The country has always been an egalitarian place. For a start, the planners haven't buggered it by creating monocultural ghettoes like the vast council estates of the metropolitans and the £1m villas of detached suburbia. In my old market town the cottage of a railwayman's widow nestled with the Tudor merchant's house of an FRS, and council houses (yes, we had them) were pairs or small groups of semi-detacheds woven seamlessly into the historical fabric. The pubs, the retailers, the amenities were used by all. Contrary to the caricatures, such small societies have the knack of tolerating and absorbing differences and varieties. My neighbour was curiously proud when Needham Market acquired its first Vegan - and the poor woman became the object of well-meaning but universal curiosity; "Are they allowed to touch newspapers?" asked the owner of the newsagents-come-toy-shop. Oh sure there were feuds, disputes and long-standing stubbornness, but we had five pubs (six if you included the bar of the Limes Hotel) and people spread themselves out. It was, if you like, One Village. There is little fertile ground for the Marxist politics of class hatred in such places.
Which brings us to Momentum. Everything that Labour promised in their campaign, every crazy giveaway and gift, every insane spending commitment, was not an end in itself but a lever with which to gull voters into building the bars of a Marxist central command State around themselves. Though their objectives were vile, it didn't mean that some of the persuasion-agenda stuff didn't chime with voters across the spectrum as laudable ends in themselves.
More social housing - why not? A young couple working in low-paid jobs should not be excluded from the possibility of a family life and a home, but of course neither should they have an absolute right to State housing. There's a median way. Rail fares - Villach to Vienna and Durham to London are both around 400km, but one will cost £29 for a single fare and the other £176. That's too great a difference. Training more nurses - for sure. Let's be flexible - there's room for not only SENs and SRNs but graduate Nurse Practitioners as well, for a variety of on the job, day release, full and part time training. Let's not be didactic.
The Conservatives, unlike the Marxists, don't have an ideology. However much Marxists try to impose one upon us. We're pragmatists, flexible and open to change. Agile, in the jargon of the modern management consultant. And this is where I fear those who are already projecting both their fears and their hopes onto Boris may well be disappointed. Just as they ditch their failed Leader, Labour may find that Boris has parked his tanks on their lawn.
Robert Tombs does a decent job of outlining the direction of travel in the Telegraph. No, Boris won't water down Brexit, and neither will he betray our Friends in the North. There is an obligation there. And an opportunity to destroy everywhere in Britain apart from the toxic big cities the poison of Marxist division. Tombs writes
Boris Johnson has a similar mission to transform the thin-lipped party of Cameron, Osborne and May – and beyond the borders of England too. This is a formidable task. But he has advantages: not only the spectacular own goals committed by Labour and the LibDems, and the desperate stridency of an SNP whose long-term hopes are threatened by Brexit.That will do for starters.
He can, and indeed should in the opinion of even conservative economists, borrow more to invest – investment in its true sense, and not as a euphemism for all state spending. He can launch a big infrastructure strategy. He can push forward improvements in schools and in training: the tools – which Labour wanted to abolish – are already there. Outside the EU, he can help deprived regions more effectively and he can bring down the cost of living by cutting unnecessary tariffs.
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Investment - the railway band was on hand yesterday for the official opening of a branch line electrification |
Where's my free stuff!!!
Alexander is safe for five years, by which time the demographic for both his core vote and that for leaving the European Union will be about three-and-a-half million fewer, and he will need the votes of their replacements.
His voters generally are people who rely on the media to do their remembering for them, and by then it will have forgotten for them whatever betrayal commenters here might accuse Johnson of making over the next few months.
I gather that Rees-Mogg is a likely casualty of his coming reshuffle along with other prominent europhobics, so perhaps that gives a clue as to his intended direction?
A closely aligned trading arrangement is not only far less damaging to the UK economy, but enormously easier than the alternatives to get.
And we know that Al is not fond of grinding hard work, don't we?
yes, he must make the Conservatives into real consevatives (small or large c).
I agree he must WITHOUT FAIL do anything to water down Brexit nor betray his new 'Friends in the North', who, if BoJO does what he could do, will remain as Conservative voters a bit like Mondeo Man. Obviously many will return to Labour as their's was an anti Corbyn vote but 5 years of better wages, genuine growth, lower taxes etc can move one's ballot-paper-cross-marking pencil fairly easily.
"A closely aligned trading arrangement is not only far less damaging to the UK economy, but enormously easier than the alternatives to get."
I agree with JPM! Closely aligned* it will be, the EU aren't stupid enough to do otherwise, surely?
* currently change one single document and my company can carry on as normal (as with probably 99% of other companies trading with the EU and the rest of the world).
should read "do NOTHING to water down Brexit"! D'oh.
