There is a faint survival of civilisation on BBC Radio 4 - but only a trace, and I suspect that before long it will be gone for ever. Bells on Sunday has been a quirky snippet early on Sunday morning for as far as I can remember. It is a short two-minute snippet of English church bells. This morning was Merton College's eight bells, cast in 1680 we are told, the tenor bell tuned to E♭
What follows is pure BBC Woke broadcasting - 'Four Thought' - a trite and banal waste of airspace in which various snowflakes, illiberals, intolerants, narcissists, self-obsessives, entitlists and asocial egoists are indulged. This morning we had a self-described "Poet/ theatre maker/ dramaturg/ producer", of whom not one of you will have heard, describing how she attempted to bully some people off their train seats after she had failed to reserve a seat of her own. She describes herself as a 'Sensitive' and claims she comes from a long line of similarly characterised women, including seventeenth century witches. We are all now supposed to defer to the needs of 'sensitives' it seems.
Broadcasting, artistic or creative merit? The programme has none. It is neither a philosophical catalyst, moral vanitas or religious nudge. It is pure self-indulgent woke claptrap. And that's the politics of Woke - it is entirely inward focused. We must all be sensitive to their individual needs whilst allowing them to be utterly insensitive to the nation, the society, the community in which they live.
It will not be long before there will be no more Bells on Sunday - they will have been silenced,the bell-ropes removed, the clappers stilled, in order to appease all those offended by their joyous sound, the 'sensitives'. Listen while you can.
......the beginning of the end
I've virtually given up on BBC TV and radio. Can't stand the continual "preaching" of the illiberal, anti-democratic agenda. I occasionally resort to radio 4 in the car when I can't get LBC or a station which isn't pumping out crap music.
I'm already sick to death of hearing about "woke" and the "woken." It's just the latest way of self-publicists virtue-signalling their superiority to those they consider "deplorables.
This is likely another lamentable outcome of Postmodernism in my opinion.
Or, as Noam Chomsky would call it - I paraphrase perhaps - "bollocks".
However, it's probably more specifically yet another manifestation of the elevation of non-fact to respectability. In this case, the untruth is what is normal, and reasonable, and what is not. But if you're going to wallow in non-fact of your own, then it's maybe not so easy to criticise others, might I add?
Victim to the myriad channels of TV and radio. There is only so much talent, perhaps enough for five 24hr channels in total (not just UK, I mean this is enough for ALL English speaking nations). The BBC shouldn't have more than 2 TV channels and a maximum of 3 radio stations (national network/local radio combined in one of them). The fact that the BBC alone has more than a nation needs in total means the talent is spread so thin that any old shite is broadcast and any moronic nonentity becomes a sleb.
Heard some lovely church bells this morning in a charming and quiet hamstone village.
If you really want to hear it, it's here:
How can such a sensitive soul have such a brass neck!
A milestone in BBC's decline was the silencing of of the Radio Theme, drawing together songs and tunes from all parts of the UK. The woeful Sailing By which replaced it sounds like prozac set to bland msic
Here's the Radi 4 theme that used to start the day:
Wonderfully satirised here:
Like many others here, my television watching has shrunk to less than four hours a week. The BBC getting almost zero of that tiny amount.
I was genuinely surprised when I finally returned the tv remote, to see so many channels a available. some that I would watch.
If TV hadn’t become something I had lost interest in.
One of the last shows I did watch, was a BBC interview on the A303 by-pass at Stonehenge.
Typically, instead of having an engineer or a traffic manager. A surveyor or even a regular holiday maker who uses that dreadful bit of single lane car-park speed track to get to Cornwall each year, the BBC, had a witch.
And she was introduced as “ mrs Trellis...Witch.”
And not a single word was spent asking this woman about any qualifications, or training she might have had for her made up profession.
She was treated exactly as if she was a doctor or a teacher. Never challenged on anything she said, by any one.
So a green conservationist, a local resident and a witch. Discussed the issue of the day.
“ TV off!”
It was so absurd. Anyone can be anything. I could go on as a DragonSlayer. Explain how I needed EU funding to keep the ancient art alive. How Brexit was going to cause a cliff edge in the Dragon rehabilitation program.
Or the oncoming Dragon Emergency would consume us all. Extra Dragon slaying funding required or we will all die by 2021.Last of my line, etc etc.
It would have been more credible. Though as a man I would probably have to face at least one question. Because otherwise that would be bias against women.
“ but surely, there are no dragons?”
@ Bill Quango
But if you were a Trans Dragon, with a wooden leg, from Africa, you would be in with a chance of an interview. Just don't flame the opposition.
If only a majority of the public WERE 'woke' (to the MSM lies and deceit) then maybe something would be done?
"One of the last shows I did watch, was a BBC interview on the A303 by-pass at Stonehenge.
Typically, instead of having an engineer or a traffic manager. A surveyor or even a regular holiday maker who uses that dreadful bit of single lane car-park speed track to get to Cornwall each year, the BBC, had a witch.
And she was introduced as “ mrs Trellis...Witch.”"
While one suspects it was entirely genuine deference on the part of the BBC, and indeed the lady in question was also deluded enough to think she really is a witch, a little part of me hopes that some of the British capacity for 'taking the p&ss' has survived and said witch was a very tongue in cheek p&ss take. Especially given the name, as the icon R4 program 'I'm sorry I haven't a Clue' uses a 'Mrs Trellis from North Wales' as a regular character............
Church bells used to call the faithful to prayer, they were the sound of England and rang out in glorious celebration on May 5 45 and August 8 45 did we win, we ask now? Appeal now, for in England they toll for us.
So many bells have been silenced this is nowt to do with individuals rights, this is all done to appease our growing minoritee barbars.
Anon., all the claims of noise nuisance against church bells, of which I'm aware, have been brought by homeowners, often of new-builds, occupied by townspeople who have moved to the country.
That said, the appalling racket from loudspeakers in minarets should be stopped forthwith. There is no basis for a claim to a prescriptive right to do this, as there is with long-established churches. There is no essential comparison between the two cases therefore.
As usual,though mostr unsurprisingly, rising to the bait like a pesky pescoid, the blog house eejit choses to miss the point by a fekking country mile. Is it ignorant stupidity or just stubborn and almost insane refusal to see the bloody wood from the trees?
I do contend that, it's the latter.
Anon., your wood-and-trees issue would be, I surmise, off-topic, however hotly you - or any of us - might hold our views.
Can you please state any instance where church bells have been silenced, so as not to offend someone of Another Religion as you seem to claim?
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