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Wednesday 3 July 2019

EU to impose wartime blockade on Switzerland

After yesterday's round of corrupt appointments to the EU's top crony jobs - including the convicted criminal fraudster Christine Lagarde to the presidency of the ECB - the way is clear for the EU to cast aside its benign disguise of lederhosen and dirndl and assume the breeches and jackboots that have been kept lurking in the closet.

The first victim of the EU's expansionist aggression is to be Switzerland. As AEP reports in the Telegraph, the EU is imposing a blockade of a depth and severity unknown outside wartime. All this because Switzerland refuses to subjugate herself to the EU's corrupt courts and ever-changing laws.

The economic blockade is intended to break the will of the Swiss people. The Swiss globalist political elite is ready to surrender to the EU - much as the UK's political elite were ready to surrender to Hitler in 1939. However, the Swiss system of democracy, which means decisions taken by the elite are subject to popular scrutiny, means the decision will depend on an electorate only 20% of whom back surrender to the EU whilst 67% are ready to fight for Swiss independence. Support for joining the EU has fallen to an all-time low of 13%, reports the Telegraph.

The EU blockade, says AEP, 
.. will become increasingly painful as the pressure ratchets up. The EU is determined to shut down the idiosyncratic “Swiss model”. It aims to bring the country within its legal and regulatory control once and for all under a new framework agreement.

This means suspending 120 bilateral accords one by one as they fall due, progressively shutting the Swiss out of the EU’s economic, transport, and political system until they capitulate. It amounts to a sanctions regime.

Energy too is on the menu and this risks escalation into areas of national security. “Energy access for Switzerland is slowly deteriorating,” said Professor Paul van Baal from Lausanne's Polytechnique Fédérale.
Well, there can be few cretins left in Britain who will doubt the EU's true character now that the gloves are off. They can no longer hide their aggressive and expansionist intentions. It's time for the UK to boost defence spending.


Charles said...

Well in times gone by this would have been a run up for trouble. Funny how the EU can do this and it’s legal, if we do it’s the end of the world....Possibly the Swiss should start publishing the financial records of various EU officials, in a spirit of openness and cooperation. If that does not open closed minds then start publishing on National Govt officials from France, Germany et al and see how long it takes for sanity to return.

RAC said...

".......... The Berlin Blockade served to highlight the competing ideological and economic visions for postwar Europe......."
OK maybe a Swiss airlift won't work so maybe it's time for the free nations of the world to start applying economic sanctions and travel restrictions against the fecking eu.

DeeDee99 said...

So an organisation which claims that "the rules" are sacrosanct has appointed to head the ECJ a woman who freely admitted that they "broke all the rules because we really, really wanted to save the Euro." And they wonder why we find the EU such a disgusting organisation.

In resisting the expansionist power-grab of the EU, the Swiss will require allies. I hope the USA and UK provide it.

Cheerful Edward said...

Why ever would the Telegraph, owned by the offshore-cash-hoarding Barclay Brothers, want to attack the European Union with such grotesque distortions?

Could it just be because the European Union is foremost amongst those across the world trying to end this means of tax avoidance? And being pretty effective too?

Have the Swiss returned all that gold, much of which came from melted-down teeth yet, incidentally?

RAC said...

Didn't at one time the Swiss used to allow their ex military to retain their personal weapons, and then they stopped doing that, pity.

Raedwald said...

Thank you, Edward. So the story is completely watertight. Ther EU *is* trying to subjugate Switlerland into capitulation. Great to have your confirmation.

Cheerful Edward said...

The Swiss news seems to be at odds with you and the Telegraph, Raedwald.

Sixty percent of the Swiss appear to want agreement with the European Union according to this:

Calm down dears.

Anonymous said...

Ed, do you have to be such a smug cunt, every single day?

Take a day off.

Mark said...

@Cheerful Edward,

Then the referendum the Swiss will be having will doubtless confirm it in which case they will deserve everything they get. Just like Ireland!

Raedwald said...

... whilst this has 54% of the Swiss against

RAC said...

@ 07.33

" Could it just be because the European Union is foremost amongst those across the world trying to end this means of *tax avoidance*?"

tax avoidance is not illegal AFAIK, I'd call it good sense.

DiscoveredJoys said...

In a gruff Germanic voice: "Ever closer union. It would be a shame if anything nasty happened to your country wouldn't it?".

I do look forward to the time when a Free Trade Agreement covers the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Greece.... even the Eastern European counties. All the 'deplorables' that refuse to join the German/Franco empire.

In a pleasant English voice: "Only a trade agreement... join if you wish."

Cheerful Edward said...

It's about access to each other's stock exchanges as I understand it.

Terms were agreed. The Swiss didn't meet them.

