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Saturday 16 May 2020

How far will London house values fall?

London has seen some of the most bullish house price inflation in the country as the nation's ceremonial centre has been in the process of going from a national capital to a world megacity. Everyone expects domestic property values to fall as a result of the Wuhan virus, but by how much? There at several factors at play, I think. One is the fall in values that mirrors a fall in GDP; we saw this in 2008, when a small drop in GDP saw a much larger fall in house values, which fell between 15% - 20%. Add to that in 2020 the increased biohazard risk driving a flight to the country. All those shabby, noisy, flimsy multistorey blocks thrown up in the past fifteen years that have been so profitable for the volume builders have just become about as desirable as Rio favela-shacks made of crinkly tin. My own guess is there's a long way to fall. Property in the counties and towns with gardens and fields within walking distance will fare far better.

A counter argument may be that London is ahead of the rest of the country in acquiring immunity - and recent research suggests that rather than 60% of the population having been infected, it could take as few as 10% - 20% to provide herd immunity, provided the right people, i.e. those most liable to infect others, have been infected. London's economy could therefore bounce back far more quickly than the rest of the country, and dampen a drop in values. I don't understand why crowded, rammed, jostling London should be better off than the post-industrial NE, but there it is.

I've constructed the chart below from the Land Registry HPI for London, taking the flats values, and the ONS quarterly GDP data series, both rebased to 1995 = 100. Interesting. And that verse by Louis MacNeice from 1934 always comes back to me -
Splayed outwards through the suburbs houses, houses for rest
Seducingly rigged by the builder, half-timbered houses with lips pressed
So tightly and eyes staring at the traffic through bleary haws
And only a six-inch grip of the racing earth in their concrete claws;
In these houses men as in a dream pursue the Platonic Forms
With wireless and cairn terriers and gadgets approximating to the fickle norms
And endeavour to find God and score one over the neighbour
By climbing tentatively upward on jerry-built beauty and sweated labour.


Span Ows said...

I think it will accelerate the already rapid 'white flight' - horrible phrase but apt even though many non whites also eschew the dirty expensive urban sprawl. "money flight" too in that more and more family houses will be split into flats/rooms. little by little the 'almost no-go' areas that already exist will duplicate and spread.

Ho hum.

Smoking Scot said...

Surprised you didn't consider this work from home business. My understanding is it's working reasonably well and the exit plan will continue to encourage that for some time.

If it does gain traction and becomes an acceptable form of employment then it doesn't matter squat where your house is. Less logic to "what we'll save from not commuting... means we can buy that flat in the docklands".

With most of the oil producing countries being forced to cut expenditure, they and - to an extent - the Russians are likely to cut back on high visibility purchases.

Then there are the EU functionaries who shan't need a physical presence. Also the top end air BnB people who are leveraged to the hilt; some are dumping surplus units.

Certainly if you want to flog a so-so property in central London right now, grab the first offer that comes your way.

Mark said...

House prices in Londonistan to fall?

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Will nobody think of the demographics? he asked pleadingly.

Logically all the old people (like me) will want to move to the outer suburbs reducing the risk of catching COVID 19 leaving all the inner city and inner suburbs for the younger more resistant people. But this already happens anyway, so I guess the real movement will be in places of employment. More home working, offices out in the sticks, greater automation in factories that cannot be moved quickly. Greater use of home/office delivery from rural warehouses.

But there is an impediment to industrial sprawl... the various Green Belts. So factories will either end up in the inner city or way out in the country unless better use of 'poor' Green Belt land is made.

And people wonder why the High Street is dying.

Greg T said...

Span Owls
You are talking bollocks out of your arse.

There's no doubt that London House-Prices are ridiculously inflated.
My tip is valued at approx a million - my father paid £2700 for it in 1948 ... um.

Anonymous said...

In relation to recovering from the virus you said:

"I don't understand why crowded, rammed, jostling London should be better off than the post-industrial NE, but there it is."

People are exposed to viruses all the time. If the exposure is mild enough the body will deal with it. More exposure and people will get sick and recover ot get sick and die. The closer people live together the qwuicker that process takes place, so London suffers most but recovers faster.

If that isn't true then we have a real killer virus and everyone will die. That hasn't happened, people have recovered, i.e. this is just a normal novel virus, the same as we have lived and died with for millenia.

Dave_G said...

@GT - all SO is proposing is 'more of the same' and if you can't accept that London has been 'infested' by a vast immigrant/illegal population then you are blind and IGNORANT of the facts.

As was subsequently identified, working from home will be the catalyst and fear the impetus.

Span Ows said...

Greg T you disagree and insult me (or is that balls/arse thing a sexual preference of yours?) how good that makes me feel: knowing I am 100% correct (even if I didn't know your reply would have confirmed it LOL).

Between the 2001 and 2011 Cenuses the total white population fell over 4%, the total Asian (subcontinent) rose 60%, total black rose 9% and total mixed (all) rose 79%, clearly all from far lower starting numbers hence the large sounding percentages.

In 2011 the total white British pop. was 45%, white total just under 60%...what do you think 2021 will show Greg?

Span Ows said...

" black rose 9%" should read rose 39%

Anonymous said...

London's property has been pushed up by global dirty money looking for a sink - a lot of it Russian.

The Tories' Donorskis will ensure that nothing much happens legally to stop that.

However, the catastrophic mishandling of the epidemic and the egregious death rate here will perhaps say something general as to the desirability of this country as such an investment.

That might be the greater downer.

Mark said...

Actually, when your beloved Euro - wipen fur arsen - I believe in German falls apart, that would make high end London property an even bigger attraction for Russian gangsters.

Why Russian particularly. You could just have easily said Chinese and in the current situation perhaps would have been a bit more thoughtful as trolling.

Or are you getting your anti Trump trolling mixed up with your anti Tory?

Just askin.

Herman the forgeten President. said...

I love the EU.
Being part of aN expensive, vast, suffocat bureaucracy makes me feel safe.

Greg T said...

Dave G & Span owls
As a lifelong Londoner & a Huguenot - I do not recognise your Daly Hate-Mail spoutings as anything near a true picture.
Remember, according to the Daiy Hate Mail... we were going to be ovverrun with Jews ( in the 1930's? ) They even campaigned against Uncle Albert coming here - he went to the USA