Many thanks for the kind words from the floor of your assembly. The United Kingdom will also always love the nations of Europe - and those nations will remain our favourite holiday and retirement destinations. Many of them even use the same notes and coins, which makes it easier!
However, I should point out that we're not actually leaving Europe. Of which we're of course an integral part. And we'll be marketing our many fine comestibles products across the world as 'Food from Europe' as well as 'Made in the UK'. And we remain proud of our continent of 730m people, of whom some 460m are also 'citizens' of your Federation thing.
We'll have a year more to enjoy the madcap, mouth-frothing, carpet-chewing antics of your rantiest stars - Hof's histrionics, petulant posturing and insane rhetoric keep us all in good spirits and we enjoy immensely his little You Tube clips. After that, I'm not sure who we will have to laugh at - unless Labour have elected a new Leader by then, of course.
Anyhow, must close. Good luck with those criminal investigations against you - after all, anyone can accidentally wipe two mobile phones containing incriminating criminal evidence on the same day. If you're not in jail, we'll correspond again in eleven months.
Best -
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Bob from today's Telegraph |
That's a particularly triggering image Radders.
Raedwald sets out on his hopeful journey....
So far, we have decided to refrain from celebrating leaving the EU, we have entered into an agreement over retaining virtually every aspect of EU membership for an indeterminate period... let's call it a year? We have decided to adopt the EU line on Iran, we have taken a route contrary to ALL of the friends that operate the "five eyes" system, we have chosen to employ an EU friendly partner for the 5g network.. Oh and we don't care what that Chinese company know about our citizens private lives.
It'll be great!
Warm words on the eve of our departure does not make up for 47 years of abuse.
Love the cartoon.
Ah, if only the UK actually had a CPS and police force, which pursued credible evidence of offences committed by people in high places eh?
You cite the fact that countries like France, Germany and Belgium actually nail them and lock them up as a bad thing though.
The two reasons main reasons why are leaving I think are these:
a) The European Union would develop a union-wide criminal investigation service, that the UK Establishment could not control.
b) It would create a union-wide public service broadcasting organisation, which the British Establishment could not control.
Cheese--Utter corruption does not investigate itself.
Your fucking precious EU has already had 3 journos murdered for looking into EU organised crime connections. The latest one was a young woman who suffered a vile rape ordeal before being polished off.
Happy Brexit Day Cheese--you worthless sack of traitorous shite.
If you want to commit crime in high places then what better way to get yourself LIFETIME immunity from prosecution than take a position with the EU?
We stand in awe at the many fold arrests for blatant corruption committed by EU officials as exposed by that paragon of honesty and non-interference-in-justice Mr N Kinnock.....
Fuck off JPM.
If you think that the EU is less corrupt and self serving than the UK then you might be correct... but do you really think an EU public service broadcaster would not be under political control? Do you really think that EU laws don't reflect the business interests of Germany and France first? Do you really think some of the other member states are not more corrupt than the UK?
Plus it is an incoherent argument to say, on one hand, that the UK Establishment favour leaving to avoid EU control and on the other hand (as per your previous posts) that the UK Establishment wish to Remain because of 'reasons'. Make your mind up.
How many prosecutions did Volkswagen have for deceiving every citizen in Europe? Actually falsifying data as if they were a Russian sports body, then covering it all up. Then demanding no one ever mention that they falsified data to make their products appear more beneficial than they actually were?
The Volkswagen guy in America was arrested. By the yanks of course. And USA German car purchasers received on average, $6,000 each in compensation for the lies of the eu’s major company.
Eu citizens, on the other hand, who faced the same deception, received a grand total of zero euros in compensation. And the Eu refused to investigate. Refused to prosecute. Refused to seek compensation for their MILLIONS of consumers. As they don’t care about them. Tough luck. The magnitude is so great, if you got compensation, then Volkswagen would be no more. So you get nothing. That’s the Eu law.
The double standard one.
Good old EU. They aren’t just there to meddle and make their products unsaleable. They are their to cover up when their German owners commit criminal offences.
Public sector fraud in the UK is estimated at about twenty billion:
In the European Union institutions - monitored by the authorities of not one but of twenty-eight countries - it's put at under one billion, on the other hand.