What do you expect to happen?

All that they have to do is to fulfil a previously-agreed arrangement, and all will be fine. That's hardly "war", is it?

Raedwald said...

That's 3 of your daily 4 .... I'd save the last one, if I were you

Dave_G said...

It's people like Ed that refuse to see the wood for the trees and allow political situations to degenerate into conflict because they simply ignore what is obvious aggression until it's too late.

The so-called 'peaceful' process of European integration is leading to war - there are far too many countries at odds with EU expansionist, economic and social plans and the EU are far too up themselves to even discuss change - it's "all or nothing" for them or, as it may well turn out "all or war".

But Ed seems happy to allow things to degenerate to that level - so much for 'peaceful intentions'.

I suppose he (Ed) has in his hands 'a piece of paper'....... telling us otherwise. The Lisbon Agreement perhaps? Or should that be the 'Lisbon Enforcement'???

Mark said...

The issue as I understand it is the "dynamic" nature of these agreements. The Swiss are being asked to make a solemn pledge to accept future changes and impositions the scope and nature of which are unknown.

Would you?

The EU response as I understand it to this impertinent refusal to yield is to allow up to 120 bilateral agreements - most of which I would think are mutually beneficial and have nothing to do with the specific issue of stock exchanges- to lapse when they become due.

"What do you expect to happen?" With the EU exactly this.

I doubt if China would be more blatant!

Cheerful Edward said...

The European Union's patience with Switzerland contrasts rather well, with the US's bullying of, and murderous interference in, countries around the world, with whom no agreements were broken, but who just dared to elect governments whom some in the US disliked.

The poor countries of Latin America wave in weary acknowledgement, I expect.

I'm happy for that to be my last for the day, Raedwald.

Dave_G said...

Enter yet another Strawman excuse by Ed. We are discussing the EU and it's attitude, not the USA.

But, just because the USA are more direct in their actions their end result is still the same - subjugation, imposition, ruination.

The EU hide their 'aggression' behind claims of democracy when, as many have pointed out, there is little to be seen.

Viktor said...

Hang on. Does that mean we won't be able to buy Swiss chocolate and cuckoo clocks?

Domo said...

The old agreement has expired.
The new agreement is very different.
Like the WA, it's vague, may be altered by the EU later, and is subject to the opinion if the ECJ

Domo said...

China has don't much the same to bring Taiwan to heel

T Withers said...

Good to see the UK Services sector doing so well in the curent IHS Markit survey as reported in teh FT. The Swiss have nothing to fear.

Nathan Brittles said...

Has anyone noticed that Jack Ketch has disappeared since Cheerful Ed arrived? Are they related? I think we should be told (although Ed does not tiresomely bang on about Brexshitteurs).

Mark said...

I think there is a difference in style. Ketch at least had a bit of wit!

mikebravo said...

Jack Ketch was a barrel of laughs compared to Woeful Ed.
His EU trollery is tedoius in the extreme.

Raedwald said...

I think Jack's just fed up to the teeth with brexit. I hope once it's over he'll be back.

RAC said...

@ 3 July 2019 at 10:32
"I'm happy for that to be my last for the day, Raedwald."

I hope you're still around this time next year, I hope your ship of clowns is too, should be amusing.

@ Nathan Brittles 15:23
Yes I noticed the Change of watch, Ketch wasn't quite as smug, maybe he got bail denied hope he's ok anyway.

Cascadian said...

Everything is now set for further quantitive easing of the Euro, and President Trump is suggesting the US dollar should play the same game.
It will be pointless to own currency very soon, only hard assets will retain value. Remember Cyprus!

Ravenscar. said...

Anonymous Cheerful Edward said...

It's about access to each other's stock exchanges as I understand it.

Terms were agreed. The Swiss didn't meet them.

What do you expect to happen?

All that they have to do is to fulfil a previously-agreed arrangement, and all will be fine. That's hardly "war", is it?

Aye, missing the point spectacularly wot again? Not only are you a weasel apologist for coalescing Berlin Empire, you have selective eyesight too, and so very typical of a collectivist halfwit and Marxist.........just another: unuseful idiot.

RAC said...

Thoughts on this ?
Vaguely heard of it previously, doesn't seem to get much traction.

Mark The Skint Sailor said...

I blogged months ago that we are woefully under-equipped with air-defence assets. And that a sound policy after Brexit would be to significantly invest in early warning capability and air defence systems.

Not wanting to sound too tinfoil-hatted or conspiracist, I do wonder if ever it comes to the EU attaining a unified military under primary EU control to what use that unified military would be put to?

There is no external threat that cannot be dealt with by individual militaries under NATO control, so what would an EU Army Navy and Air Force be used for?