He will do whatever he likes - within the law - to whatever you believe the one true brexit to be, and there's nothing much that you, nor anyone else can do now to stop him.
Is there?
In addition to honouring the Brexit vote with a genuine Brexit and improving life chances for those living outside the big cities, Boris must address and start to reforjm the governmental and Constitutional corruption which led directly to 3.5 years of deliberate denial of democracy. These include:
1. The House of Frauds
2. The Speakers role
3. Lawfare and the Supreme Court
4. The Electoral Commission
5. The Postal Voting scam
6. Constituency Boundaries
and the institutional bias of the Taxpayer-Funded BBC and C4.
"Alexander is safe for five years, by which time the demographic for both his core vote and that for leaving the European Union will be about three-and-a-half million fewer, and he will need the votes of their replacements."
This old trope again. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 from the Tory Party, yet despite the 'demographic' they still exist. Perhaps, just perhaps, the numbers are topped up by the younger demographic ageing and changing their political views? Perhaps experience of 'life' adds up? Perhaps in 20 years time or so the 'demographic' will have 'more' education because of Tony Blair's 50% shall have degrees dictum? Perhaps the ethnic demographic will differ... but many with an ethnic heritage will have grown up knowing only life in the UK.
I wouldn't hold your breath expecting 'demographics' to work in your political favour.
You keep saying that Johnson "must" do this or that.
Says you and whose army?
Do you understand what a majority of eighty, including a lot of eager-to-please newcomers means for a PM?
He need listen no longer to extremists.
What do you think of Rees-Mogg's mooted departure and the rest from the Cabinet?
Johnson was quite popular as London's mayor, remember.
Come on?
There's no reason at all why he should not be re-elected in five years time, but he will need more than the votes of today's elderly and luvvie-haters then to do it. I think that he's already on that case.
Where is your yoofquake? You know, those millions who were not eligible to vote in 2016, but were in 2019?
Shouldn’t they have swept labour to power in 2019? As they marched across the graves of all those old racists who died of natural causes in the previous three years?
Instead labour is shattered. Reduced to the votes of the metropolitan centres.
Perhaps , all those millions of earnest and active young people that you repeatedly told us were going to stop Brexit, voted for the only party advocating No Exit of the EU.
But the liberals. The true remain party. Did almost as badly as labour.
Where were their yooofs?
Where is the green revolution?
Where are the extinction rebellion hordes who were bringing the country to its knees with activism? Green vote percentages haven’t moved.
You don’t suppose that the hundreds of hippies gluing them selves to bridges. The thousands singing “ooohh jeremy.” And the hundreds of thousands marching under the Eu banner to Westminster all those times.
You don’t thinks...could it be?....that that was actually everyone who supported those ideas?
That the grand Guardian idealism of one national gender toilet amounts to little more than their pathetically small national readership?
Actual reality, versus the dreams of progressives, suggests it was.
I hope you are ready for 2020.
CNN will tell you he’s going to the electric chair for his crimes against humanity.
Reality will see similar headlines to labour’s of Friday morning,
“ bad orange man wins again.”
For once I agree with you JPM (your comment at 09:58).
Here’s where he will get them from:
Also, some evidence to support DiscoveredJoys, regarding why people tend to shift to the right in terms of voting behavior as they age.
Disappointing so still read of the disconnect vis a vis 'friends in the North' - as if they were a difference race or something.....
Even traditional Labour supporters had principles that enclosed supporting their families and working (hard) for what they wanted - not the modern-day gimmee, gimmee, gimmee activists that resort to Green, Liberal, Remain, tree-hugging policies.
Government lost (and continues to lose) support by their own disconnect and refusal to allow people to take control of their own lives and there doesn't seem to be any move to hand that back other than a 'perception' (Boris' deal) so the current 'support' for Tory policies isn't based on what the public like but on what they reject - Socialism.
The move from left-to-right is getting larger at each swing of the pendulum - pushed by extremists at both sides of the upswing - and it won't be too long before the pendulum hits the 'stops' and violence occurs - when the realities of failed promises turns into anger.
This election hasn't resolved anything - I believe it has created the potential for massive future polarisation and I await the first 'betrayal' with trepidation.
I'm confident both Boris and his sidekick know perfectly well that they've got an herculean task ahead of them.
They also know that an awful lot of people resent Boris the person and Tories the party; after all the past couple of days have been disquieting for most of us, seeing the protests against the election results.
More important is the House of Lords and, to a lesser extent the opposition in the HoC. There will be some seriously contentious legislation to pass to even get Brexit done.
Blair's not gone, nor Gina, nor Soros (through several front groups). They are determined that he fail.
The only reason he is where he is IMO is his dogged determination, his willingness to laugh at himself - the Carol and JCB video's were a touch of brilliance, something May could never have agreed to. All lead to one thing; to connect with voters.
