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Saturday 14 January 2017

Vaclav Klaus pierces EU pomposity again

The EU's pomposity and Folie de Grandeur needs pricking from time to time if only to suppress the Federation's insufferable senior unelected official, the egregious Herr Juncker. The former Czech President Vaclav Klaus does the job superbly;
I am a very known critic of the European integration process, everyone knows it, so it will be no surprise to hear from me that I am not so happy with what has been going on, and I was very much in favour - it was still in the dark communist days - I was really in favour of the European integration process, but this process has been switched, transformed by the Maastricht treaty, 25 years ago, and especially now by the Lisbon Treaty, later, to something totally different, and I call this a move from integration to unification. This was the beginning of the negative, wrong development, as I see it.
Klaus has previously provoked a walk-out of snowflake MEPs during a speech in which he said
There is also a great distance (not only in a geographical sense) between citizens and Union representatives, which is much greater than is the case inside the member countries. This distance is often described as the democratic deficit, the loss of democratic accountability, the decision-making of the unelected – but selected – ones, as bureaucratisation of decision-making etc. The proposals to change the current state of affairs – included in the rejected European Constitution or in the not much different Lisbon Treaty – would make this defect even worse. Since there is no European demos – and no European nation – this defect cannot be solved by strengthening the role of the European Parliament, either
It is difficult for the Establishment to brand a Czech anti-totalitarian warrior, who as a child resisted the Nazis and as an adult helped topple Communism, as a right-wing nutter or a fascist; as President of a NATO country he was also privy to highest level defence secrets, so hard to brand him as uninformed. Klaus is that rarest of creatures in Europe these days - a Statesman. 

I commend the RT interview - and I'll be clearing snow this morning with a smile.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Eyeties, Nips and Krauts

What's the betting that the 'Eastenders' scriptwriter who allowed the archaic term 'eyetie' to sneak into the programme's script is a bloke in his 50s? I'll bet he never imagined he would draw the wrath of the racial righteous upon his head, with the term being damned as a 'racial slur'. Well, yes and no. 

As old soldiers will know, in order to get large numbers of men ready to kill large numbers of other men without second thought, reflection, introspection or moral equivocation, it is necessary to pre-dehumanise the enemy. This is the kindest and most efficient way of doing things in the long term - you are not killing brothers but vermin. So wartime propaganda and military training invents derogatory terms and images for the enemy. 

Quite why these terms were still used in boys' comics up until the 1970s I'm not sure. But they were. Even though the poor eyeties by then were characterised as unwilling warriors, conscripted waiters ready to fall on their knees, wring their hands in surrender and cry 'Mamma Mia!' at the first sight of khaki. The Japanese became bandy-legged dwarves with buck teeth and milkbottle eyeglasses. Only the Germans remained lantern-jawed giants who could absorb vast amounts of lead in battle. 

As a boy who grew up with these comics, you can no more remove these crude stereotypes from my brain than you can all the Saturday morning cinema 'B' reels of bare breasted African girls grinning like watermelons as they danced in formation with lots of stamping to give the cameraman maximum jiggle. Surely their donning Western clothes is cultural appropriation? Perhaps not.  

We can pretty much learn not to use now the easy terms of our youth - including a Spanish mate who was quite happy to be nicknamed Spic from primary school - but the youngsters need to know we never, ever used them as 'racial slurs'. We just knew with absolute certainty from an early age that British people are superior to anyone else on the planet, and that we could use nicknames for other, lesser breeds with the gentle affection of an indulgent master.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Five more things they want to ban in 2017

Take this post with a pinch of salt - I don't actually believe there is a conspiracy for all this, but it just feels as though there is! Where we still have a chance, and if you agree, we can still try to stop them ..

The nets are closing in and the bansturbators, the disturbing alliance between the global corporates, the UN, EU and political establishments, have their sights set on five more things to ban during the year.

1. FM radio - Efforts to restrict and regulate transmissions have failed, so attention has turned to eliminating receivers. Because the transmission technology is so cheap, efficient, local and available, all official efforts to eliminate non-State sanctioned broadcasts to date have failed. Instead, attention now turns to ridding people of the means of receiving broadcasts. By switching off official FM radio broadcasts, FM receivers in car, home and personal device radios will drop out of the market and legacy devices will decline rapidly due to obsolescence and natural attrition. Future dissidents may broadcast on FM, but no-one will hear them.

2. Wood / Coal fires - There is no better way to bring a truculent and rebellious population to heel than cutting off winter heating. With electric heating, district heating schemes and natural gas networks, authorities can turn people's warmth on and off at will. However, a population equipped with coal and biomass burning stoves will not be so easily cowed; the Greek authorities were astonished last Winter as the people refused to capitulate, in a nation well equipped with stoves in which every variety of scavenged wood fuel, old furniture, pallets and combustible materials were  burned in defiance of the government. So stoves have to go. The UN has already taken measures, well supported by the BMJ (and wasn't Stalin right about bloody doctors ...) on the grounds of PM2.5 emissions. London's wood burning stoves, so popular in Highgate and Islington, apparently kill thousands of Londoners prematurely and are worse than TfL's entire bus fleet. So the BMJ says. Expect a ban on woodburning stoves in the UK this year.