Total fraud in the UK is put at just under two hundred billion.
So if just ONE aspect of crime, fraud, is costing this country about eight percent of GDP:
Then why has there been all this hysteria about point seven percent going on overseas aid?
And even less on our European Union contributions?
You've been played like fiddles.
I'm pleased that the President of the European Union Commission has virtually no executive powers all the same.
Cheesy - you've been warned before about posting this bollocks again. last time I had to take valuable time disproving it - I'm not doing it a second time. Your assertions are so absurd as to defy any sane or rational understanding. Now behave.
Ecky, nettles have to be grasped, facts faced.
It's no good hiding behind your pink fluffy fantasies about little England, and bogeyman stories about the European Union - you silly, cringing little wet lettuce.
If there's truth in the allegations that Raedwald repeats about UvdL then she should be nailed.
But there's far more chance of that happening over there than is the equivalent here, I'd say.
JPM you're so full of shit, Adam Schiff calls you for pointers.
As Radders says you are a middle class Marxist fantasy fuckwit Cheese.
Ban the fuckers Radders--let him sling his shite elsewhere.
I'm off to the pub. Having been born in a county largely untouched by 'modern Britain' any will do, so I'll be spending the evening in the Square and Compass at Worth Matravers: its patrons England personified.
Happy Brexit to one and all.
The United Kingdom will also always love the nations of Europe
Would that it were true ...
The great majority of the brexshiteers - some here - are xenophobic semi-fascist haters of anything "strange"
The loathing being spewed out all over the press [ Mail/Express/Star/Sun/Times/torygraph] in the UK says otherwise
Hahahahah .
EU Lost!
The WHOLE EU BUDGET is questionable to the extent that it has never been signed off by auditors - quite a considerable sum of potential fraud there if you ask me.
JPM's attempts to reduce the EU's 'guilt' by increasing the UK's 'guilt' is pathetic - really pathetic.
Never mind UvdL, the execrable Legarde is already a convicted criminal (fraud) but, as we see only too often, such qualifications are a necessary requirement on EU CV's and certainly no bar to office. Of course, with such a background, the addition of future immunity from prosecution - regardless of any transgressions of whatever deception - must increase her ability to act with the required prudence and responsibility??? Shouldn't it?
I just wonder what we're NOT party to.
LURVE the Maine Coon - assuming that is correct ....
Just checking in, after well over a year away, to see how the lunacy is going.
It's very depressing.
As you may or may not recall, I voted "remain" at the very last moment, having been almost persuaded .....
It is all too apparent that we have all been conned - you worse than I.
Two questions, that do not require answering right now, but please bear them in mind.
1: Brexit has not really started ..
How will this grossly incompeten guvmint, lead by a serial lying buffon manage to deal with the ( Consults list published by the "FT" ) 759 treaties & international agreements that have now been abrogated & which are "running on empty" until next December ...
Hint; Handwavium will no longer do.
2: Whom will you blame, WHEN sometime between January 2021 & December 2024 it all goes horribly & expensively pear-shaped ... because you won't be able to balme "Brussels" any more?
Though I don't doubt some lying shits will try to.
Like I said, no rush for answers - any time before 31/12/2020 will do.
This isn’t about statistics or points of law, JPM, it’s about hearts and minds. Something that you do not understand I suspect...
Piss on you as well Tingey.
We need a "Punishment and Retaliation" Commission to strip garbage like you of every penny and the British citizenship you so clearly and scummily despise and ship you over to your precious EU.They can find you a cupboard in one of their multiculti paradises like Molenbeek or Malmo.
Death to the EU and all traitor scum like you.
Mr Tingey’s post indicates that he may have over indulged at one of the EU ‘vigils’ this evening. Hopefully, in the morning, when he comes round, he will see that the sun has come up, the air is still breathable and that life goes on.
Boo hoo. My Butt is hurt. Boo hoo.
I went to London last night and it was great entertainment.
I didn't see any remainers, I think they were all laying low...
Downing Street was very quiet.
Happy Brexit Greg, so nice to see you back... Where have you been?
I/We have missed you.