There are any number of competing demands. That's par for the course with any PM, but his priority right now is to get us out of the Union and he'll need a cabinet he can depend on, so the reshuffle will reflect that. It's my belief that a couple of people were put in place as consumables.
But above all else let's not lose sight of Boris's own priority - his own ambitious, competitive nature. He doesn't want to be in no.10 for one term any more than the chap over the other side of the pond.
To do that he absolutely must deliver on his promises, of which there are many.
Within months we shall see who takes over in the two opposition parties. Labour is his greatest political threat and simply getting a charismatic individual who understands the role of social media and can connect with voters could swing it for some. That person may not need to fiddle too much with their socialist ambitions, just tweak them to make them seem mor palatable.
Talk about multi tasking, we're going to see an awful lot of that - with right now and the next six months being his window of opportunity. Headless opposition and a helluva lot of voters giving him some slack. So ride the wave Boris and consider yourself fortunate having a first rate sidekick named Cummings.
You misunderstand Johnson, I think.
He is ambitious, opportunistic, and egoistic. He saw an opportunity to use the Leave vote and the problems that it caused in Parliament to get himself to be PM. He was willing to say whatever was necessary to do that, whether he believed it himself or not, and succeeded beyond his dreams, quite likely. Part of me admires him for that, given the moral degeneracy of those to whom he was apparently lying, and whose votes he has successfully harvested
But he absolutely is not another Enoch Powell, Nicholas Ridley, Norman Tebbit, nor anyone else like that.
He appears to have an affable relationship with the likes of Merkel and Macron too, which could be handy.
More fireworks lay ahead within the Tories, but they won't threaten Johnson's hold on power, I don't think.
I think that the ERG will be more likely be crushed, rather.
JPM you're so tedious. Havent you got some Jews you'd rather be harassing with your Momentum nazi mates?
Dave G - I come from Suffolk. The North starts at Kettering ...
Anon, how the Labour Party goes about resolving its business will have little material bearing on the people of this country, such as you and me, for some time.
I'd look at where the action is in that respect if I were you.
Regarding the Jewish people and conspiracy smears about them, I think that George Soros and the relatives of those killed at synagogue shootings might quite like a word with your side, on the other hand.
LOL @ Raed....
Yeah but, no but.... if the talk was of colour or religion there'd be hell to pay but the Northerners are treated with the same disconnect/contempt as if they weren't a genuine part of the country let alone an intricate part of the political structure. Their importance has been displayed quite vividly this time around.
There would have never been a Red Wall if successive Governments hadn't taken away people's rights and desires to look after themselves which is predicated on not making up rules that take away much (all?) of their responsibilities in life and replacing them with rules and regulations backed by financial incentives and inducements.
Socialism brought about that dependency and successive governments realised the usefulness of having a captured vote-base they could bribe/steer (with their own money) and yet NO government has seen sense to return the rights to individuals which would have destroyed the Socialist control over them; instead we're denied them ever more (not least by EU interference) - the Referendum vote brought that (desire for) control back into focus.
The bribery is VERY apparent in Labour controlled areas, less so in more affluent Tory districts as dependency isn't as much State-related but the feeling of responsibility to ones own life and family sprang back up with the Referendum (demand for control) that is still looked upon as an EU sufferance rather than the bigger picture of our OWN Government being the instigator.
Boris's promise of 'taking back control' feeds down to those ex-socialists in a way that encourages them to see a better future that THEY can have a hand in but if Boris is pulling the wool over their eyes and nothing is genuine or forthcoming then the backlash will be enormous - whether it is a Reform Party that uses that backlash or a renewed Labour Party remains to be seen but a Brexit that isn't sufficient to maintain even the illusion of returning control will be the first indicator that voters need to prepare themselves to upset the apple cart in the other direction when the time comes.
From one extreme to another.
You used to limit mournful/cheesy to 3 comments per day.
Can't you do the same with the current pain in the backside. The whole blog has been taken over by his endless drivel.
mikebravo - yeah you're right. I'll give him today to get it out of his system then he's back on rations again ... it's not even OT
I have had first hand experience of ambition for 7 years non stop. Yes they will take every opportunity that presents itself. London Mayor being a risk, but given his predecessor not as great as some might imagine. That gave him the public exposure; I fondly remember him wiping the floor with the oh so serious drones round that table, all televised.
He saw off Cameron and saw off May. Big deal, they were both pretty pathetic. He was intent on a show of legitimacy about his election to Party Leader, so he even lent his supporters votes to total butt cases like Rory, then pulled them. It was masterful, it was brilliant. It should be a case study in its own right.
The carol advert was aimed at women. The JCB at blokes. Let's get Brexit done was the rallying cry. At the time even I was gobsmacked - beautiful.