One of my wood stoves .... from my cold, dead hands etc.
3. Shotguns - In implementing the latest 2016 EU Directive on firearms (and I'll bet this will be incorporated into UK legislation pronto and well before Brexit) all shotgun licence holders may have to undergo psychological testing by a State psychiatric examiner in order to retain their licence. The current arrangements, under which they must allow any person to hold a shotgun unless they have good reasons to refuse one, will be scrapped and the onus will be on the holder to prove (a) that they need one and (b) they are no mentalist risk to the State.

4. Power supply / Internet access - Already dealt with in a previous post. The State simply loves technology such as the new Smart Meters that can remotely cut power and Internet access to individual dissidents. Pretty soon disconnect-on-demand will be standard at the moment of a State police raid on a dissidents home, for example, to confuse and disorientate as the doors crash down. Homes of authors of personal blogs not licenced with the Mosley Regulator and people who don't use their real names on Facebook may also be disconnected on grounds of State Security ..

5. Democracy - This will be the subject of many future posts, but attempts to change systems to prevent events such as the Brexit poll are already under way. Already Labour, backed by the RSA, are pushing 'people's juries' in place of voting; a random selection of electors are comprehensively brainwashed briefed by establishment apparatchiks experts before making democratic decisions on behalf of everyone else. The anti-democrats are crowing already; how can this NOT be better than stupid uninformed people casting universal and secret ballots in defiance of the State's advice?

Monday 9 January 2017

Anti Liberals pollute everything they touch

American sociologist Robert Nisbet valued what he termed intermediate institutions - groupings, communities, loyalties, memberships - because they allow us to face the centralising power of the State together rather than alone. The idea is a direct inheritance of Burke's Little Platoons, and in the 21st century intermediate institutions are much more diverse than the local church, the yacht club, the bell-ringers association or whatever. Vicarious membership of institutions, those clubs of which we are not members but whose values we recognise and value, such as holders of the Victoria Cross, also serve to unite us in valuing the qualities that they embody, such as self-sacrifice, courage and valour. They also serve as rival allegiances to the central State. 

All rival allegiances and rival values are hateful to the Neo Anti-Liberals, of course. In Terry Gilliam's 'Munchausen', the Right Ordinary Horatio Jackson is an AntiLib ruler par excellence;

JACKSON: Ah, the officer who risked his life by single-handedly destroying...Six enemy cannon and rescuing...Ten of our men held captive by The Turk.
HERO: Yes, Sir
JACKSON: The officer about whom we've heard so much. 
HERO: I suppose so, Sir
JACKSON: Always taking risks far beyond the call of duty. 
HERO: I only did my best, Sir 
JACKSON (to GUARD): Execute him.
JACKSON: This sort of behaviour is demoralising for the ordinary soldiers and citizens who are trying to lead normal, simple, unexceptional lives. I think things are difficult enough as it is without these emotional people rocking the boat.

By fouling, beshitting and filthily corrupting the honours system, for example, Cameron has left his greatest legacy - the destruction of an institution. A knighthood for his barber, CBEs for his wife's manicurist and hair stylist, peerages for his private office clerks. Taking the piss wasn't in it - it was the calculated destruction of an alternative institution, and with it the destruction of the value of any noble and virtuous qualities it represented.  

Charities in Britain, too, were once both local and beneficial. First came their AntiLib corruption as Fake Charities - PR and lobby organisations disguised as charities and largely covertly funded by both central and local government and their offshoots to create a false demand for action or legislation. Some of these Fake Charities are funded up to over 90% by tax funding from grants and awards, with only minimal income from voluntary donations.  

Then came the corruption of real charities - they were soft targets for their hijacking by AntiLib regimes that soon turned them into political lobby bodies stuffed with fat-salaried executives, with monstrous costs skimmed from donations made by a credulous but well-meaning public. AntiLib corporations even set up their own - the BBC's Children in Need, for example:

 "Trust in charities fell last year to the lowest level since records began in 2005, a Populus survey of 1,000 people conducted for the Charity Commission found, after a series of scandals including stratospheric executive salaries, the collapse of Kids Company, and the suicide of Olive Cooke, who died after receiving 3,000 mailings from charities, prompting questions about data-sharing and fundraising techniques. The commission’s director called the findings a “call to action” for the sector." The Guardian reports this morning, in a rare truthful insight.

They don't need a new smartphone app. They don't need a new Director of Twitter Engagement at £64k. They don't need a TV ad campaign to virtue-signal their love of migrants. What charities need most of all is to be free from the pollution, corruption and befouling of the nauseous AntiLibs.