As to whether I have been conned, I don't think so, I voted to retain the concept of a meaningful vote, even though I am not a champion of the representative democracy concept, I prefer DD, I think that RD has been saved from the brink. There is still much to watch and battle against.
Although I am beastly about Boris, simply because he is a complete fraud, I am hoping that his hubris will take this thing away from the devious Tories, who I still believe have no intention of abandoning their 'effin project.
I reckon that if we don't press him, he will continue to obey to the letter every single EU edict in the desperate hope that "a beneficial crisis" makes our return to the globalist fold inevitable. This must be resisted and spotted on the horizon, before coastal erosion comes up to meet us.
Looked out of the window this morning and the sky still hasn't fallen.
Also World War III hasn't broken out. Super Gonorhea does not stalk the land. There's plenty of toilet paper. Unemployment has dropped since the Referendum. House values have not crashed. Osborne didn't deliver a punishment budget. There's food in the shops.
It's a good day to live.
NOTHING will happen until Jan 1st NEXT YEAR - transition period, right?
MEANWHILE - a quote.
Which I think all of you will agree with:
"Brexit’s ultimate tragedy is that it has broken the very thing it imagines itself to have restored: national identity, national cohesion. There is none at all. There are just two huge tribes set against each other, and the mutual loathing is as fierce as ever."
I feel as if I was a Protestant, in London, in late 1553, waiting, waiting ....
THAT attempt to go back to a golden age that never existed in the first place took over 350 years to heal.
NOT a pleasant prospect.
There is a tiny tribe of fanatical leavers
And a even smaller tribe of fanatical Remainers.
And everyone else just gets on with their lives.
Nice to get confirmation from John Redwood here, as to what I said about the 1975 referendum.
That is, that everyone knew EXACTLY that what they were voting for would become something very much like today's European Union.
The pamphlet sent to every single electoral address explained all the things to which Redwood objected.
So he admits implicitly, that the claim that "the people never had a chance to vote on the European Union, but only a trading block" was an outright lie.
Like the rest, it was a central pillar of the Leave campaigns, however.
Funnily enough at the time of that referendum I made my first vote, I voted no too.
I was not in the same lofty academic league as Sir John, I was an "outdoor court clerk" and I had just happened to read/leaf through the Treaty of Rome whilst engaged in buying it for my boss and bringing it back from HMSO.
I would suggest however, that both of these acts, his and mine were pretty unusual at the time, we did not have the internet and the rest of the media was less accessible too. The general behaviour towards the public was one of utter disdain, the warnings were even less credulous than some of those that emanated from the recent "Projects' Fear".
Add to this, the sheer disparity of the funding involved in the two sides of that campaign, and it is a wonder that 100% did not vote in favour of remain. The No campaign was truthful (amazing considering who was involved), but was very poor compared to the razz-m-tazz of the remain campaign which won very well against the indicated direction of the campaign.
The conservative minded people of Britain, voted for the CONservative Party campaign to remain, even though they hated Heath, so they voted for inflation and that nice Mr.Wislon, who was recommending remain now.
We were indeed told that we were joining a "common market", we were specifically told from parliament that there would be no loss of sovereignty, and then we saw the implemenation of the CFP.
So I beg to differ Cheesey.
You got a pamphlet.
Under aims of the European Community, right at the top, was To Bring Together The Peoples Of Europe, and then almost everything else that it is still trying to do.
You were not told that there would be no loss of sovereignty, only that there would be no loss of essential sovereignty.
That is what happened, since all the laws were in consensus, common sense, uncontroversial matters.
All of these lies will be unpicked in the fullness of time.
As r_writes esq. says the 'Remain' argument in the newspapers during the first referendum was very much about trading and access to 'continental' food and wine. There was nothing about the political direction of travel to ever closer union.
More than 40 years on the debate for Remain in the second referendum was very much about keeping the 'benefits' of the Customs Union and the Single Market, and little about the political direction of travel to ever closer union... and the disgruntled failed Remainers are still wittering on about the CU and SM in the interim and thereafter. It is misdirection by those who would exert control over the new Empire.
Do people offering you 'free stuff' have your interests at heart or their own?
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