He doesn't give a toss about the people he hoofed when he named his cabinet; they were chosen for one purpose, to get to an election. And most have delivered.
His mastery is to make others feel at ease, to rally to his defence and his facial expression on the carol ad. as well as his tossed hair was intended to give the hang dog look.
My experience is the ambitious ones in the place where i worked did everything they could to gain advancement. They wanted the power over others as well as the status and perks. But only those who delivered survived. Stacks behind them who could. Tories are the same, Party Leaders are expendable.
If I were Merkel or Macron, I'd tread very carefully. Boris is not the buffoon, he's shrewd, calculating and dangerous to those he views as a threat. Nigel knows that... now.
Smoking Scot - our paths crossed once or twice when he was Mayor of London. Don't be fooled by his 'hands-off' 'laid back' 'relaxed' and 'delegatory' style - it allowed him to ditch / move / abandon his underlings who fucked up without any pitch staining his own hands. I had one of them crying on me at City Hall once ...
Wholly approve BTW - my interests have never not coincided with what he's pursuing.
Dee Dee at 08.45
To add my pennyworth
1. House of frauds - yes, dissolve it. 100 elected senators can do the proper overseeing role
2. Speaker. A 400 year old anachronism. Get rid. Senior Senator to handle HoC business management
3 Lawfare. Agree but don't know enough to make realistic suggestions as to how it can be done. Sensible ideas welcome
4. The Electoral Commission root and branch reform
5. Postal voting. Bulk collection and submission to be banned would be a good start
6. Constituency boundaries top of the list. so obviously achievable and desirable. Reasonably equal weighting of each vote's value is a prerequisite of proper democracy (as I believe Raedwald has pointed out in earlier posts)
plus two
7. Voting not compulsory but any enfranchised voter who does not use the vote for two successive elections (local, national, whatever) is disenfranchised for the following two/three/four -debate it - elections PROVIDED that a) None of the above is an option on every ballot and b) a decent legal postal vote is available.
8. Scotland - get rid (democratically of course) Offer citizen ship to HK Chinese divert the cash previously going north of the border to helping the new arrivals. From many years peronal business experience their contribution to England will far exceed any losses from an as amicable a divorce from an SNP dominated Scotland as can be achieved. Numbers leaving and arriving will approx balance at about 5/6 million
JPM 10:58 "You keep saying that Johnson "must" do this or that.
Says you and whose army?" is an opinion, or a belief or a hope! Do you think anyone here believes they can twist his arm or ring him up one night to chnage his mind? FFS
Dave_G 10:58 "The move from left-to-right is getting larger at each swing of the pendulum"
WTF? Do you mean far left to not so left? Boris is as lefty as they come as JPM seems to have twigged and thinks we don't know. BoJo has us on the highest tax of any Conservative PM since the war...and is taking us higher. I still believe he will (try to) fudge Brexit.
FFS. Judging by this post and the comments, a martian would think Corbyn won, just as in 2017. The result, postal fraud and all, is a resounding victory for all thoe who voted in 2016 to quit the German dominated, autocratic nightmare that is the EU.
BRINO will lose the Conservatives the next election. A proper return to a self rule, democratic Nation will last my lifetime. For all the gross, awful, superior, smug, bad losers of the Cheesy ilk, suck it up you sore losers. This was another full blown referendum. Again Leave won hands down.
Er, Labour "race and faith" manifesto?
Makes the protocols of the elders of zion seem like frigging hagiography by comparison.
Might this have had something to do with the loss of their "northern heartlands"? You know, where most people are white, and (hate filled racists that they) might actually have some pride in their country, its history and its extraordinary achievements?
Bet we won't hear another word about this going forward from the remainstream media.
It contained this gem:
"We will review the recommendations by Sir Lenny Henry (WTF! Sorry, I didn't have the stomach to look, vomiting bile is not good for you) to the House of Lords Communications Committee within
the first 100 days in government and
set targets for swift implementation
where appropriate".
This is not a political party, its a cult!
JPM @ 08:17 :
"Alexander is safe for five years, by which time the demographic for both his core vote and that for leaving the European Union will be about three-and-a-half million fewer, and he will need the votes of their replacements."
DiscoveredJoys @ 08:46 is absolutely correct that the Conservative vote is constantly replenished as voters get older and wiser.
As Niall Ferguson said in his 2012 BBC Reith Lecture :
“If the youth had any sense they would be voting for the Tea Party”.
The fact that many don’t shows the power of the brainwashing by our biased educational establishment and which takes time, wider knowledge and experiences to overcome.
The biggest winner last Thursday was democracy. The whole world was watching to see if the UK was still a democratic country where the result of a referendum would be upheld and implemented.
Labour are on a path to destruction if they continue to despise and ignore the very people they are supposed to represent by telling them they are stupid bigots who voted the wrong way.
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