're listening to you no more than to me, mind you.)

aurelian2 said...

It is Mrs May's bogus Withdrawal Agreement, with Northern Ireland thrown overboard.

Alas, we shan't be leaving. Ever.

Mark said...


You mean you and all the other Britain haters are going to actually shut the fuck up?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Some of those people (not Tony Blair obvs.) I respected for their considered opinions and accepted that they might reasonably value staying in the EU more than I valued leaving. But some others of those people used wilder and wilder justifications for not leaving, to the point of derangement (or perhaps overwhelming self interest). In my opinion AC Grayling was one of the latter... a philosopher should have been able to speak dispassionately about the subject. And yes, in my mind, his reputation has been badly tarnished.

Mr Ecks said...

There is no reconciliation possible with middle class Marxist scum and traitors such have attacked this country.

Brexit is only the start of the war against the scummy globo elite and their Marxist Orc skirmishers.

What is needed is far more action against the left and their evil than BlueLabour Johnson has the balls for.

terence patrick hewett said...

Hokey Cokey pig-in-a-pokey: good morning Westminster jobseekers - my name is Pauline Campbell-Jones and I am your Restart Officer.

Poisonedchalice said...

Excellent piece Radders, and may I wish you and yours a happy and prosperous new year!

Billy Marlene said...

I may be wrong but I thought the elevation of a retiring Speaker was within the gift of the Leader of The House.

Can’t see JR-M letting that through. Boris can rightly say ‘not me, guv, I’m airframes’.

cascadian said...

Of course Brexit will be banned from No10, it is full-on BRINO from now on. Just as planned.

From the man that ignores the electorate and brings you Zac Goldsmith and Nicky Morgan as solutions for ill-defined or non-existent problems.

Your only hope is that President Trump will save you from the man who self described himself as "dead-in-a-ditch" for failure to pass Brexit on time.

Smoking Scot said...

Lang may yer lum reek Raedwald and also the motley crew who help make this wee thingy a place worth visiting.

May 2020 be a good one.

Dr Evil said...

I expect the EU to be totally intransigent and that the UK will exit on a NO DEAL scenario owing to immense frustration with the EU. It is starting already with this nonsense about forcing an extension to the transition period, a period that is really irrelevant. They just want our money.

Span Ows said...

I agree with those that say (a) no forgiveness (indeed action against) the TRAITORS and (b) no Brexit yet so keep shouting it.

Happy New Year. 2020 vision.

Ed P said...

Happy New Year Raedwald.

Please find a way to contain your annoying idiotic little troll - perhaps highlight its eructations, or print them in a different colour - perhaps yellow for Cheesy.

JPM said...

You have a problem with simple facts, Ed P?

SG said...

What ‘facts’ would they be JPM?