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Sunday 28 April 2019

Ships with Dicks


Mark In Mayenne said...

Good grief. I remember my book of the little tug boat and the man with the polka dot tie. ....

Stephen J said...

No going back.

Anonymous said...

But as ships are automatically she, this must be FTM - i.e. the construction of a longer funnel, not having it turned inside out!

DiscoveredJoys said...

Most of our Navy's ships are named after places or virtues... but what HMS Queen Elizabeth (our largest ship and only air-craft carrier) becomes is anybodies guess.

Charles said...

Potentially an aircraft carrier. It needs some aircraft.

RAC said...

And please no lewdness about going down on the Titanic.

Span Ows said...

tsk tsk

Stephen J said...


Oddly if I perform an internet search on my real name, which is not that common, I find that someone with my name really did go down on the Titanic.

RAC said...

@ right-writes
That prompted me to do a cont.f search of the victims list and my surname came up too,no surprise as it's a pretty common name. However a cursory glance at the persons details showed he came from the same county as myself and further reading showed he was born in the same village that my grandad came from. Some further investigation may be called for. Though as he signed on as a greaser I doubt if he was one of the Rothschild set.